Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I Samuel 1:11 – “And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your handmaid, and REMEMBER ME, and not forget Your handmaid, but will give unto Your handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head".
Hannah was one of the greatest women of Faith and Intercession in the Bible.  Her life is an inspiration to all Believers as it regards not giving up.  Hannah was the wife of Elkanah, who was a Levite of the order of the Kohathites, who were responsible for the vessels of the Sanctuary (Num. 3:27-31).    

Though a Levite, Elkanah was not untouched by the sin and corruption of his day, as the Bible says that he had two wives, the other being Peninnah. Polygamy was a failure in Israel that seemed to be tolerated by God during the Old Covenant, but it was never God’s Perfect Will.

Verse 2 of Chapter 1, says, “. . . Hannah had no children,” and Verse 6, says, “. . . the LORD shut up her womb.”  In Israel of that day, for a married woman to not be able to bear children was a disgrace with some even believing that the woman was cursed by God.  That’s why the Bible tells us in I Samuel 16:7, “. . . for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”  Simply put, we should not jump to conclusions based only on what we think we see or know.

WHY DID THE LORD SHUT UP HER WOMB? The Lord is Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipotent (all-powerful), and Omnipresent (everywhere).  This tells us that the Lord is in charge and in control of everything.  So, in effect, everything that happens to a Believer is either caused by the Lord or allowed by the Lord.  The Lord doesn’t cause one to sin, but if one desires to do wrong, God will let them.  They will suffer the consequences, but God created man with a free will.    

A great work was about to be done in Israel with Samuel becoming the first man to stand in the Office of Prophet, and later David being anointed to be king.  So, at times, the Lord allows severe things to happen to the individual, in this case, Hannah, to test one’s Faith.  Great Faith must be tested greatly. The Lord allows tests to teach us total dependence upon the Lord. No effort of the flesh must ever succeed, that which God wants done must be done by Him and Him Alone. God tests us in order for us to do right.  So that which the Lord did as it regards Hannah’s womb was a test, a test she passed.

The Bible says, “Peninnah had children.”  Not only did she have children, but the Bible also says that Peninnah continually provoked Hannah and mocked her barrenness.  Verse 6 says of Peninnah, “And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret. . . .”  She was used by Satan to attack this godly woman.  In effect, she became a type of Satan who is our adversary, who constantly accuses and slanders us.  Satan’s name in Hebrew means “adversary.”  The common name for Satan in the New Testament is “diabolos,” which means “Devil,” meaning “one who slanders or accuses.”    

One has to wonder if Peninnah had any idea that her shameful actions toward Hannah would be recorded by the Lord and placed in His Word with untold numbers of people reading about her hatefulness towards Hannah.    

As well, to hate and mistreat a Child of God is to sin against the Lord Himself.  To oppose God’s Man or Woman is to oppose God.    
Peninnah didn’t know or understand that the Lord was doing a work in her life; as well, we must be careful how we treat God’s Servants that are going through a trial.
Verses 9 through 19 tell us of Hannah’s intercession before the Lord.  In spite of her barrenness, in spite of Peninnah her adversary, in spite of the long years, Hannah didn’t stop believing and didn’t stop praying.  Her cry to the Lord was “remember me” and that’s a plea the Lord will not turn a deaf ear to.  The dying thief on the Cross cried, “Jesus, remember me,” and the Lord did.  In Judges 16:28, Samson cried, “O Lord, GOD, remember me.”  Nehemiah cried in Chapter 13, Verse 14, “Remember me, O my God,” and in Verse 31, he cried, “Remember me, O my God, for good.”  David, in Psalms 25:7, would cry, “According to Your tender Mercy remember You me for Your goodness’ sake.”  Jeremiah in Jeremiah 15:15 said, “O LORD, You know:  remember me and visit me.”
Some of you reading this, Spiritually speaking, your womb is closed, you’re barren, the adversary is accusing you and mocking you; but I’m telling you, don’t stop, keep crying unto the Lord, “Remember me!”  The Lord hasn’t forgotten about you, He is preparing you for Miracles.
I Samuel, Chapter 1, Verse 19 says, “And the LORD remembered her.”  Now notice her prayer for a son, but when the Lord answered her, He not only gave her a son but He gave her the first man to stand in the Office of the Prophet.  Elizabeth was barren, but the Lord remembered her and gave her the greatest Prophet to ever live.
“Remember me,” what a plea, and what a Miracle of God.

Monday, July 28, 2014


You are next in-line to carry your own baby.

God has created women physically for the task of childbearing. He has given you a womb to conceive and nurture life, and breasts to nourish that life. One of the Greek words for woman is ‘thelus’ derived from ‘thele’ meaning ‘the nipple of a woman’s breast, to nourish, to give suck.’ It is translated "woman" in Romans 1:26 and "female" in Matthew 19:4 and Mark 10:6.

The word ‘woman’ is a combination of ‘womb’ and ‘man’. You are ‘womb men.’ The womb is your most distinguishing characteristic as a woman. It is a gift from our Creator. It is His plan and destiny for you. When you decide to cut off the function of your womb, you despise God’s ultimate gift to you as women, and you thwart God’s highest calling for your lives. 

In Genesis 3:20 "Adam called his wife’s name Eve: because she was the MOTHER OF ALL LIVING." When Adam said these words, Eve was not yet a mother. She had never experienced motherhood. She had never seen a newborn baby. She had never nursed a child at her breast. Why therefore, does Adam call her a mother? Adam spoke under the anointing of God and gave a prophetic word to his wife, and to all women to come. Eve was the prototype of all women who would be born. When Adam spoke these words, he proclaimed Eve’s highest destiny of motherhood and also that of all women to follow.

Why are you barren? Whatever might be the source of your barrenness, I am not interested in knowing it. All that is needed now is your faith. Join me in prayer and fasting next coming Thursday and I will pray for you. Inbox me now and let's believe God for the supernatural.

Gen 29:31 - "Now the Lord saw that Leah WAS UNLOVED, and He OPENED HER WOMB, but Rachel was barren". 

Throughout the Scripture, the primary female voices are anguished cries about their inability to conceive. God's woman can turn barrenness into a blessing not by suppressing her desires but by letting it bring her to her knees and to a rare level of commitment. Despite her husband's unloving attitude towards her, Leah would settle for nothing less than God's best. And God, in His grace, OPENED HER WOMB. 

Gen 30:1 - Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she became jealous of her sister; and she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die".
Gen 30:22-24 - Then GOD REMEMBER RACHEL, and God gave heed to her and OPENED HER WOMB. 23 So she CONCEIVED and bore a son and said, "God has taken away my reproach." 24 She named him Joseph, saying, "May the Lord give me another son." 

I am not interested in knowing about your past mistakes or who is at fault and the reasons behind your barrenness. What has happened has happened and its in the past. God is in the business of opening BARREN WOMBS. If you can only cry out to God, "give me a child, or else I die". God will remember you. I am here to stand by you in prayers. 

By the grace of God upon my life and ministry as a Prophet, I decree and declare that you will be REMEMBER and your womb will be OPEN. Join me in prayers every Thursday. If you need divine intervention, text me at +254-703825994. Those of you who have text me, I will respond to you later.


 If your husband wants a divorce and ask you to pick any precious thing from his house and go away with it, what will you take?

In Sidon it happened that a man took a wife with whom he lived for ten years and she bore him no children. When they came to COURT to be divorced, the man said to his wife: “Take any PRECIOUS OBJECT I have in my house—take it and go back to your father’s house.” Thereupon, the Chief Judge said: “Even as you were wed with food and drink [being served], so you are not to separate save with food and drink [being served].” What did the wife do? She prepared a great feast, gave her husband too much to drink [so that he fell asleep], then beckoned to her menservants and maidservants saying, “Take him to my father’s house.” At midnight he woke up from his sleep and asked, “Where am I?” She replied, “Did you not say, ‘Whatever precious object I have in my house—take it and go back to your father’s house?’ I have no object more precious than you.” When the Chief Judge heard what the wife had done, he prayed on the couple’s behalf, and they were remembered with children.


“Now it shall come to pass in that day that Tyre will be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king. At the end of seventy years it will happen to Tyre as in the song of the harlot: "Take a harp, go about the city, You forgotten harlot; Make sweet melody, sing many songs, That you may be remembered”. Isa 23:15-16

In the above prophecy, Isaiah declared that Tyre will be forgotten seventy years and at the end, Tyre will be like the song of the harlot. Tyre in prophecy is the type and shadow of Satan. The prophetic revelation is that Satan does not give you free gift. Whatever he gives you is just for a moment and after a short while, it shall be taken away and you will be forgotten.

What is the song of a harlot? Like Tyre, she is a forgotten harlot. All her lovers have forsaken her; she now goes about the city pretending to be a young lady while she might be 35 to 50 years old. She goes about singing sweet melody to attract and deceive young, inexperienced men. She lured them into marriage through the wealth she accumulated by harlotry. She needs a young man desperate for money and pleasure, to take her shame and reproaches away. 

Her womb has been destroyed, her sinew and hair are falling away, and all the aged men have forsaken her because they are familiar with her tricks, money manipulation and seductive sweet melody. She has been a dumping ground, used by men and now abandoned because she is now a waste product. Young Men, don’t be carried away with her sweet melody. Her song is a trap to lure into marriage so that she can be remembered. Don’t be carried away by her money because she will control you and even make you her slave. Do not forget that she is still the emblem of the King of Tyre (Satan).


"And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country" (Mark 12:1)

Jesus planted a fruitful vineyard and hedges it, then let it out to husbandmen and went back to his home in heaven. Very soon He will come back, but will he find the husbandmen taking care of His vineyard or they will be unfaithful, lazy and allow “wild grapes” to grow on the vines? Proverb 15:19 says, "The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of thorns, But the way of the upright is a highway".

Who are the husbandmen? Words that describe the husbandman are shepherd, husband, farmer, gardener, etc. In this post, it is referring to “a woman’s spouse: the man to whom a woman is married; those who use and manage something economically and sensibly, e.g. resources, money and family. The vineyard speaks of two things: the church and marriage. God has ordained Pastors to take care of His Church and Husbands to take care of Marriage and remain faithful to their spouses.

Marriage is the vineyard of the Lord, representing the spiritual union between Christ and the Church. Prophet Isaiah says, “Now let me sing to my Well-beloved a song of my Beloved (Jesus) regarding His vineyard (Church/Marriage): My Well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. He dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine (woman). He built a tower in its midst, and also made a winepress in it; So He expected it to bring forth good grapes (sexual pleasure), but it brought forth wild grapes. "And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, Judge, please, between Me and My vineyard. What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it? Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes, Did it bring forth wild grapes?” Isa 5:1-4

Just like how so many pastors are unfaithful to the Lord, so many husbands are unfaithful to their wives. And the Lord says in verses 5, "And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the HEDGES thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down.”

Why will God remove the hedge? Because one of the marriage partner is unfaithful and break the marriage vow. And the only way to stop God from removing the hedge is for the faithful partner to “make up the hedge” (Ez.22:30) through prophetic prayers. Husbands who fears the Lord and remain faithful to one wife, are blessed by God and make their wives becomes a fruitful vine, producing “good grapes”. But when they are unfaithful, the vine will produce “wild grapes”. “Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD”. Ps 128:3-4

Because of his unfaithfulness, he is no longer interested in having sex with his wife. Each time he sleeps with her, her sweet grapes taste sore to him and he will prefer the other strange woman than his married wife because “Stolen water (adultery) is sweet, And bread eaten in secret is pleasant." But he does not know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of hell” Prov 9:17-18. The husband that fear the Lord and remain faithful to his wife will wake up each day and see her budding with freshness and the grapes blossoming. Solomon gave us a good picture of faithful spouses in Song 7:12, “Let us get up early to the vineyards (marriage bed); Let us see if the vine (woman) has budded (ready for sex), Whether the grape (lubrication of her vagina) blossoms are open, And the pomegranates (sexual erotic zones) are in bloom (active or in the mood). There I will give you my love (have sex)”. The grape speaks of her erotic zones. The man is captivated by her because she is blooming, flourishing, budding and in the mood…wow. But once he is unfaithful, the same sweet grapes he got from the wife turns to wild and bitter grapes.

If he is no longer interested in having sex with you, but with the other woman, you can break the unholy sexual cords and bring back the sexual vibes in your marriage through prophetic prayers.


“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel (wife) in sanctification and honor, 5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 that no one should TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AND DEFRAUD his brother (both male and female) in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified”. 1 Thess 4:3-7

God is passing warning to men that we should abstain from sexual immorality, “For this is the will of God…our sanctification”. The word sanctification means “set apart for the service of God”. It means, whatever we do let it be in holiness and to the glory of God. So, when men abstain from fornication, God accounted it to them as their sanctification. And a man cannot have a sanctified relationship with a woman and honour her by not sleeping with her before marriage except he is first of all living in sanctification.

Secondly, God commanded man to possess his vessels (wife) in sanctification and honour, and not in lust like the Gentiles who do not know God. He is not to take advantage of her before marriage and defraud her but to honour her as a sanctified vessel, willing to marry her.

“Defrauding” is raising expectations in another person which you cannot righteously fulfil. In business, defrauding is cheating— leading someone to expect certain benefits which you know are false. When a guy professes to love a girl and talks about their getting married some day in order to entice her to have sex with him that is defrauding. The Bible says that God takes note of this and that He is the “avenger” of all who do this. This means God will punish those who commit this sin. So daughters, beware of such men that will not love you in sanctification and honour.


 An infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by an attraction to someone. The dictionary calls it "being blindly in love." In other words, you are so carried away by this attraction that you don’t know what you are doing.
One involved in a romantic infatuation usually cannot think of anything or anyone else other than the person he or she is "in love" with. An infatuation is an exciting experience—an emotional high—but it never lasts long because it is NOT true love.

One of the signs of an infatuation is that you tend to idolize the person you think you are in love with. Everything he or she says or does seems just perfect to you. You do not see his or her flaws. Other people can see plenty of "danger signals," but you can’t see them because you are "blindly in love." Your romantic feelings have taken over and you are not using ordinary good sense.

When you are involved in a romantic infatuation, you tend to be disorganized. You are not yourself. You are irresponsible and you tend to neglect your duties.

Sometimes young people will daydream and "laze" around, not doing their duties. Someone will ask, "What’s the matter with you, Caroline? You are not yourself." Caroline will smile sweetly and say, "Oh, I’m in love."
No, she isn’t! She is infatuated. If she was in love and her love was the real thing, she would be concerned about doing her duties, preparing and planning for her future.

Most infatuations do not last long. What does last is the bitter fruit of wrongdoing committed during the infatuation. Remember, when you are infatuated, you do not use common sense. Your romantic feelings are in control. When this happens, you can do some things that you will regret the rest of your life.

No one wants to be a fool, least of all a fool in love. But what of being a Fool for Love?

When you become love's fool, you stop living your own life. Your life starts revolving around the other person. When will you see them? Where do they hang out? You find yourself roaming their haunts, hanging around the places you've seen them at the times you've committed to memory. You change your appearance, or try to, wondering if it will get their attention or if they'll like it or if it will make them like you even more.

Basically, infatuation becomes destructive when you do everything for that person. You stop being yourself, you stop pursuing your own interests and doing what is important to you because you are so caught up in trying to impress them or trying to orchestrate magical ways of running into them that will lead to magical conversations that will magically have them falling head over heels in love with you.

If there is anything I know about relationships, it is this: NEVER LIVE FOR ANOTHER PERSON. People do not want to be with a codependent obsessive. People are attracted to independent individuals with their own things going on.

Most of us experience infatuation and mistake it for love, so you’re probably not going to escape dealing with this one. Love is pure, infatuation is evil. Do not mix the two.

It all sounds so wonderful that we may not see the problem when infatuation is mistaken for love. But it's a big problem, and that's why it’s so important to understand the differences between love and infatuation. Here they are:
Love develops gradually over time. Infatuation occurs almost instantaneously.
Love can last a long time. It becomes deeper and more powerful over time. Infatuation is powerful, but short-lived.

Love accepts the whole person, imperfections and all. Infatuation flourishes on perfection – you have an idealized image of your partner and you only show your partner your good side.

Love is more than physical attraction. Infatuation focuses on the physical.

Love is energizing. Infatuation is draining.

Love improves your overall disposition. Infatuation brings out jealousy and obsessiveness. It causes you to neglect other relationships.

Loves survives arguments. Infatuation glosses over arguments.

Love considers the other person. Infatuation is selfish.

Love is being in love with a person. Infatuation is being in love with love.

If you’ve seen enough TV and movies, you may have already figured out one reason why so many people get confused about love and infatuation. When you’re watching romantic shows or movies, most of what you see is infatuation – people meeting and having a strong, immediate physical attraction. Unfortunately, they almost always call it love. It isn’t, and we should never try to base our own relationships on such nonsense. Sorry, but there’s no such thing as “love at first sight.” There’s “infatuation at first sight” – which can be amazingly fun and thrilling – and someday it may even lead to love. But its risky to build your relationship on the wave of infatuation.


The only way to overcome infatuation is through the constraining love of Christ.

In my previous post, a lady commented and asked, "But sir, in relationship, can we do without infatuation and how can we experience God's kind of love in the relationship? And here is my respond... "For the love of Christ constrained us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: and that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again". (2 Cor. 5:14-15)

In these great verses Paul speaks of love as a constraining force. Love, he says, hems us in. There are certain things which true love prevents us from doing. It is not lust or infatuation which constrain us or hem us in. It is love, "The love of Christ," Paul says, "constrained us." His love constrains us to act a certain way, in a godly manner which is reflected in our relationship with the opposit sex. As I said before, "No love can survive without the AGAPE love of God. And to really know love and be able to love without LUST and INFATUATION, we must know Him. Whoever does not love from a pure heart does not know God, because God is love.It will not even come from you. It takes God to love. Know Him, for He is the Author of Love.

What is constrain? Constrain is from the Greek word 'sunecho' meaning "to compel or force (someone) toward a particular course of action; to limit or restrict (something or someone); to use pressure to force (someone) to do something; Compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action".
Paul helped us to understand that when Christ died, we were all dead in Him, which means, we are death to the lifestyle of this world. We are a new creature, with a new lifestyle. In this new life, we are constrain by Christ love so that we will not be infatuated or lust after the mundane things of this world like how the gentile does. Eph 4:17-19 says, "This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer WALK as the rest of the ENTILES WALK, in the FUTILITY OF THEIR MINDS, 18 having their understanding darkened, being ALIENATED from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; 19 who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness". His love constrains us from greediness or selfishness.

Because the love of Christ constrains us, we are able to fear the Lord, progress in personal character, and thereby have this pure love outflow as a fountain that showers on others to change them for the glory of God. 1 Peter 1:22 says, "Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a PURE HEART"

Because His love constrains us, we are no longer leaving unto ourselves.
Because His love constrains us, we will walk in love and possess our partners in sanctification. 1 Thess 4:3-6 declared, "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel (wife or husband) in sanctification and honor, 5 not in passion of lust (infatuation), like the Gentiles who do not know God".
1 Peter 4:1-4 "Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. 3 For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles — when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries".


We all engage in manipulation from time to time. Manipulation can be subtle or manipulation can be very obvious. Regardless, manipulation is damaging to your marriage. What Is Manipulation?

Manipulation is the process of trying to change another person’s feelings, beliefs, or behaviors through indirect tactics. Rather than asking for what they want, manipulative people tend to use deception, coercion, even threats to get their needs met. Gary Chapman said. "At its worst, manipulation is simply an attempt by one spouse to control the other: 'You will do this, or else. ' Perhaps the 'or else' will induce sufficient fear in the spouse that he or she will acquiesce, but the change will be external and temporary. Real change comes from within, not by manipulating circumstances."

How are you aware if you are a manipulative husband or wife? When you use the following weapons to control your spouse: Withhold sex, Shame, Tears, Guilt, Withdrawal, Silent treatment, Pouting, Whining, Temper tantrum, Threats and ultimatums. Lying, Criticism and disapproval. Being vague, Blaming, Being coercive, Showing exaggerated disappointment and Withhold information.

Some reasons you may manipulate are: To punish, to control and dominate, to change your spouse, to get attention, to receive pity, to wear your spouse down, to put your spouse on a guilt trip, to get your own way, to make sure your own needs are met and other personal selfish motives.

When couples engage in manipulating one another, there will be the following consequences - Dissatisfaction, Frustration, Defensiveness, Resentment, Hurt, Lack of trust, Discontent and Sabotage.

How to Stop Manipulation in Your Marriage.
Recognize when you or your spouse manipulate and tell your spouse when you experience being manipulated. Be precise in describing the manipulation and your feelings.

Do not do as if the manipulation is no big deal. If you discover yourself manipulating, stop in mid-sentence. Be more precise in your questions or statements. If manipulation in your marriage continues, find a marriage counselor to help you both change the behavior.

Realize and accept that manipulation is emotional blackmail. It is a kind of emotional and verbal abuse. This unfair behavior has to be acknowledged and eliminated in your marriage.

Manipulation may seem like the easy or natural way to deal with a difficult issue or to have things the way you hope that they will, but in the long run, it isn't. Manipulation is hurtful and damaging to your marriage relationship. Your spouse deserves honest and loving communication.

Women are prone to manipulating men and many are unaware that they are doing it. Most women tend to learn it from their mothers and other female relatives and are often unaware of how demeaning it is to their husbands. With some effort, a woman can learn to recognize manipulative behavior and substitute more healthy behavior patterns.Women often resort to shaming their husbands when they feel they are not getting enough love and attention from them. They do it by attacking their men in public and dropping hints about inadequacies such as financial strength, ability to repair things around the home and his performance in bed.

Withholding love encompasses withholding sex, friendship and communication. In effect, women give their husbands the cold shoulder. They commonly use this form of manipulation when their parents used it to discipline them as children. When their husband does something that displeases them, they resort to manipulation to punish him. Even if he figures out what he has done wrong and apologizes, she will hold him at arm’s length for several days. The result is a husband who walks on eggshells, afraid of offending his wife and suffering the consequences.

Men are moved by emotion and some women use this to their advantage. If they are losing an argument or want to do something their husband is not happy about, they turn on the tears. Others act like martyrs to try and gain pity and force attention from their husbands. These behavior patterns are damaging to a marriage and will ultimately drive their husbands further from them.

Most women manipulate to try and change something in their husbands. Due to upbringing and incorrect models, they imitate what they have seen other women do. The first step in changing this destructive behavior is learning to recognize it. This can be humbling and difficult but a wise woman will work on changing her responses and as her husband sees the changes, their marriage will begin to grow and strengthen.

Emotional manipulation is defined as behavior that is intended to change the attitude or behavior of other people by using devious, deceptive or even abusive means. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where your husband/wife does something to harm you and during the course of the discussion about what happened and you find yourself apologizing to him/her, you’ve been emotionally manipulated.

Manipulation is not to be confused with persuasion. Persuasion gives you the right to choose your own response to a specific situation. In manipulation, there is only one “right” choice: theirs. And there will be hell to pay if you don’t choose it.

You can sense when you are being manipulated, when you notice you are feeling guilty or like you need to do something, even though you don’t want to. In addition, you may feel as if you are walking on eggshells with your partner, feeling that if I don’t do what he or she want, there will be a negative consequence from my partner.

Although we cannot change the way another person acts, we can change the way we respond to their behavior. If you find that are consistently getting into situations in which you are being manipulated, you can minimize its effect by establishing stronger boundaries, which will in turn increase your self-confidence. Healthy boundary setting differs from manipulation because in setting boundaries, we let go of our attachment to the outcome. Boundaries help us to protect ourselves and it is our right that we communicate directly to others when they are acting in ways that are not acceptable to us. Ultimately, if you find that you aren’t able to redefine the way you relate with your partner, you may need to redefine the relationship itself, including but not limited to actually leaving it.


Heb 4:13 “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account”.

Ezek 14:2-3 “And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, these men have set up their IDOLS IN THEIR HEARTS, and put before them that which causes them to STUMBLE INTO INIQUITY. Should I let Myself be inquired of at all by them?

As an experienced counsellor, I had met several people who came for counselling with hidden agendas. He has decided to divorce her because there is another woman waiting, but comes to me to inquire of what to do. He blames and condemned his wife just because he always wants to marry the other strange lady of which they have been committing adultery. 

Another example, a lady who needs the fruit of the womb came for counselling. I asked her if there is any medical report about her condition, she said no. However, the truth was she has committed five abortions and the last one led to the removal of her womb because of the drugs she took which damages it. Instead of her to tell me the truth, she lied and expects God to do a miracle. 

Also, a lady who got pregnant out of wedlock came to me and said. “Prophet Jabari, there is a living object moving in my belly. It’s an attack, please pray for me and cast it out”. In her heart, she said, “Since Jabari is anointed, if he cast it out, the pregnancy will be aborted”. The Bible says, "Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what PLEASES HIM." 1 John 3:21-22

When go for counselling, do you always tell the truth about your relationship and marital problems? Is your heart condemning you as you speak? God stated that all things are naked and opened before Him.

Ezek 14:6-8 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "REPENT, turn away from your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations. 7 For anyone of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who dwell in Israel, who SEPARATES HIMSELF FROM ME and SETS UP HIS IDOLS in his heart and puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity, then COMES TO A PROPHET to INQUIRE of him concerning Me, I the LORD will answer him by Myself. 8 I will set My face AGAINST THAT MAN and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of My people. Then you shall know that I am the LORD”. 

As the elders sat before Ezekiel, God informed him that those men had set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces.
These hypocritical elders came to the true God for answers while having another "evil or iniquity" in their hearts. God asked Ezekiel, should I let them inquire of Me at all? God was not obliged to answer them when they refused to acknowledge His sovereignty. So instead of giving these elders the information they desired, God instructed Ezekiel to provide them with the information they needed - God's attitude toward their idolatry.

To set the idol before “one's face" is also necessary to understood, in a spiritual sense, as relating to a thing which a man will not put out of his mind. ‎Since you have decided on what to do, why coming for counselling? If you have separated yourself from God, set the idol in your heart and not ready to repent and separate from that man, woman or anything that causes you to stumble into iniquity. Why do you come to seek counselling and prayers? 

A good example was a lady who came to me for counselling. She was in a relationship with an unbeliever and wants to know if the relationship is God’s will. When she was talking, I felt empty in my spirit. Then suddenly, God gave the answer. She has been fornicating with the man and presently, cohabiting with him. The man is a womanizer, smoker and has no desire for the things of God. The Lord said in Ezekiel, “I the LORD will answer him by Myself. I will set My face AGAINST THAT MAN (male or female) and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of My people. Then you shall know that I am the LORD”.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered". 1 Peter 3:7

According to the above verse, any husband who does not give HONOUR to his wife by cherishing her, understanding her and loving her as Christ love the Church, his prayers will be HINDER. Once your prayers are hindered, it means you will start struggling in every area of your life and business. 

We are saved by GRACE and live by GRACE. Here, Apostle Peter says, you and your wife are joint-heirs of the GRACE OF LIFE. The word "grace"is define as "the ability of God to take over our weakness and make things easy on our behalf". The woman is said to be a "weaker vessel". It will take the GRACE OF LIFE to cohabit with her. And what will affect the release of the grace is lack of treating the woman with understanding.

For wives, the biblical terms for “unhindered prayer” are to: …be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives… (1 Peter 3:1)

“Submission” can be a scary word because it’s been so often extrapolated to the point of legalistic destructiveness and bondage. The fact is, submission can only be given; it cannot be demanded. The biblical term for submission is always dependent upon a response of will on the part of the individual being called to it. Be clear that the Bible does not say God intended women to be submitted to men. It says that a wife is to be submitted to her husband. Submission is not the reduction of either a wife’s personal fulfillment or realization of her own potential. It has to do with her acceptance and support of the husband’s place in the divine creative order to provide leadership in their lives together.
For a couple to become “heirs together,” it also takes an understanding, sensitive, and responsible husband who does not interpret “submission” to mean he has the privilege of being a tyrant, or to think that he has been made superior. It means he has been given the responsibility to be devoted to his wife’s interests and well being, and to lead them both to the fullest possibilities of their union: "...giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel".

The words “weaker vessel” are speaking about the woman’s physical and emotional vulnerability, but it is not a condescending description. The nature of a woman tends to be more emotionally vulnerable, yet that doesn’t make her less intelligent. Quite the contrary, she may be incredibly more sensitive than the man. 

The prayers of husbands and wives are hindered by either one of them not being sensitive to these biblical characteristics. If the husband is not honoring of his wife, or if he is not sensitive and compassionate toward the pressures and demands on her as one who is physiologically and sometimes emotionally more vulnerable than he is, that insensitivity can block the possibility of their being heirs and receiving the inheritance God has for them. It can also obstruct a couple’s successful resistance to satanic attack on their marriage and their children. The same is true if the wife is insensitive to her husband. It is not up to a wife to judge whether her husband is worthy enough to submit to. When great women whose husbands aren’t that great as leaders truly submit to them, they make their husbands into far greater men.

When we look at the marriage partnership, however, Scripture tells us that husbands and wives are heirs together to a dimension of dominion especially given to them. It goes back to God’s creative order in which He decreed as an inheritance three things: That husband and wife would (1) be fruitful, (2) multiply, and (3) have dominion (Gen. 1:28). This is a broad dimensions of what God has given to married couples as “heirs together of the grace of life.” And the way that inheritance is released is through prayer that is “unhindered”—that nothing is obstructing the married couple’s unity.

How might a husband and wife’s prayers be hindered? By either one not being responsive to the characteristics outlined in Scripture. 

When a marriage is missing grace the entire disposition of the relationship changes. Little things cause big fights. Motives are constantly questioned. Tempers are short and often lost. Assumptions are always made. Conclusions are frequently jumped to. Husbands and wives consistently lead with anger. The past is always brought up and the score is always kept.

A lack of grace will cause a husband to be furious with his wife for any simple mistake. A lack of grace will cause a wife to notice all that her husband does wrong and not see all he does right. It is easy to give grace to others and refuse to give it to your spouse. You can’t show grace to someone you are trying to make pay. If you want to see change and improvement in your marriage, take a few minutes this week to think about how messed up and imperfect you are…and how God loves you anyway. That is grace.

So many couples try to correct their behavior or change their communication patterns, but without grace those changes are temporary and exhausting. Grace is the starting point from which all change is made.

When you connect your heart to the grace of God, it becomes much easier to dispense that grace to the person you love the most.


Today we are witnessing the dissolving of one Christian home after another and stress that tears at the marriages of believers, just as it does those of the world. A blitz has hit the Body of Christ in its marriages and families as at no other time in the history of the Church. And we wonder, Why?

Satan understands the powerful inheritance granted to married believers. Because husbands and wives are the greatest threat to the success of his last days’ enterprise, the Adversary has launched a preemptive strike against Christian marriages. But remember, wherever sin abounds, grace much more abounds (see Rom. 5:20). Countering that specific assault from hell is a unique endowment of the Holy Spirit for husbands and wives.

Whether we are single or married, Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Added to that, the Bible gives evidence that by reason of their unity there is a unique and awesome power in the prayers of a married couple. The call to each of us—single or married—is to learn the place we are given, accept the privilege and responsibility we’ve been called to, and answer to the opportune moment that is ours.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Song 8:7 "Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned".
Some time ago in California, a wealthy, lovesick young man named Keith was very attracted to a young girl named Karine. He proposed marriage but she said, “I don’t love you and I’m too young to get married.”

What did Keith do? He holed up in a $200 a day hotel room nearby and spent a lot of time crying. He also spent roughly $20,000 trying to get Karine to change her mind.

To show his affection for her, he provided a Learjet, placed on standby at the airport, “in case she wanted to ride around.” He sent between 3,000 and 5,000 flowers to her house. A limousine equipped with a bar and television was kept parked outside her door. He sent musicians to serenade her. He sent all kinds of fancy food, candy and perfume. He had people walking around her house carrying signs which said, “Keith loves Karine.”

What did Karine say to all this? She said, “NO”—period! She didn’t love him and she was not attracted to a man who was trying to bribe her and making a fool of himself in the process.

The moral of the story is: Don’t chase someone of the opposite sex. When you do, it wipes out your dignity and self-respect, and it lowers your value in the other person’s sight. How does that person react? He or she usually runs as fast as he or she can—in the other direction.


God has planned for us to live in joy. He equates weddings with joy. He associates motherhood with joy (Psalm 113:9). He relates fatherhood with joy (Psalm 127:5). 

When Psalm 78:63 talks about God's judgment upon Israel it says, "Their young women had no marriage song." We understand as we read this that God equates marriage with singing and celebration. The actual word in the Hebrew is "halal" which means "to celebrate, praise, shine, and to give in marriage." The word is mainly used in the Bible to praise the Lord. I love to be at a wedding where there is exuberant singing and worship to the Lord. I feel sad when I go to a wedding and there is no singing, don't you? That's not a real wedding! 

God loves to see and hear singing, praise, and joy at a wedding, when two people are united together to begin another family. God rejoices. And we should rejoice. When God speaks of the blessing of God on the land He talks about "The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts" (Jeremiah 33:11). 

When there are no wedding songs and no wedding joy, and the marriage song has cease in many home, it means we are experiencing the judgment of God (Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10 and Revelation 18:23).

If you are planning a wedding, plan the wedding songs of joy and celebration which will last for a life time. 

Is your marriage song alive or dead in your home? And, dear friends, let's keep the MARRIAGE SONG alive in our marriage.


The Word of God tells us in 1 Corinthians 11:7 that the "woman is the glory of the man." As the glory of the man, she is also a crown to honor her husband.

Proverbs 12:4 says, "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones." I love the Amplified version which says, "A virtuous and worthy wife – earnest and strong in character – is a crowning joy to her husband."

Isn’t it interesting that God says a virtuous woman is a crown? She is not to be trodden underfoot. She is not to be looked down upon. She is not inferior. She is a crown. A crown is worn upon the head. A crown is something that is dazzlingly beautiful. It is usually made of gold and ornamented with precious gems. It is a token of honor.

Noah Webster’s 1928 dictionary says: ‘To crown’ means to invest with royalty. To bestow something upon as a mark of honor or dignity; to adorn, dignify; also to award first rank.

Point five of ‘to crown’ In Webster’s says, "Anything which imparts beauty, splendor, honor or finish; also the highest state or quality of anything." 

A virtuous woman adds distinction and dignity to her husband. He is proud to wear her. He wants to show her off. He praises (hallel) her before others.

When she honors him as king of her home, he will rise to kingly heights in his manhood. When she submit to him ‘as her head’ she becomes the crown on his head and he becomes free to reach his full potential and is inspired to do things he never thought possible. He will treat his wife like a Queen with dignity and respect.

Have you crowned your husband? The more richly you crown him the more you will be blessed.

What does the crown look like with which you adorn your husband? Does it look tarnished and strange because many jewels are missing? Or is it filled with precious gems? What are some of the gems that will make your husband proud to wear you as his crown?

Is your crown decorated with diamonds of devotion, dedication, dignity and diligence that will delight his soul?

Have you set in sapphires that will shine and sparkle with a serving, sacrificial and submissive spirit? Are you sweet to him? Are you a strength and support to his vision and goals in life? Are you sensitive to his needs? Are you steadfast in your loyalty and commitment to your marriage?

Have you positioned pearls in your crown – pearls of patience, peace, perseverance and prayer for your husband?

Oh don’t forget the rubies, the rarest of all gems. Is your crown radiating with rubies of reverence and respect for your husband?

Is your crown ornamented with opals of openness, obedience, overflowing love and the oil of joy?

Don’t forget the emeralds that emanate esteem, earnest commitment, encouragement and endurance.

Adorn your crown with amethysts of admiration, affection, affirmation, approval, appreciation and attentiveness.

Just a minute! You can’t forget the crowning jewel of all – contentment! This jewel adds luster to your crown. This jewel releases your husband from bondage and pressure. Sadly, it is often a missing jewel. It’s easy to be content when you have everything you want. But can you learn to be content when you don’t have everything you want? Can you be content with what your husband provides for you? I am always challenged by Psalm 128:3 TLB where it talks about the "contented" wife in the home.

"If I do all this, he’ll walk all over me," you say. "He’ll become proud and he’s already got a big enough head!" It doesn’t work that way, dear one. When you forget about yourself and seek to bless and serve your husband, you not only crown him with dignity and honor, but you truly become his crown. You won’t be subservient. You’ll be worn on his head as his most treasured possession.
Why not start adding precious jewels to your crown today?


The first mention of the word HALLELUIA was to the woman before it was later refer to God. This time it is Sarah. Genesis 12:14-15 says, “So it was, when Abram came into Egypt, that the Egyptians saw the woman, that she was very beautiful. The princes of Pharaoh also saw here and COMMENDED her to Pharaoh. And the woman was taken to Pharaoh’s house.” The word for “commended” in the Hebrew is “hallel” which means praise and is nearly always used for praising God! It is where we get the word, Hallelujah! Here it is used to praise a woman, and it is the first mention in the Bible!

As a husband, it’s my mandate to sing her praises, and adore her beauty. But if I will not do that, the PRINCES OF PHARAOH will commend her.

The Bible tells us that Sarah was a “great beauty”, but it is obvious that her beauty was more than physical. She was radiant with inner beauty. It was the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. (1 Peter 3:1-6) This inner beauty and poise kept the courtiers from using Sarah themselves and instead they sing her praises to the Pharaoh himself.

There is another passage which uses hallel to praise a woman. In fact, it uses it three times! I am sure you’ll guess it is in Proverbs 31:28-31, “Her children rise up and called her blessed; her husband also and he PRAISES (hallel) her: “Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be PRAISED. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works PRAISE her in the gates.”

This virtuous woman is faithful to her husband. He can faithfully trust in her. She is committed to the building of her home. She is not jealous of her husband being an elder in the city gates, for she has the responsibility to guard her home gates, which she does judiciously. She is a hard worker. This woman is praised by her husband, praised by her children and praised by the men in the city gates! She is the talk of the town!

You couldn’t get more honour than that! Halleluiah to Salome,my precious wife.


I woke up this morning and worshiping God for the woman He gave me. She has been helping me and I see her as the PHYSICAL HOLY SPIRIT in my life. The way she helps make me to love her more, and the more I love her, the more she help me. I feel COMPLETE and she feels FULFILL. 
When God created the woman for man, he made her for the purpose of being a “help meet” to her husband. The word meet is the Hebrew word neged and means ‘part opposite, counterpart, in front of.’ In other words, she is opposite to man, but fits him perfectly like a glove.

The word "help" is the Hebrew word "ezer" which means ‘helper, to come to the aid of’. The amazing thing is that it is the same Hebrew word that is used when it speaks of God being our help! Here are just a few examples:

“God is our help and shield.” (Psalm 33:20) 

“O God, thou art my help and my deliverer.” (Psalm 70:5)

“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 124:8)

How wonderful to have God for our help. God is always available to help us when we cry out to Him. Are you the same kind of help to your husband? Are you always available to help him? The psalmist proclaims, “Happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help.” If walk in what God has planned for you, you will have a happy husband! What about your husband? Does he confess, “Happy am I because my wife is my companion and help.”?

Even more amazing is that this word is first used regarding a wife, before it is used regarding God! In “the law of the first mention” the word help is given to a wife! This puts much importance on this issue. Women reveal the image of God when you help your husbands. By the way, you don’t help your husband when you seek to do his career. That undermines his manhood. You help him by making life easier to do his work, by caring for him physically and nutritionally, and by making your home a peaceful sanctuary for him.

This is the essence of the relationship with their husbands that women have got to get. Their blessing lies in there.If the man will LOVE his wife as Christ loved the Church, and the wife will HELP the man as the Holy Spirit helps the Church then there wouldn't be any problem in the marriage.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants ALL AROUND YOUR TABLE. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD”. Ps 128:3-4

What kind of dining table do you have in your home? Round or rectangular? Old and shaky? Or, shiny and brand new? It really doesn't matter what it looks like but the important thing is what happens around your table. Your table is the most central piece of furniture in your home.

Did you know that God loves tables? Do you know that the food you set on the table is before the face of God? And do you know where they originated? Did you know that dining table go back even further than the Bible?

Yes, they originate in heaven! They are God's idea. God has a table in His heavenly kingdom. When Jesus spoke to His disciples of His home in heaven, He promised them that one day they would "eat and drink at my table in my kingdom" (Luke 22:30). Check out Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:29, too.

Even Moses was commanded to make a table of showbread and placed it outside the veil in the tabernacle. “And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always”. Ex 25:30. The bread was called the “bread of the Presence” (KJV, "showbread") because it was placed in God's presence (before Me). That table, with its 12 loaves which perhaps represented the 12 tribes of Israel, pictured the fellowship and communion of God with His people. Those loaves were a reminder that the tribes (each family) were constantly in the presence of God and that God saw all that they did (see Lev 24:5-9). The bread was a reminder too that God fed His people ("give us this day our daily bread").

God's picture of a family focuses on them sitting around the table. I like the Living Bible translation of Psalm 128:3, "Your wife shall be contented in your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees." And the next verse says, "Behold, thus shall THE MAN be blessed that feareth the Lord." Men that fear the Lord are always at home to eat together with their family on the same TABLE. But it’s unfortunate that so many husbands are missing at the table during dinner. They are always eating at the restaurant and sometime, with their girl friends. And because the HUSBAND is missing at the dinner table, Job said that such family will suffer distress, restraint and judgement meted for the wicked.

"Indeed He (God) would have brought you out of DIRE DISTRESS, Into a broad place where there is NO RESTRAINT; And what is set on your TABLE would be FULL OF RICHNESS. But you are filled with the JUDGMENT DUE THE WICKED; Judgment and justice take hold of you”. Job 36:16-17

Men that always have dinner with their family around the table will be BLESSED. The Psalmist says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;” Ps 23:5. As a God fearing husband, whenever there is no food on the table, you can cry out to God and say, My Lord, I can see the table, but where is the food?” God has promised to blessed you and fill your table with rich food. Therefore, reactivate the culture of having dinner with your family.

Taking dinner at the TABLE with your family is a picture of the heavenly kingdom. What a blessing to make our homes a taste of heaven on earth now.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Everyone is looking for peace—peace in their soul, their home and their nation. Peace is perhaps the greatest possession we can have. The wonderful thing is that we can own peace regardless of circumstances. We could own a mansion and all the material blessings we crave and yet not have peace. We can own nothing and yet be blessed with peace.

God is peace—the originator of peace. Jesus came to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79). He said, “Come and I will give you rest…”, “My peace I give unto you…” But His peace and rest are not automatic. Although they are His gifts to us, He tells how to have them. Nothing happens by itself. As Henry Drummond says, “The Christian life is not casual but causal. We cannot get away from the eternal law that we reap what we sow. There is no other way.

In Zechariah 8:12 God says, "I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you…” God spoke these words to encourage the people when rebuilding the temple of Jerusalem. God is a seed-planter. He is not only a God of peace, but He sows seeds of peace. We, who were created in the image of God, should also be peace seed-planters. How can we sow seeds of peace in our home and family?

Psalm 119:165 says, “GREAT PEACE have those who LOVE YOUR LAW, and nothing causes them to stumble.”

Isaiah 48:18 says, “Oh, that you had heeded my commandments! Then your PEACE would have been like a river, and your RIGHTEOUSNESS like the waves of the sea.”

The secret to HAVING PEACE in the home is LOVING GOD'S WORD. We sow peace into our home when we love God's Word and impart its truth to our children. When last did you have a family devotion together? When last did you pray and worship God together? No wonder you easily get offended at the slightest act of your partner and stumble. But you said, "Pastor, I go to Church always, read my Bible and pray yet I don't have peace in this marriage". My dear reader, its only when you LOVE the Word of God and PRACTICE it, then you shall have GREAT PEACE flowing like a RIVER and nothing shall cause you to STUMBLE.

The secret to SUSTAINING PEACE in your home is LIVING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. Psalm 85:10 says, “Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” You can’t have peace without righteousness. They are inseparable. But righteousness is more than turning away from evil. It is doing righteous deeds. Righteousness is not stagnant. It is alive. It is revealed in your facial features as you smile at your family and speak positive things; it comes out your fingertips as you work and toil for the blessing of your family or hug and embrace your children; it shows itself as you walk to do good deeds for your family and others. We see this in Isaiah 32:17, “The WORK of righteousness shall be PEACE; and the EFFECT of righteousness QUIETNESS and ASSURANCE FOREVER.” Do you notice that righteousness is a work? And do you notice the cause and effect? The effect is quietness and assurance of peace forever! Peace that flow like river and righteousness that flood like the waves of the sea. Halleluyah!

This following verse says, “And my people shall dwell in a PEACEABLE HABITATIONS, and in SURE DWELLINGS, and in QUIET RESTING PLACES.” If we want peace in our home we must sow seeds of righteousness. It means taking a stand against the spirit of the world entering your home. True peace rests on a foundation of righteousness (Hosea 10:12).

Pray for peace over your family. Confess it over husband/wife and kids. Speak it into their lives. Be a peace-bearer rather than a tension-bearer.

Peace is a noun, but the Bible verbs it. It tells us to extend peace, pursue peace, love peace, make peace, establish peace, preach peace, proclaim peace, seek peace and speak peace. This is how it happens—by sowing the seeds. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9) Peace doesn’t just happen; we have to make it happen. Ask God to help you be a peacemaker today. I know it’s not an easy task. You have to bite your tongue. You have to practice speaking words that are affirming, encouraging, cheerful, comforting, forgiving, healing, helpful, kind, loving, positive, reconciling, respectful, strengthening, supportive, sweet, uplifting, and wholesome. You have to smile instead of scowl. You have to think of ways to reconcile.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


“I have seen thine adulteries, and thy NEIGHINGS, the lewdness of thy whoredom, and thine abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be?” Jer. 13:27
Neigh is from the Hebrew word tsahal, meaning "to cry aloud”: Figuratively used to indicate lustful desire. Neighing is the whinnying sounds a male horse makes when he desires a female and when having sex with her.

God is saying that those men were lusting after women who were not their wives as a stallion neighing over a Mare (female animals). In such manner, some men pursued their promiscuity. They even use drugs to be extra strong so they can have multiple ejaculations like Horse. They also use drugs to enlarge their penises and increase their testosterone. And women who have slept with such sexually perverted men might never be satisfied with ONE HUSBAND, especially with men who have normal sex drives. Marrying those kinds of women is inviting sexual troubles on your marital bed. I have counselled several women who complained that their husband’s penises are too small because they were used to having men with penises as big as that of a Stallion who penetrated them. Their vaginas have been extra enlarged beyond the normal capacity and now affected with the remembrances of all their past lovers.

For example, Ezekiel 23:20 speaks of a whore who lusts after men that have penises as big as donkeys and who ejaculate as much as horses. “whose flesh (penis) is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue (semen) is like the issue of horses”.

Be honest, why are you complaining of your marriage partner's inability to satisfy you on bed? May be the problem can be trace back to your past sexual promiscuity with perverted men or women. Flashback!
Culled from my book manuscript "The Neighbour's Wife".


"If my heart has been seduced by a woman, or if I have lusted for my neighbor's wife, then let my wife belong to another man; let other men sleep with her. For lust is a shameful sin, a crime that should be punished. It is a fire that burns all the way to hell. It would wipe out everything I own”. Job 31:9-12 (NLT)

How many husbands can boldly confess this, “If I have ever cheated on my wife, let another man sleep with her”? Adultery begins with lust in the heart that leads to furtive attempts to satisfy sinful desires. Job had never lurked about to see when his neighbor's wife would be alone. If he was guilty, then he was willing for his own wife to become another man's slave and mistress! Adultery is a heinous crime that brings shameful and painful consequences in this life. He said, “It would wipe out everything I own”. All his investment and wealth will be gone and judgment will follow in the next life. That he had a very great abhorrence of the sin of adultery. As he did not wrong his own marriage bed by keeping a concubine (he did not so much as think upon a maid according to verse 1), so he was careful not to offer any injury to his neighbour's marriage bed. He did not so much as covet his neighbour's wife; for even his heart was not deceived by a woman. 

The beauty of another man's wife did not kindle in him any unchaste desires, nor was he ever moved by the allurements of an adulterous woman, such as is described in Prov 7:6. WHAT AN INTEGRITY WORTH EMULATING!


If your husband wants a divorce because you are barren and ask you to pick any precious thing from his house and go away with it, what will you take?

In Sidon it happened that a man took a wife with whom he lived for ten years and she bore him no children. When they came to COURT to be divorced, the man said to his wife: “Take any PRECIOUS OBJECT I have in my house—take it and go back to your father’s house.” Thereupon, the Chief Judge said: “Even as you were wed with food and drink [being served], so you are not to separate save with food and drink [being served].” What did the wife do? She prepared a great feast, gave her husband too much to drink [so that he fell asleep], then beckoned to her menservants and maidservants saying, “Take him to my father’s house.” At midnight he woke up from his sleep and asked, “Where am I?” She replied, “Did you not say, ‘Whatever precious object I have in my house—take it and go back to your father’s house?’ I have no object more precious than you.” When the Chief Judge heard what the wife had done, he prayed on the couple’s behalf, and they were remembered with children.


Gen 29:31 - "Now the Lord saw that Leah WAS UNLOVED, and He OPENED HER WOMB, but Rachel was barren". 

Throughout the Scripture, the primary female voices are anguished cries about their inability to conceive. God's woman can turn barrenness into a blessing not by suppressing her desires but by letting it bring her to her knees and to a rare level of commitment. Despite her husband's unloving attitude towards her, Leah would settle for nothing less than God's best. And God, in His grace, OPENED HER WOMB. 

Gen 30:1 - Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she became jealous of her sister; and she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die". 

Gen 30:22-24 - Then GOD REMEMBER RACHEL, and God gave heed to her and OPENED HER WOMB. 23 So she CONCEIVED and bore a son and said, "God has taken away my reproach." 24 She named him Joseph, saying, "May the Lord give me another son." 

I am not interested in knowing about your past mistakes or who is at fault and the reasons behind your barrenness. What has happened has happened and its in the past. God is in the business of opening BARREN WOMBS. If you can only cry out to God, "give me a child, or else I die". God will remember you. I am here to stand by you in prayers. 

By the grace of God upon my life and ministry as a Prophet, I decree and declare that you will be REMEMBER and your womb will be OPEN. Join me in prayers every Thursday. If you need divine intervention, text me at +254-703825994. Those of you who have text me, I will respond to you later.


She was ashamed. She was tormented. She was barren. Her husband tried to console her. 'You're already blessed,' he virtually told her. Yes, Hannah was a beloved wife. Hundreds of lonely, rejected women would be content with that, but not Hannah. She could know no peace until she had borne a child. (1 Samuel 1:1-8)

This yearning for a baby arose from within, was fuelled by her society's attitude and further intensified by her rival - her husband's second wife. Ultimately, however, I believe the pressure was from God.

'And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. And she vowed . . . , "O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt . . . give unto thy handmaid a man child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life . . . " ' (1 Samuel 1:10-11)

It seems the Lord had long been waiting for this degree of commitment. Perhaps reaching this point sooner would have shaved years off her wait. Nonetheless, to her vow of consecration she added faith. Before any tangible sign of answered prayer 'her countenance was no more sad.' (1 Samuel 1:18) Years of anguish fostered prayer, devotion, and now, faith. A miracle was hurtling toward this planet. (1 Samuel 1:20)

That's how God moves. Isaac, Israel, Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist were all born to women who had been barren. (Genesis 18:11; 25:21-26; Judges 13:3; 1 Samuel 1:20; Luke 1:7, 13) Barrenness forced these women to exceptional fervour in praying for conception. Little wonder that they conceived exceptional children. They were barren, but barren for a purpose. I will continue with this message tomorrow. I am a product of a praying mother. My mum prayed to God for a child who will be a great prophet to the nations and God answered her prayer. Whatever may be your situation, once your WOMB receive POWER, it will CONCEIVE. All that is needed is FAITH. Hebrews 11:11 says, “By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.

POWER TO CONCEIVE: No more barrenness.
Genesis 25:21 “And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren. And the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived".

How many husbands are crying out to God because they have no child? Instead of praying as a PRIEST in the family to break the chain of barrenness, the man is busy blaming the wife and threatening to get another wife. With Isaac, it was different. He prayed to the Lord for his barren wife and the Lord granted his request. His wife CONCEIVED because the man stood in the gap. The above verse said, he prayed “for his wife” - literally, opposite to his wife, i.e. beside his wife, placing himself opposite her, and conjoining his supplications with her; or, better, in behalf of his wife. Isaac and his wife prayed together and it takes the man who is representing Christ to plead for his wife.

But I can hear the women saying, “Pastor, my husband is not born again, he is blaming me for the barrenness. He is refusing to pray or to go for medical check-up”. Whatever the condition of your family, I am here to stand by you as a PROPHET with a mandate to liberate families from satanic manipulation.
Isaac was the product of prayer through his father and follows his father’s footstep. Abraham, the father of Isaac interceded for his wife Sarah and God released His POWER OF CONCEPTION upon her and she conceived.

Genesis 11:30 “But Sarai was barren; she had no child”.

Genesis 15:2,3 “And Abram said, LORD God, what will you give me, seeing I go childless”.

Hebrews 11:11 “By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.

You have a right to believe God for the POWER TO CONCEIVE because He has promised in His Word. The Word says in Psalms 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalms 84:11 says, “…no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” Also, Psalms 113:9 says, “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children….” Exodus 23:26 in The Amplified Bible states, “None shall lose her young by miscarriage or be barren in your land….”


In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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