Ladies, are you dating a man or a boy? What will happen if you end up marrying a boy instead of a man? Guys, are you still a boy or a man?
- A boy is irresponsible- A man is responsible.
- A boy’s thoughts drift from one to another - A man is focused.
- A boy is late - A man is punctual.
- A boy is indecisive - A man makes decisions.
- A boy hesitates - A man takes action.
- A boy places blame - A man owns up to his mistakes.
- A boy does not think before he acts - A man thinks four steps ahead.
- A boy seeks validation from others - A man validates himself.
- A boy thinks of himself first - A man thinks of others first.
- A boy apologizes for who he is - A man owns his identity.
- A boy is apathetic - A man is committed.
- A boy reacts - A man acts.
- A boy is a tyrant and tries to rule others - A man rules himself.
- A boy is inept - A man is capable.
- A boy is a trickster - A man is authentic.
- A boy is a coward - A man courageous.
- A boy let’s himself be walked on - A man has strong boundaries.
- A boy acts impulsively - A man acts with purpose.
- A boy takes - A man gives.
- A boy uses - A man produces.
- A boy relies on others - A man has others who rely upon him.
- A boy is self-destructive - A man builds himself up.
- A boy is passive-aggresive - A man is assertive.
- A boy waits for his destiny to be revealed to him - A man creates his own destiny.
- A boy has a problem with authority - A man can handle authority.
- A boy rejects education - A man never stops learning.
- A boy is a student - A man teaches.
- A boy detracts from others - A man empowers others.
- A boy lies - A man is honest.
- A boy is a know-it-all - A man knows what he doesn’t know.
- A boy is envious - A man gives recognition.
- A boy is lazy - A man is active.
- A boy is dull - A man is creative.
- A boy steals - A man gives away freely.
- A boy looks outward - A man introspects.
- A boy protects himself - A man makes himself vulnerable.
- A boy watches - A man participates.
- A boy is negative - A man is positive.
- A boy is a son - A man is a father.
- Boys are students: Men are teachers
- Boys are consumers: Men are producers
- Boys play with toys: Men work with tools
- Boys break things: Men make things
- Boys ask questions: Men give answers
- Boys are disruptive: Men bring order
- Boys run in gangs: Men organize teams
- Boys play house: Men build homes
- Boys shack up: Men get married
- Boys make babies: Men raise children
- A boy won’t raise his own children: A man will raise his and somebody else’s
- Boys invent excuses for failure: Men produce strategies for success
- Boys look for somebody to take care of them: Men look for somebody to take care of
- Boys seek popularity: Men demand respect
- Boys are up on the latest: Men are down with the GREATEST
- Boys are present-centered; Men are time-balanced, having knowledge of the past and understanding of the present and a vision for the future.
A boy care less about what makes you happy as a woman. He knows nothing about putting a home together and he is not ready to know. Its the wife or the girlfriend who will be doing the thinking and taking decisions. It will be hard for him to part with the things he is used to as a teenager. He will be less concerned about his mode of dressing or his reputation.
A boy can make his woman's life miserable not because he’s wicked but because he’s a child. He will rather watch movie or hang out with his home boys rather helping his kids with their home works. When a grown woman marries or dates a boy she automatically becomes a girl. She will change from a peaceful matured woman to a nagging young girl and people will think she has gone insane it's because she is dating or got married to a teenager.
A man is a grown up matured man (regardless of his age) that is done playing games like boys and ready to commit to just one woman and be faithful and honest with her. A man is the best gift any woman could get in life. He will love you genuinely and prove his love to you. He will be sensitive to your needs. He will be allergic to your tears and treats you like queen.
He can never be complete without you. He will make promises and keep to them. You will be his best friend, his next of kin and he will confide in you. You will never fight for his attention. He will laugh with you and cry with you. Your pasts will never bothers him. Whatever brings you happiness and joy will be his priority in life.
A man will refuse to function when you are down and be on top of the world when you are happy. He will love whatever concerns you and connected to you. When there’s conflict he will never raise either his voice or his hands. He will peacefully make you understand his point or view. He will carry you along whatever he plans to do. If you disagree with him he will never take offense. He will trust without fear and give without expect.
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