The Bar Has Been Lowered
Last summer, the Lord revealed that a demonic floodgate had been opened and many marriages would be assaulted and destroyed if we did not rise and fight. He said that many would easily give up on relationships. I was made aware by the Lord that the bar had now been lowered on covenant relationships, specifically marriage relationships. There are many reasons for this that I will not touch on right now, except to say that every individual's choices affect the whole Body and ultimately influences the spiritual climate of the entire world.
We are in a massive battle for marriage and family, and we must win. People are hurting. Children are hurting. The Body is hurting. Marriage failures are love failures and love failures hurt everyone involved. Love is to be our greatest aim. We must fight for love's sake. We must raise the bar again.
I am not suggesting that there are not legitimate terms for separation and divorce. If someone is not safe in a marriage due to the level of abuse and maltreatment or painful marital unfaithfulness, then it is often important for them to find a place of safety in order for healing and alignment to take place. Sometimes such a separation is temporary but, unfortunately, sometimes it requires a permanent decision.
With this in mind, I say, in great sobriety, that too many are jumping ship instead of fighting the love war. Too many are breaking covenant not only in marriage but in family, friendships, and in the Body of Christ. Large battles bring large victories when finally won, and we CAN win if we persist in love and faith. God always leads us in triumph; love never fails (see 2 Corinthians 2:14 and 1 Corinthians 13:8). Love is not selfish but always fights for the freedom and well-being of another. Love lays itself down for others.
Fight with Love as a Weapon
I have seen individuals in very difficult situations in their marriages. These scenarios affected their emotional and sometimes even their physical well-being. Instead of jumping ship, they decided to fight with love as their weapon. They humbled themselves and found a safe place to stand in Christ. In faith and humility, they went to war with LOVE.
Their situation did not change right away, but they did. They were committed to their marriage vows: for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health. They have a depth of character now that I have seen in few others. It is refreshing and rare. They are believing for their spouse to come all the way through, but in the meantime they have their place to stand... to fight... to live.
Recently, I received a prophetic word in prayer when I was interceding for a particular individual who was struggling in their marriage. I believe it might be for many others who are struggling at this time. May it encourage you!
Breakthrough is on its way! All things are possible to those who believe. Let us believe for miracles of restoration! I know that God never usurps a person's will, and sometimes you cannot do anything about the choices of another, but there is a place for you to stand that is safe and pure.
For those of you who fought, stood, and kept love and faith in your battle, yet did not see your partner make right choices that provided restoration, I want to bless you and commend you for your walk. A reward of honor is yours. Wear it well. Even though you might not have seen a victorious outcome in the marriage itself, you are victorious in your journey in Christ. Move on and experience the goodness of the Lord as He leads you in new beginnings.
Word From the Lord for Those in Marriage Battles
The word of the Lord is for you to pass all your love tests in this season. This is your time to sow love, and you WILL reap...beyond your wildest dreams. This is your personal opportunity to go deep into understanding "love" as Jesus loved.
This is your time to find your place to stand in Christ and live in the heavenly realm that He pours out around you – the realm that you will be hidden in, the realm that you will be safe in, the realm in which you will find your protection, provision, and covering. This realm IS Christ and He is all you need.
During this season, you will be perfected in love and in faith. Do not allow love or faith to weaken, but strengthen that which remains. Love perfectly now. Sow love bountifully now and you will reap bountifully, and you will be loved perfectly by MANY, not just a few, in the days to come.
Right now you see through a glass dimly, but soon you will see clearly. A day will come when you will fully understand. In that day, you will rejoice in the goodness of your God and thank Him for the way He has led you.
Extreme Prophetic Ministries
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