Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Learning to love your spouse on your knees (in prayer) empowers you to love your spouse on your feet, even during the heat of conflict. The divorce rate is just as high among professing Christians as it is among non-Christians. This is no mystery when Christians are attempting to build their marriage the same way non-Christians attempt to build their marriage – without prayer on their knees. Psalms 127:1 says, “Except the Lord builds the house (marriage)… they labor in vain who build it.” Can man actually expect success within marriage without seeking the creator of marriage on their knees?

All too often in marriage, couples only deal with anger, or poor communication from the surface, but without getting to the root of the problem, the problem is sure to reappear. Not only will it reappear, but unseen issues continue to grow behind the walls of the marriage. 

Often couples with issues in their marriage seek counselling from marriage therapists. They educate the couple in how to use the most advanced ways to solve their problems, but unless the couple is counselled to get on their knees to discover the root cause of the problem, their issues are sure to return. It only makes sense to address the root issues of problems rather than simply addressing what the root issues create. Only addressing the issues leads to much greater issues later down the road. It’s on your knees in prayer that the root cause of issues can be discovered and overcome.

It is shocking to learn of so many couples who over the years sought to address issues within their marriage off their knees using only human effort and mere wisdom of men. They sought advice from men who did not counsel them to get on their knees and there, on their knees, build their marriage.

Equally shocking is to learn how many moms and dads seek to raise their children off their knees as if they do not need God’s help. Parenting on your knees is greater than any effort off your knees. Attempting to live life off your knees will indeed bring you more trouble and pain than you will ever realize.

We are a generation that has become comfortable living life without serious prayer. I have learned that when I love my wife on my knees, I can love my wife so much better on my feet. Staying off your knees will surely cost you more than you will ever know. It is often said, “families that prays together stay together”.

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