Eccl 9:8 “Let thy garments be always white; and let your HEAD lack no ointment”.
1 Cor. 11:3 “But I want you to know that the HEAD of every man is Christ, the HEAD OF WOMAN is MAN, and the head of Christ is God”.
Every wife has a special grace to increase the anointing of God upon her husband or misused the grace and destroys the anointing. If she utilizes in righteousness the grace, it will build her home and makes her husband known at the gate. Your husband is your HEAD and the scripture said, do not let your head lack oil. Once the head has oil, it will overflow with blessings to the edge of the garment.
The head of Christ is God, the head of man is Christ and the head of the wife is man. The word Head means "source". And the source of the oil is God through CHRIST to man. And then flows from man to his wife. When the oil reaches the wife, it fills the entire house. The effects of the oil "CHRIST" can be witness in their marriage, ministry and business. From there, the oil runs back to God. It's a cycle, and unbreakable covenant.
In the presence of Jesus
there is neither male nor female; we are all ONE in Him. “For both He who
sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of ONE, for which reason
He is not ashamed to call them BRETHREN”, Heb 2:11. And for this reason King
Solomon called his beloved “My Sister”,
he said “You have ravished my heart, My
sister, my spouse; Song 4:9
When husband and wife see themselves as brethren (ONE) in Christ and walk in
unity of the Spirit, the oil flows from the head (Husband) to the entire
garments and there the Lord commanded His BLESSINGS in the family according to
Ps 133:1-2 “Behold, how good and how
pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the
precious OIL UPON THE HEAD, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his GARMENTS. It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the
blessing — Life forevermore".
This can only be possible if the husband love his wife and the wife submit to him as unto the Lord.
The garment speaks of righteousness; which means "having the character and lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ". As Christ love the Church, so the man loves his wife and as the Church is submitting to Christ, the wife also submits to her husband. That's the work of righteousness. Hear what God is saying to the families that love righteousness, “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore, God, Your God, has anointed you with the OIL OF GLADNESS more than your companions. Ps 45:7. Hmmm no wonder, some couples are full of gladness while others are full of sorrow. The difference is the OIL (the anointing of Christ). You must hate wickedness and love righteousness before you can experience the fullness of God's power and glory in and through your marriage. Wickedness means "knowing the right things to do, but instead do the opposite". When you do the opposite in your marriage, God takes the oil away.
When the OIL is taking away, the family become an open target for the devil’s attack.
Are you feeling there is lack of oil upon your head as a husband? Check your love thermometer for your wife. It may be as a result of not loving your wife as Christ love the church.
Are you lacking the oil as a wife? It's definitely so because of your lack of submission to your (head) husband as the church submit to Christ. You can refresh the oil in your marriage if you are willing to make a change. It takes two to tandem.
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