Wednesday, October 8, 2014


“Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was COMFORTED after his mother's death”. Gen 24:67

Instead of him to take her to a hotel and spoil her; instead of engaging her for three years without any hope of getting married or cohabiting with her without a marriage proposal, Isaac brought her into his mother “Sarah’s Tent”. The next line said, “he took Rebekah and she became HIS WIFE, and he loved her”. What is Sarah’s Tent? This tent stands for “motherhood transfer”. Let’s look at few scriptures that unveil this mystery.

In Isaiah chapter 51 verse 2, the prophet said, “Look to … Sarah who BORE you”. There are two Hebrew words for “Look”, nabat usually means to fix one's gaze on a person or thing and saa, literally to "look at with interest". Hence, to “look” means to “fix your eyes or one’s attention” on somebody or something until you receive the mantle to function like what you attended to. However, continual attention given to an object usually denotes that pleasure is found in it. How many ladies are tapping into this grace of motherhood? How many mother in-laws are transferring the motherhood anointing to their daughter in-laws so they will HELP their sons in becoming a hero and lord?

In Genesis 24: 59-60, the greatest prayer the family of Rebecca prayed for her at her marriage ceremony was that she will enter her prophetic motherhood. They said, “thou art our sister, be thou the MOTHER of thousands of millions, and let thine seed possess the gate of those that hate them.” That is a classic example and it takes a motherhood transfer from Isaac mother for Rebekah to fulfill her destiny. It's unfortunate that so many mother in-laws are the greatest hindrance to the success of their son's marriage. 

You need a motherhood transfer to function as a wife to your Isaac. Until you look, you might not get the unction to function as a mother and a wife. Isaiah said, “look to Sarah who bore you”. To “bore” from the Hebrew verb yalad rendered to “bear, travail or bring forth”. You are brought forth from the womb of Sarah and carried her deposit in you to make the LORD in your bridegroom to rule and take charge. This is why Peter said, “as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror”. 1 Peter 3:6

The concluding part of Gen 24:67 said, “So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death”. There must be a separation from your mother and mother in-law so that the transfer can be effected. The role of the bride as a wife is to be the “comforter” of her husband. 

When God made Eve, it was in order that she might be a helper suitable for man (Gen. 2:18). The glory of this ministry is seen, when we notice that the title of 'Helper' is what Jesus used to refer to the Holy Spirit as well (Jn. 14:16)! As the Holy Spirit invisibly and silently, yet powerfully helps the believer, even so the woman was created to help the man.

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