Song 4:12 "A garden INCLOSED is my sister, my spouse;..." KJV
Song 8:8-9 "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a WALL, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a DOOR, we will INCLOSE her with boards of cedar". KJV
The best woman qualify for marriage is she that has a "Sisterhood Grace". The sisterhood speaks of women who are God fearing and preserve their virginity intact before marriage. They are not promiscous and flirting with men. Solomon said, she is a GARDEN INCLOSED (a Virgin), she is a WALL (protecting her body from intruders) and not a DOOR (Sexually loosed woman). She is his spouse (woman he pledge to marry), and he sees her as his blood sister. Therefore, he will not abuse her nor disflower her. Blessed is the man that discover a spouse among the sisterhood.
Inclose is the Greek word "sunkleio" meaning, to shut together; shut in on all sides. The word carries the connotation of shutting together the Garden’s door (woman vagina). She that has deflowered herself before marriage and living in sexual sin is describes as an “OPEN DOOR”. In Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 8, the two brothers of the Shulamite woman said, “if she is an OPEN DOOR, then they will inclose her with boards of cedar”. And that means, reforming and restoring her back to shape. However, if she is a WALL (her sexual code still unbroken), they will build upon her a palace of silver.
Wall speaks of separation, strength, fidelity, concealment and protection. It Inclose what is within and separate it from what is outside. As a wall, the woman is concealed from public view. With this wall as a foundation, the next thing is to build upon her a palace of silver.
The Greek word practorion meaning, “palace” is an official resident of sovereign or bishop; a place specially secluded for refreshment. Moreover, silver speaks of redemption. It revealed the woman’s deliverance from worldly system and strange men. She is a wall, a garden inclosed and protected only for her husband.
Ladies, are you among the SISTERHOOD? Are you a wall and protecting yourself so that men will not break your sexual code without the password? Is your BREAST still strong like tower or fondled and misused by unhonourable men?
To balance my teaching, where you sexually molested, abused or raped in the past and still feeling guilty? Where you involved into prostitution and now born again? I have goodnews for you. When that harlot came to Christ and wiped His feet with her tears and hair, Jesus told her to go and sin no more. Paul said, 2 Cor 11:2-3 "For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ". No matter your past, once you turn to the Lord, you become a CHASE VIRGIN in Christ.
We can, though, fall guilty of making God's grace small because of our past sins. Sexual promiscuity is not the unforgiveable sin. Let's not forget those featured in Jesus' genealogy (Judah, the man who slept with his daughter-in-law, mistaking her for a prostitute; David, the king who murdered the husband of his mistress), nor those winning mention in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith (Rahab, the prostitute who sheltered the Israelite spies, and Samson, the man with a weakness for beautiful women). The Bible, in weaving its long history of redemption, is not a storybook of heroes. Failure, even sexual mistakes, has not once tied God's hands. He accomplishes what he wills through the worst of us. Join the sisterhood and sin no more. Brothers, join the brotherhood and remain pure.
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