Sunday, August 9, 2020



"Love is blind", they say. For love to flourish, they say, our eyes must be closed to seeing ugly truth. Our ears must be plugged to hearing disturbing truth. Our minds must be shut to knowing unsettling truth.

So many of us, even in the Body of Christ, go through our lives believing "love is blind". We build marriages on the foundation of infatuation not information because "love is blind". We maintain friendships by playing games not sharing grace because "love is blind." We present ourselves to the world dressed in emotional clothing that covers our scars because "love is blind." We even lie to each other in the Body of Christ about the ugliness, pain and suffering in our hearts because "love is blind." We may live our entire existence convinced that if people saw us as we are they could never love us as we desire because after all "love is blind."

Then we wonder why 50% of our marriages still fail, even in the Body of Christ. We question why our friendships remain so shallow while our hearts still hurt. We don't understand why we weekly leave the Sanctuary of God with our spirits still bleeding and our sins still cutting. We don't understand why we stay intimate strangers with each other even after years of sitting in the same church pews right next to each other.

It is because that love which we've been told is blind isn't love at all but a lie. The love that is really love does not live in the dark.


God is love. If we believe "love is blind", does that means "God is also blind"? Love is not blind; lust is blind, love sees. It sees beyond the natural and understand the language of the soul.

Once in a marriage counseling session, I asked a young woman how in the world she got involved with such a miserable man.

Her response was, “I guess love is blind.” I quickly pointed out that true love is never blind. Love sees things and people the way they really are, not the way it wants to see them. And love can only see through the eyes of God. If you are not in God, your eyes will be full of darkness and you can't see beyond the natural.

What makes us blind are our passions and our attachments to people and things.

No one is blinder than the passionate or lustful person, except maybe the person who is attached to something or someone.

You're attached to something or someone when you believe that you cannot be happy without that person or thing in your life.

Because of our passions and attachments, we often fail to see the imperfection in the very people and things which are making us unhappy.

In the end, they make us miserable instead of happy.

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