Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Adam was so busy naming animals, doing what God had called him to, working in the garden fulfilling God's purpose that he didn't have time to look for a wife. Adam knew his purpose. Adam knew his assignment. Adam knew the word of God. Adam knew what he was born to do. And if you look at Genesis 2 verse 15. God took the male man, put him in the garden, commanded him to work. Take care of the garden. You don't need a woman to be a fully fledged need to work, have some form of production system. Infact the first thing God gave man...the bible says God took the man and put in Eden. Eden is the presence of God. That means the first thing a male needs is not the presence of a female, it's the PRESENCE OF GOD.

Next thing the Lord told man is guard the garden. Which means protect. Then he told him to cultivate, which means to develop everything around you. Next God told the man to keep his commandments.

Any male that you qualify to marry should have 5 things.

1. To be in God's presence
2. To have a form of production (work, job or ministry etc)
3. He should know the word of God
4. He should be able to cultivate you
5. He should be able to protect you

If he can't do these it is good for him to be alone. Ladies keep asking the wrong question "Do you love me?" instead of asking the above and "Can you teach me the word of God?" This is in verse 15, 16 and 17 of Genesis 2.

In the beginning. Go back to the beginning and look at this man. God saw all these qualities, it was of this man that he said,"It is not good for this man to be alone." Which man, the man who is in God's presence, the man who is producing, the man who knows the word of God, the man who can cultivate you and protect you.

Adam did not know he needed a woman, God had to interrupt him to get him married.

Men, don't waste your time looking for someone to marry. Instead spend your time building yourself up so when you do get married you bring value and the presence of God to your marriage. This message is inspired by the teaching of Myles Munroe.

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