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PRICE: $8.00 Click Here
You can also place an order through Mpesa or Paypal. Contact us for details.
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Bitterness is a silent killer of life and destroyer of marital destiny.
Many marriages have been destroyed because one partner decided to
harbour bitterness against the other.
A happy marriage can go down
because of the poison of bitterness – from neglected relational wounds.
And just like any physical wound, the difference between life and death
is taking action – doing something about the poison.
In this book,
McDimar and his wife share Biblical principles on how couples can work together and
turn their BITTER MARRIAGE into a BETTER MARRIAGE. PRICE: $8.00 Click Here

all have times when our plans don't work out. We get delayed,
interrupted, and inconvenienced. It's easy to get frustrated and fight
against everything that doesn't go our way. But not every interruption
is not bad. Every closed door doesn't mean you're doing something wrong.
Every delay doesn't mean you're not where you're supposed to be. It may
be a divine interruption where God, on purpose, will delay you to
protect you from an accident. On purpose, He will close a door because
it's not His best.
These interruptions are never intended to punish you but rather remind you that God's hand is upon your life.
In this very personal account of opportunities lost and lessons learned, popular prophetic teachers and authors Jabari and Sally McDimar shows in this book how God interrupted our lives in order to redirect us to His divine plan and purpose.
PRICE: $8.99
In this very personal account of opportunities lost and lessons learned, popular prophetic teachers and authors Jabari and Sally McDimar shows in this book how God interrupted our lives in order to redirect us to His divine plan and purpose.


If each young man and woman is able to tap and exhibit their potential to the maximum, then the world will be a better place to live in. Such a world will witness prosperity and peace for posterity.
In this Book, Jabari and Sally unveiled Biblical principle, comparing the freshness of youth as the growing up of tender plants and their strength as the dew upon the plant that keeps it fresh before the rising of the harsh sun. Read on, you will be adequately instructed, counseled, and guided.
By the grace of God, you will not miss your place at the top.

In this book, you will learn that a husband who is blessed with a good wife is as happy as if he were upon the throne, for she is no less than a crown to him.
A crown honors a person. Kings are given crowns for the honor of their office, and athletes are crowned to honor sporting achievements. A great wife honors her husband by the pleasure and esteem she brings him, and she also crowns his authority by her own submission.
A crown is a grand piece of jewelry, and a virtuous woman is such to her husband! As a "crown", she adorns and beautifies his life, making it, so to speak, a joyous festival, and a continual celebration.
PRICE: $10.00

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