Sunday, July 6, 2014


Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants ALL AROUND YOUR TABLE. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD”. Ps 128:3-4

What kind of dining table do you have in your home? Round or rectangular? Old and shaky? Or, shiny and brand new? It really doesn't matter what it looks like but the important thing is what happens around your table. Your table is the most central piece of furniture in your home.

Did you know that God loves tables? Do you know that the food you set on the table is before the face of God? And do you know where they originated? Did you know that dining table go back even further than the Bible?

Yes, they originate in heaven! They are God's idea. God has a table in His heavenly kingdom. When Jesus spoke to His disciples of His home in heaven, He promised them that one day they would "eat and drink at my table in my kingdom" (Luke 22:30). Check out Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:29, too.

Even Moses was commanded to make a table of showbread and placed it outside the veil in the tabernacle. “And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always”. Ex 25:30. The bread was called the “bread of the Presence” (KJV, "showbread") because it was placed in God's presence (before Me). That table, with its 12 loaves which perhaps represented the 12 tribes of Israel, pictured the fellowship and communion of God with His people. Those loaves were a reminder that the tribes (each family) were constantly in the presence of God and that God saw all that they did (see Lev 24:5-9). The bread was a reminder too that God fed His people ("give us this day our daily bread").

God's picture of a family focuses on them sitting around the table. I like the Living Bible translation of Psalm 128:3, "Your wife shall be contented in your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees." And the next verse says, "Behold, thus shall THE MAN be blessed that feareth the Lord." Men that fear the Lord are always at home to eat together with their family on the same TABLE. But it’s unfortunate that so many husbands are missing at the table during dinner. They are always eating at the restaurant and sometime, with their girl friends. And because the HUSBAND is missing at the dinner table, Job said that such family will suffer distress, restraint and judgement meted for the wicked.

"Indeed He (God) would have brought you out of DIRE DISTRESS, Into a broad place where there is NO RESTRAINT; And what is set on your TABLE would be FULL OF RICHNESS. But you are filled with the JUDGMENT DUE THE WICKED; Judgment and justice take hold of you”. Job 36:16-17

Men that always have dinner with their family around the table will be BLESSED. The Psalmist says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;” Ps 23:5. As a God fearing husband, whenever there is no food on the table, you can cry out to God and say, My Lord, I can see the table, but where is the food?” God has promised to blessed you and fill your table with rich food. Therefore, reactivate the culture of having dinner with your family.

Taking dinner at the TABLE with your family is a picture of the heavenly kingdom. What a blessing to make our homes a taste of heaven on earth now.

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