When last did you try new things? When last did you do something new for the first time and it excites your spouse? When last did you go for a picnic? When last did you dance together? When last did your husband come home and find you laying naked on the bed waiting for him and you whisper romantically “Honey, I have been thinking about you and how you make me feel whenever you are inside me. Nobody can satisfy me like you do”? When last did you send a romantic text to your spouse? When last did you massage or shower together and you insist to bath him/her?
The word boredom is define as, “a feeling of being bored by something tedious; tired of and slightly annoyed by a person or situation that is not interesting, exciting, or entertaining”. All human beings by nature love varieties as it is often said, “Varieties are the spices of life”. If you keep eating the same food, or doing the same thing always, it leads to boredom. Boredom is like insanity, which is defined as “repeating the same thing again and again”. To make your marriage a fun and exciting, you need to practice new things. E.g. develop new ways of kissing, hugging, petting, and practice different sex styles; use different romantic perfume, sexy dresses (only for him) and change bed position, bedroom light and music constantly. Sometime, it’s fun to change environment, it makes sex exciting and memorable.
Boredom is the mortal enemy to relationships. Failed marriages fail to keep things new and exciting. Explore, think, look around and discover that you are far from exhausting the adventure of this awesome world we live in. Don’t live in small corner of the world complaining about your spouse “not in the mood”. Get out and do things new. Do the old things in a new way or in a new place. If you wait until you are “feeling” spontaneous or “in the mood” to be romantic, you may end up waiting a long time. Never stop the ongoing activity of romancing each other. Leave “love notes” around the bedroom where it will be easily found. From time to time have a candlelight dinner at home. Keep the surprises coming – the flowers, small gifts and new sexy lingerie. Hey, to have an exciting marriage, you have to stay exciting! Need I explain? Just stay fun and fresh.
Honestly, there are people like me who can not stand bad body odour or the aroma of some local perfumes. Good smell enhances and stimulate sexual desire, while bad smell kills it. King Solomon said, “Ointment and perfume delight the heart…” Prov. 27 v 9. The function of ointment is to make the body fresh and smooth. Applying ointment delight the heart of your spouse as he or she behold and touch it. When you use local soap and rub local oil on your body, it cause sweats and make you smell bad.
The second thing that Solomon encouraged us to use was perfume. There are so many men if they remove their socks or pant, you better run. While some men, just the smell of their armpits kills their wives sexual response. Likewise, so many men are complaining about the smelling vagina, smelling hair on her head or body odour of their wives.
When you take care of your body, apply ointment and perfume, it will delight the heart of your spouse.
The adulterous woman in Proverb 7: 17-18 understood the power of perfume and she used it in her bedroom to seduce a young man. She said, “I have perfumed my BED with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until morning; let us delight ourselves with love”.
Let’s read the same verse in The Message Bible. It said, “I've spread fresh, clean sheets on my bed, colorful imported linens”. 17 My bed is aromatic with spices and exotic fragrances. 18 Come, let's make love all night, spend the night in ecstatic lovemaking! Prov 7:16-18
She had used every means to excite the passions she wished to bring into action. Building his ego up by flattery, she then sought to lure him by describing the sensuous nature of her bedroom. The linens on the bed were imported from Egypt and she had perfumed her bed with three spices: myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. These were spices that increases libido. But the problem with her was that she only did it to a stranger when her husband was not at home. This is what every couple should do, making the bedroom conducive for erotic romance.
King Solomon knew the captivating power of perfume and therefore used it to attract his wives. Whenever Solomon was passing by, the daughters of Zion became stimulated through the scent emitting from his raiment that saturated the atmosphere with love. The scripture says they lifted up their faces with great delight when they saw Solomon “coming from the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the merchant’s fragrant powders?” S/S. 3 v 6.
Have you been taking care of your body? Do you smell good or bad before bed time? Have you ever ask your spouse if bad smell tune them off? Bad smell kills sexual desire in most people. It might be because of bad smell that is why your wife or husband is not always in the mood for sex. So take good care of your body.
Let's face it, it can get very tedious and boring experiencing the same thing on the same bed for decade.
With years of experience as a Biblical Sex Expert, I can tell you that bedroom boredom strikes nearly every couple at some point in the relationship. We get bogged down by work, kids, and chores and have little energy left at the end of the day to devote to our sex life. It takes effort to keep the sparks going – plus a little creativity. Here are 3 tips to help you make your Bedroom experience exciting again:
1. Put the kids to bed, lock the bedroom door. Explore what interests each of you – you might be surprised! If you’ve never talked openly about what turns you on this is a great way to get the conversation started.
2.If the bedroom has gotten boring, why not change things up? Try having sex in the backyard or the laundry room – or in the bathroom! Almost all couples get stuck in a rut, and end up doing the same thing over and over. Chances are your partner is as bored as you are and will jump at the suggestion of something new. Even just changing your routine a little bit can make a big difference.
3.Take the initiative to change things. Instead of wishing your partner would be more exciting, you be the one to buy a new book on lovemaking. (Try and get my upcoming eBook "The Perfumed Garden"). Surprise your partner with a massage, a suggestive text message – anything that will get the wheels turning in a new direction. And don’t be afraid to tell your partner that you’re trying to amp things up. It is always sexy when one person takes charge!
Bedroom boredom is a common complaint, but it’s not something you have to resign yourself to. Every couple deserves an exciting, satisfying sex life. You’ll have better intimacy and a closer connection if you take the time to improve your sexual relationship. Try these tips, and let us know if one of them has worked for you! Be the change you want to see in your bedroom! Join me tomorrow for the concluding part with Bible references.