Tuesday, October 21, 2014


"For she lusted for her paramours (MALE PROSTITUTES), Whose flesh (PENIS) is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue (SPERM) is like the issue of horses”. Ezek 23:20 (emphasis mine)

The word “lusted” here is from the Hebrew “hawwa” meaning, “inflaming oneself with an uncontrollable desire, a craving, an abnormal appetite for something”. Greek "Epithumia" is used most frequently in the New Testament, and means a longing for the unlawful, hence, concupiscence, evil desire; to crave intensely the wrong possession. It is translated in James 4:1,3 as "pleasures": "Your pleasures that war in your members"; "Ye ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures".

The Bible said, “she lusted”. This means, she was the cause of her yielding to immorality. When lust is conceived or accumulated, it produces SIN and it’s easy to blame God or said “I was tempted”. You can’t be tempted without your participation. Hear what James 1:13-15 said, “Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death”.

The final destination of those who are lustful is death. In Num 11:34, a reference was made to a place called “Kibroth Hattaavah” the graves of lust, where "they buried the people that lusted”. When you are living in the realm of the deaths, everything about you starts decaying. Your flesh will begin to deteriorate and your life span will be truncated.

Oholibah, in the above verse was said “she lusted after her paramours”. The word “paramour” Hebrew pilleges, "a concubine," masculine or feminine: A term applied in Ezekiel to the MALE PROSTITUTE, but elsewhere translated "concubine”. In today's language, it means “to cohabit with a man or woman without any marriage covenant”.

Why was she lusting after male prostitutes? Because of their big dicks and ability to have multiple ejaculations.


"For she lusted for her paramours (MALE PROSTITUTES), Whose flesh (PENIS) is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue (SPERM) is like the issue of horses. 21 Thus you called to remembrance the lewdness of your youth, When the Egyptians pressed your bosom because of your youthful breasts”. Ezek 23:20-21 
We saw previously that Oholibah was lusting after MALE PROSTITUTES who sleeps or cohabit with women without a marriage covenant.

Ezekiel said, Oholibah lusted for men whose flesh (penises) are big and long like that of donkeys and whose issues (sperm) is like that of horses. The word "Flesh" has many meanings in the Bible, but in the above verse, it is a euphemism for the sexual organs. Euphemism means an indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh. Therefore, the word FLESH refers to male PENIS, while the word ISSUE refers to SPERM.

The big male organ you see on movies are not actually their natural organs. Most of them use drugs to be extra strong so they can have multiple ejaculations like donkeys. They also use drugs to enlarge their penises and increase their testosterone. Therefore, any woman who have slept with such sexually perverted men might find it difficult to be satisfied with ONE HUSBAND, especially with men who have normal sex drives. I had counseled several women who complained that their husband’s penises are too small because they were used to having men with penises as big as donkey who penetrated them. Their vaginas have been extra enlarged beyond the normal capacity and now affected with the remembrances of all their past male prostitutes.

The Bible said, “she called to remembrance the lewdness of her youth”. Her sexual orientation was perverted. Each time she called to remembrance the lewdness of her youth and involvement with male prostitutes, a desire to go back into her old lifestyle will spring up.

When you sleep with a man that is not your husband; there will be a resurfacing of the spirits of all the men you slept with, thereby, suffocating your soul after marriage. The cord of your unholy sexual intercourse with your male prostitutes will linger on until you are strip off of your dignity and worth as a woman. You have slept with many men and a soul tied has been created. Go for counseling and set yourself free.


"Yet she multiplied her harlotry In CALLING TO REMEMBRANCE the days of her youth, When she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt”. Ezek 23:19

Have you broken the cords of your past immoral life or you are still struggling with it after you have become born again? When you come to Christ, He makes you a new creation and all your past sins where forgiven and forgotten. But, when there is no total repentance on your part, deciding never to return to the old lifestyle, its possible to keep falling back into the same old sin.

In the above verse, the faithlessness of Oholibah cost her the only true protection she ever had, which is Jehovah. Yet instead of repenting of the sins she committed in her youth while in Egypt, become more and more promiscuous. Her cycle of sin brought her back to the very worthless and immoral men with which she had originally been defiled and which had enslaved her.

God's Word said “she multiplied her harlotry, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth; her lusts, practiced when in Egypt and then actually returned to them”. Mark the danger of suffering the memory to dwell on the pleasure felt in past sins. 

Her complain is that since she came to Christ, no brother is blessing her the way the worldly guys does. And worse of all, no brother is approaching her. She forget that whatever the former guys gave her was in exchange for her body. 

So many of you ladies (including men) are pleasing yourselves with the remembrance of your past immoral acts. When you began to set your affections upon Egypt, you encourage yourselves to put a confidence in immorality, because of the old acquaintance you had with those men, as if you still retained the gust and relish of the leeks and onions you ate there, or rather of the sex orgies and styles you learned there, and brought up with them thence. When you began an acquaintance with Egypt you remembered how merrily you were treated by men, what music and dancing you had at that sport, which you learned in Egypt; and you hoped you should now have a fair pretense to come to that again. Thus “she multiplied her whoredoms”, repeated her former whoredoms, and encouraged herself to close with present temptations, by calling to remembrance the days of her youth. 
Note, Those who, instead of reflecting upon their former sins with sorrow and shame, reflect upon them with pleasure and pride, contract new guilt thereby, strengthen their own corruptions, and in effect bid defiance to repentance. This is returning with the dog to his vomit.


“But she increased her harlotry; She LOOKED AT MEN portrayed on the wall, IMAGES OF CHALDEANS portrayed in vermilion,… 16 As soon as her eyes saw them, SHE LUSTED for them And sent messengers to them in Chaldea”. Ezek 23:14-16 
We discussed in the previous post that the church prostitute “has NEVER GIVEN UP her harlotry BROUGHT FROM EGYPT”, verse 8. 

Here is the reason why she always doted back to her immoral lovers, even after she is born again. She kept "felling in love" with handsome soldiers in their beautiful uniforms. She only lust after men of statues and wealthy. The Bible said, she increased her harlotry by looking at the PICTURES and IMAGES of men on the wall. She has pictures of great men portrayed in vermilion (in colour print). The picture here is that of a prostitute seeking a lover to care for her and the language is quite graphic. She had no true faith in the living God, so she looked to the worldly guys to help her. 

On her wall, in her phone, are the IMAGES of immoral men. Image refers to the display of male genitals. She has blue films in her handset and watch them secretly when she is alone; defiling her mind. As soon as her eyes saw the images of male genitals, SHE LUSTED for them and sent messages to lure them to bed.

Ladies, if your handsets will be check now, shall we find an immoral films and pictures of worldly men? David said, “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me”. Ps. 101:3. Do you set before your eyes vile things? David made a covenant with his eyes to hate the deeds of faithless men; men of perverse heart, but you love it and watch it every day.

Verse 17-18 of Ezek. 23 said, "Then the Babylonians came to her, into the BED OF LOVE, And they defiled her with their immorality; So she was defiled by them, and alienated herself from them. 18 She revealed her harlotry and uncovered her nakedness. Then I alienated Myself from her”. 

Because of what she set before her eyes, it stimulates her sexual desires. Therefore, she had no choice than to invite men into the bed of love and defile it. God alienated Himself from her for she never give up her immorality brought from Egypt. Paul said in Heb 13:4 that “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”.


“They became PROSTITUTES IN EGYPT, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their BREASTS WERE FONDLED and their VIRGIN BOSOMS CARESSED”. Ezek 23:3

“She has NEVER GIVEN UP her harlotry BROUGHT FROM EGYPT, For in her youth they had LAIN with her, PRESSED her virgin bosom, And poured out their IMMORALITY upon her". Ezek 23:8 
The last part of verse 8 said “and poured out their immorality upon her”. When she had unholy sex with the Egyptian in her youthful days, a spirit of immorality was released upon her. Now that she want to serve God, the spirit will not allow her to stay without committing immorality; always desiring to sleep with men. 

Lets look at the word “Immorality”. It’s from the Hebrew ”z¹nâ” and Greek “porneía " meaning, to have “unholy intercourse with another, be unfaithful, play the harlot, live a loose life, and sell or prostitute oneself”.

God says “though she is my daughter and call herself CHRISTIAN, yet she NEVER GIVE UP her act of prostitution which she brought from Egypt (the world). 

She engaged in prostitution in Egypt in her youth. NLT Version said ““Even as young girls, she allowed men to FONDLE her breasts”. Her breasts were squeezed, PRESSED and crushed there; lovers FONDLED her virgin nipples there. The word “Pressed” from Hebrew “maayak” denote a lewd handling. And the Hebrew word for fondled is “s¹µaq” from a root meaning “sporting, playing and laughing with, to "amuse oneself” with an object. This means she is often treated as an object of amusement by men. They are not seeing her as a potential wife, but a sex toy to play and fondle with; an object to be used and then dumb as a garbage. 

She was a loosed young girl in Egypt and still acting like a loose girl. She talk loosely, she walk loosely, she dress loosely and wonder why men only love her for sex and not for marriage. Because of the spirit of immorality upon her, men sees her only as a sex toy to play with and amuse themselves. What a dehumanization of womanhood! Enough of the amusement. Ladies, if you are guilty of this, go for deliverance today and set yourself free from the spirit of IMMORALITY.


Ezek 23:1-4 “The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. 3 They became PROSTITUTES IN EGYPT, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their BREASTS WERE FONDLED and their VIRGIN BOSOMS CARESSED. 4 The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were MINE and gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem”. NIV 
To begin with, a little known fact about the physiology of women is that unlike men, women DO NOT have an acute NEED for sex until they have had it for the first time! So staying celibate is easy for women if they do not awaken their sexual needs (and this means NO touching).

God had often spoken to Ezekiel, and by him to the people, to this effect, but now his word comes again to convince sinners of the evil of sin, and of their misery and danger by reason of it, there is need of line upon line, so loth we are to know the worst of ourselves. The sinners that are here to be exposed are two women, two kingdoms, sister-kingdoms, Israel and Judah, daughters of one mother (from One Church). God said, "There were mine". He did not say they ARE, but they WERE. Why the change in preposition?

Here is an analogy of two women from the same godly mother, which is the picture of the Church. One stop coming to church and the other still comes to church, but they both shared the same moral degradation for they became prostitutes in Egypt (type of the world), engaging in prostitution from their youth. The two sisters were sexually promiscuous women.

Their names were Oholah (representing Samaria, the unbelieving sister) and Oholibah (representing Jerusalem, the born again sister). Ohalah means “Her own tent”, while Oholibah means, “My tent in her”. Apostle Paul called the "tent" our body which is the temple of God: The born again sister had the sanctuary of Jehovah; the unbelieving sister, on the other hand, had her own sanctuary, i.e., one invented by herself. Both the one that is born again and the one that is not are now committing the same sin. Oholah has no regards for the things of God and don't like going to church. She does her sin openly, dislike the Word of God and still call herself a Christian.

Oholibah goes to church regularly and might even be a member of the Choir, yet she could not depart from her old lifestyle of allowing men to fondle her breasts and caress her vagina with condom.

What are the source of their sins? They became prostitutes in Egypt while they were still young girls. They enter into relationship with the sinners (Egyptians) and let men touch their nipples, hold their young breasts and caressed their vagina. Now they are struggling with the sins of the past. All that they need is deliverance.

The devil knows that the quickest way to awake the love of a woman before her time is to touch her nipples, fondle her breasts and caress her clitoris. If a woman can develop strength in these areas and stop men from touching those erotic zones, she will survive.


“You are an adulterous wife, who takes strangers instead of her husband. 33 Men make payment to all harlots, but you made your payments to all your lovers, and hired them to come to you from all around for your harlotry. 34 You are the opposite of other women in your harlotry, because no one solicited you to be a harlot. In that you gave payment but no payment was given you, therefore you are the opposite." Ezek 16:32-34

I am starting another series dealing with women. My focus is on women and not men. So, do not ask in your comment “what about men?” Take note, I will not be able to post daily as before due to my setback at the mission field. Keep praying for me.
There is now an old, but new trend in our days. Prostitute gets paid for their services, but adulterous women known as Sugar Mummies scorned payment. She is an adulterous wife as well as a prostitute because she prefers strangers to her own husband. She is a nymphomaniac, never satisfy with sex. 
She abandoned her "husband" for younger men. She sought out for jobless and desperate youth who need quick riches, lured them to bed and making them unproductive. 
She became a professional prostitute, but unlike other prostitutes, she sought out her lovers and paid them to sin with her! She took the very treasures and blessings of her matrimonial home and lavished it on strange lovers.
The Prophet said in verse 31 that some of the Sugar Mummies have eminent places; a special room reserved at a hotel where they invite both married and unmarried men to sleep with them. While, some of them have a brothel where they harbor young innocent ladies and introduce them to prostitution so that they can get more money. They also use the brothel to influence, control and misled married men. It is not a surprise that some of them even use charm to attract and control men. Once a victim, the man become their slave and will no longer have desire for his wife or for marriage (if he is not yet married).
Most of the adulteresses do not divorce themselves from their husbands when they violate the marriage bond, but always remain at home for the purpose of covering their crime from society; but when a woman deserts her husband and children, then her case is most deplorable.
Sugar Mummies are taking your husbands and boyfriends away. Women, awake and pray.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


How you feel right now about your spouse reflects how you have been thinking about him/her. You will never feel better about someone than how you think about them. Your feelings follow your thinking. It is a lie that how you feel about someone today is due to how they have treated you or what they have said to you. Feelings cannot control us or motivate our behavior without our thoughts dwelling and meditating upon that which we have feelings toward. You cannot feel what you do not think. Feelings and behavior follow our thinking.

Married couples do not grow apart without first growing apart in their thought life. Couples do not just fall out of love without first falling short in loving each other with their thoughts. The moment you entertain negative thoughts, negative feelings will follow. Negative feelings cannot come without negative thoughts. It is true that you may not be able to control what others say and do, BUT you can indeed control how you think in such circumstances.

Anger, unresolved conflict, jealously and fighting all flow out of how one is thinking. Bondage and frustration is certain where the deception is embraced that if others would just change then I could stop my negative feelings. Until the truth is understood that you are feeling today what you have been thinking, your emotions will dominate your life.

No couple will ever love each other greater than how they think about each other. You cannot fall in love with someone you never think about. Nor will you and I ever be tempted in anything that we do not think about.
If a strong marriage is desired, then one must reject the lie that your mate’s negative behavior and negative words are the reason you have negative feelings. 

There is no positive change in life without some positive change in thinking. This is why it is so important that you and I feed our minds with positive materials that encourage positive change. Seeking to change your life without first changing your thinking is insanity. It cannot be done. Until you change how you are thinking, your feelings will remain the same. 

Want your spouse to fall in love with you over and over again. Give your spouse reasons to think that way. You can greatly influence how your mate thinks by your words and actions.


I am starting a series on the mistakes that brides and bridegrooms make before and after the wedding, which will eventually ruin their marriages in the future if not corrected early. The foundation you laid after wedding will determine the success or failure of the marriage. These messages are culled from my upcoming eBook "The Bride & her Bridegroom". 

Stop and think with me for a moment about the word “bridegroom” or “groom.” To groom means: “to clean and care for; to make neat or attractive; polish.” The bridegroom is the one who desires to make the bride clean and attractive. This speaks not only of the outward appearance, but also of the inward heart and soul. In Bible times, a bride would take a purifying bath before the wedding. As a godly bride (and also the Bride of Christ), your purifying bath is to bathe yourselves in the Word of God, allowing His word to purify, soften, cleanse, refresh, and rejuvenate your hearts and spirits. This is the duty of the groom – teaching the bride God’s word. 

Another thing the groom desires is for the Bride to be beautiful by the clothes she wears. He has to make sure that she is lacking nothing and looking good all the time.

To groom can also have the connotation of preparing or training someone such as grooming a person to do a certain job or task, or to act in a certain way.
As a groom, you are mandated to learn from Christ our spiritual Groom. Christ our Groom is training us to be loving, kind, long-suffering, gentle, pure, merciful, and peaceable. Since our Groom is also a King, He is training us to rule and reign with Him by allowing us to be tested and tried by various trials, instructing us how to be warriors who pray, worship, and fast. God expect every groom to do likewise; following the footsteps of the Master.

If these things are lacking in you as a groom, your marriage might not be able to stand the test of time.


Like groom, bride derives from the Hebrew word “kallah” which refers to a daughter-in-law, bride, woman about to be married, or just married, but with a deeper meaning. In the Greek writings it refers to a recently married woman, young wife; hence, in Biblical and ecclesiastical Greek “numphé”, like the Hebrew “kallah” means “Complete for him”.

In John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (NIV).

Thinking of Jesus’ mission to obtain a bride for Himself by purchasing her with His blood, a requirement set by the law, Romans 8:3-4, we reflect on these last words spoken from the cross. “It is finished”, we think of this as the completion of the Father’s will and fulfillment of the righteous work of Jesus and it was. However, there is still a deeper meaning to His words. The work of Christ at the cross, as our heavenly bridegroom set the pattern for every bridegroom to emulate. 

Since Jesus was a Jew, born of the blood line of King David and root of Jesse, we know that he spoke Hebrew/Aramaic to His people and when He spoke these words from the cross they were spoken in His native tongue. 

“It is finished”, the Aramaic word for “finished” is kelal, corresponding with the Hebrew word for “bride” kallal meaning to complete, finish, and make perfect. Jesus’ death on the cross made us perfect and complete. This we know and have understood. But there is a play on words for those who seek for more. The Hebrew word for bride is (kallah), translated bride or spouse. It comes from the word (kalal) to complete!

That is the duty of the bridegroom. Until you tend, cultivate and make her what you desire her to be, she is not yet ready for marriage. You have no right to complain about her after marriage. If you have not “finish” working on her, wait until you can finally say “It is finish, now I can have my bride”.

In light of what was said on the cross by Jesus’, understood to be spoken in Hebrew, “It is finished”, Jesus was saying, “I have purchased and paid for My bride”. Therefore the two shall become one, Completeness! According to the Bible, every Jews man had to pay a brides price called a (mohar) and for Jesus to purchase us He had to pay with His Life, Romans 8:3-4, 6:23. He came to purchase a bride and that’s why Col 2:10 says “and you are complete in Him (Christ)”. 

Have you really understood the meaning of a BRIDE?
MAN - What price have you paid to get her?
WOMAN - What is your worth to him?
Are you a sex toy that he can use anytime he wants or a bride in the making to be complete in him as ONE ENTITY?


“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless”. Eph.5: 25-27

That he might sanctify her, cleansed her with the Word. The immediate object of Christ was to cleanse her, and for this end he used the Word as a purifying agent, washing her by means of it. He finds her with spots and wrinkles, and his great instrument of cleansing is "the Word" - the Word in all its searching, humbling, rebuking, correcting, informing, stimulating, refreshing, consoling power. The Bridegroom does this before the marriage and not after. Just like in the Old Testament, all brides undergone a Bridal bath before marriage which is called “Mikvah”. The purpose is to allow her to enter her marriage in a pure state. The woman is showered and all articles such as rings, bandages, hairpins and even nail polish were removed. This is to assure that there is no barrier between the water and all of her body parts. Her hair is then combed, and her body checked to be free of loose hair. Then the bride-to-be is dunked in a bath and is blessed after completely coming to an upright position. This should be done as close to the date of the wedding as possible, and at least one clean day after menstruation.

So many of us missed this part before getting marry and now struggling to fix things but it seem not to work. This means that any bridegroom who is not mature than the bride in the Word of God, should not be qualify for marriage. Because the wrong man will spoil you, the right man will set you apart for the glory of God.

The Bible said, as Christ sanctify His bride, so shall a man sanctify his bride with the Word. What is sanctification? From Greek hagoazo, it means “a process by which believers are made holy; to set apart for the services of God; a separation from ordinary use to a sacred purpose; to separate from something for God’s glory”. 

It is the mandate of the Bridegroom to bring his bride into living contact with the truth, whereby both of them are led to yield obedience "to the commands, and embracing the promises of God for this life and that which is to come. That’s why Paul encouraged husbands to dwell with their wives “with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered”. 1 Peter 3:7. A devoted Bridegroom will not wait until after marriage before he gives honour to the bride and work together as heirs of the grace of life. He does it before and after marriage. It’s a continues process until he presents her before Christ as a glorious bride without wrinkle or blemishes.

Are you a sanctified Bride and Bridegroom? What is hindering your prayers and worship to God? How many relationship today are set apart to the glory of God without immorality? How many bridegroom takes the bride to Christian programs, attend prayer meetings, marriage seminars etc? You have time to go to the beach, to restaurant and boutiques, to travel abroad for pleasure, but do you have time to pray and fast together?

Listen to Paul’s admonition in 1 Thess 4:3-5, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God” Another version of the Bible put it in a more simplified way, it said “It is God's will that you keep away from sexual sin as a mark of your devotion to him. 4 Each of you should know that finding a husband or wife for yourself is to be done in a holy and honorable way, 5 not in the passionate, lustful way of people who don't know God”. Wow, that your quest for marriage should be “done in a holy and honourable way” so that God will be glory in the marriage.


“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness” (Psalms 115:1)

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Rev 19:7 NIV

In the previous post, I said, “IF YOU WERE NOT COMPLETE AS SINGLE BEFORE MARRIAGE, YOU MIGHT NEVER BE COMPLETE IN HIM AFTER MARRIAGE”. Here is the deal, if the man is not seeing you as God’s gift and marrying you for the glory of God; if he has not tend you, cultivate you and pay the price for you, he will definitely feel empty after the marriage, while you will struggle to fit in without success. Therefore, he will always be tempted to look for another woman. Why? There was no ONENESS or COMPLETENESS in your individual relationship before marriage. He then start seeing you as a separate entity who comes to leave with him for procreation. The reason for this disposition is because you both enter into marriage while you were not ready and don’t even have a clue on what marriage is. It was after you married, your eyes were open to realities and its too late. 

The word “Complete” is from Greek artios, from the root aro, "to join”, in sense of "accurately fitted for; it expresses the final and entire attainment of what is treated, leaving nothing beyond to be desired or hoped for. Most married people have never been complete before marriage, which is why their marriages are failing. In Matthew 19, the Pharisees were questioning Jesus about divorce. He refer them back to the beginning. Genesis chapter 1, “God made them male and female”, it doesn't say “married them”. The problem is we never go back to the beginning state. God made a male by himself and made female by herself. God didn't make a married couple, Adam married a completed female. Jesus in this chapter was saying the reason marriages don't work out is because you've never been a full female, or a full male. The reason you get a divorce is because you were never complete.


“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”. Gen 1:27-28

Since this verse was originally written in Hebrew, the meaning can be found in the Hebrew words and letters. Let us look at a more accurate translation that preserves several key Hebrew words.

First, however, it must be understood that the Hebrew scripture does not have the word "God," as written in English. Instead, the entire first chapter of Genesis refers to Elohim. The Hebrew word Elohim is plural, and is derived from El (God) united with Eloah (God having both male and female characteristics), forming the plural Elohim. Therefore, when God created MAN, He created him in His IMAGE “male and female” as a single being.

The second important point here is that Adam was created in the image (tselem) of the Elohim: male-female, in other words, as an ANDROGYNOUS BEING. Only later was Adam divided into two sexes “Man, from Hebrew word Ish and Woman, from Hebrew word Ishah”. Ish and Ishah were now a separated beings. Then God brought the woman to the man, to make them ONE FLESH again, and by divine revelation, Adam saw her as his very essence.
“Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become ONE FLESH”. Gen 2:22-24

She was called “woman”because she was taken “Out of man”as a separate being. God separated her from man to make her a complete female, the very essence of the male before returning back to man with interest, to make them a complete being. God does not want you to marry just any man or woman, but a COMPLETE BEING “male and female”. Some people calls it “soul mate”. Therefore, we must trace our root back to God as ONE BEING “male and female”, created in Him and for His glory. Until you see yourself as ONE BEING in God with that man or woman, if not, you are yet to meet your soul mate. Join me tomorrow as we look deeper into the meaning of the words “Male and Female”.


“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”. Gen 1:27-28

Male, from Hebrew gebah, the root means "to stand out, to be prominent, to be a king and a leader; a hero, warrior, valiant”. The word “female” Hebrew negebah, which is merely a physiological description of the sexual characteristic of a full grown woman (from the root naqabh, "to perforate without violence"). She is a princess, trained to be a queen and serve the king. In both the OT and NT it has an original biological meaning, but while the Hebrew seems to refer to the female primarily as the sexual partner of the male, in the Greek the emphasis falls on her function as mother. 

He that is complete and fit for the bride, is a male who stands out as a spiritual hero “Not for himself, but to the glory of God”, (Psalms 115:1) who will give you security, steadfast love and remain faithful to you as God does to us. The woman is to be sure she understand her role as negebah – qualified to stand out with a hero, as a sexual being to satisfy a prominent warrior, a trained mother and a helpmeet to a King; a princess who will perforate without violence. 

Before a Prince will become a King, he must be train to be a hero. And before a woman will become the wife of a king, she must also be purified and trained. Until both of them are COMPLETE, they will still remain unmarried.

The world has deceived us and taught us that we are only half...that our partner is the other half. As a result of this misconception we expect the other person to come in and complete us. If you are not complete as an individual, you will not be complete in marriage. Marriage does not bring you completion, but make two complete male and female, COMPLETELY WHOLE as a single entity. We often hear people refer to their spouses as their better half. See heaven mathematics is not the same as earthly mathematics. 1+1+1=1 in heaven mathematics, THE FATHER+THE SON+HOLY SPIRIT=One GOD...The father complete as an individual and so is the SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT yet they come together to form ONE complete BEING. This should be the same with MARRIAGE, a whole MAN should meet a whole WOMAN and come together and become one WHOLE.


Rev 21:2 “Then I, John,* saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”.

As the New Jerusalem is to God, so is a bride to her bridegroom. The Bible said, the bride of Christ comes down from heaven. In Proverb 19: 14, it says, “a prudent wife comes from the Lord”. Are you presently in the Lord, in the place of spiritual formation? Are you complete in Christ and ready for the bridegroom?
The bridegroom that is complete in Christ and fit for marriage needs a “prudent” bride from the Lord; she must come from the Lord. The Hebrew word for prudent is “Sakal” meaning, “cause to be wise, to succeed”. From the beginning, God created an androgynous man and divinely separated the female from the male. He took the female, worked on her in His heavenly laboratory and fashioned her to be a “Prudent Bride, A Helpmeet”. Then, when she is completed and fit to marry a Hero, God brought her to the bridegroom. So my sister, are you in Christ and complete in Him or outside of Christ?
A prudent wife is taken from man like Eve who was taken out of Adam and now returning back to him with great interest. She is fully prepared to cause the bridegroom to succeed as a Hero. She is trained to serve, to be the King’s helpmeet.
The mandate of the man is to govern the earth and demonstrate the love of Christ to his wife. The mandate of the woman is to help the man in governing the earth through her wisdom. She is the type of the Holy Spirit in the home and he is the type of Jesus in the marriage. He learn from Jesus Christ how to be an ideal husband, while she learn from the Holy Spirit how to be a helpmeet, comforter and the wisdom of her husband. With her wisdom, the home is build, but the foolish bride will destroy it for she lacks wisdom because she rebel against the Holy Spirit's instruction.
Until Eve was completed and fitted for marriage, before God brought her to the man. As long as you are not in the presence of the Lord as a lady, and be train by the Holy Spirit, God will never introduce you to the bridegroom no matter how much prayers you offer to Him. You will be on your own.
As I earlier said, the Bride must prepare herself, must make herself ready. Tomorrow, we will look at certain features of what Scripture says about the Preparation of the Bride, namely who prepares the Bride, and when and where does this preparation take place. We have all heard various teachings and opinions of her preparation, but we must adhere to the clear teaching of Scripture alone.


I hope all of you are following me in this series? Today, we will address the question, "When does this preparation take place — after going in to the presence of the King — or before?" Again we will look at a few passages in Esther: 

Est 2:8 “So it was, when the king's command and decree were heard, and when many young women were gathered at Shushan the citadel, under the custody of Hegai…”.

We have come to a time in history that the number of women has outweigh that of men. In the time of Esther, there were so many unmarried ladies in the country, but only the virgins were accepted to go into the Harem of the King for purification. Also, among all the virgins who were gathered at the King’s palace, only one of them will be qualify to be the King’s Bride. 

What is an Harem? Harem is simply the place where women lived, trained and prepared for royal marriage. I see the Church as a spiritual harem where the daughters should be equipped for marriage by the Pastor through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Here, we are presented with two group of women; those in the Harem and those outside the Harem. Those that are outside (not virgins in Christ, not born again) will never have the opportunity to marry the Kings (Born again brothers). While those that are inside the Harem, all have opportunity to marry the King, but because of their carnal desires and demands, they could not be chosen. Many were called, but only one is chosen.

“Now when every maid's turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, (for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women;) Then thus came every maiden unto the king...” (Esther 2:12b-13a)

Notice also that Esther's preparation was over a twelve-month period of time, which was six months of one preparation, and six months of another. And it was all to be done before going into the presence of the King, which means “before having sex with the King”.

Two things were required for the preparation of Esther to be the King’s Bride: Oil of Myrrh for six months and Sweet Odours, then other things for her purification. The oil of myrrh is an aromatic spices, when apply to the body it stimulate and activate all the sexual characteristic of the woman. Esther’s body was specially massaged with Myrrh for six months in order to satisfy the King sexually after marriage. This means that she has all the required knowledge about sex in marriage and how to satisfy her bridegroom, the King. Secondly, sweet perfumed was also applied on her so that she will smell good and delight the heart of the King.

This is the reason why Solomon was captivated by the Shulamite Woman when he saw her in glory. He proclaimed; “How fair is your love, My sister, my spouse! How much better than wine is your love, And the scent of your perfumes than all spices! Song 4:10.

This message confirms what we have seen thus far — that being ready, being prepared, must occur BEFORE the arrival of the Bridegroom. We may now conclude that the preparation of the Bride is done before going in with the Bridegroom. If you are not really prepared and forced your way into marriage, you will definitely regret later. God forbids!


As we go deeper into this study, there may be many who have un-answered questions. For example, we might ask, "Do the bride prepared in the "twinkling of an eye" when she goes to be with the King?" A few may ask, "Is there some particular preparation that she must do, over some period of time while waiting for the bridegroom?" We then realize that the Scriptures reveal the answers! So let's look at the Scriptures.

First, let us see who does the preparing. Notice the following passages: Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7)

And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. (Revelation 19:8)

In the above passages, in verse 7, we see the Betrothed wife - the Bride - has made herself ready. She is the one who made the preparation.

In verse 8, we see her 'array' (her clothing and covering) was granted, or given to her, by the Holy Spirit. The fine linen is her righteousness; she must have equity of character like the Holy Spirit to be a helper. She will help the bridegroom and not do him harm. Therefore, any bride that has no intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit before and after marriage, will hardly fulfil her obligation to her bridegroom. Such a woman will be a liability, sucking life out of him. 

So the preparation of the Bride involves the Bride's action, as well as the action of the Holy Spirit. Both are necessary. This two-fold process is confirmed in Esther:

“And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him; and he speedily gave her her things for purification, with such things as belonged to her, and seven maidens, which were meet to be given her, out of the king's house: and he preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women”. (Esther 2:9)

Here we see that Hegai, the eunuch (type of the Holy Spirit), as well as the seven maidens given to her, all picture the Holy Spirit, given to the Bride to provide help, and to provide everything that is needed to the Bride for her purification — her preparation. In Esther 2:9, notice the two-fold process that made up her preparation: (1) "he speedily gave her;" and (2) "with such things as belonged to her”, which make her to be complete and fit to be the King’s bride.

The preparation of the Bride is a co-operation between the Holy Spirit, and the Bride.


Esther 2: 15 “Now when the turn came for Esther … to go in to the king, she requested nothing but what Hegai the king's eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther OBTAINED FAVOR in the sight of all who saw her”.

“Hegai liked Esther and took a SPECIAL INTEREST in her. Right off he started her beauty treatments, ordered special food, assigned her seven personal maids from the palace, and put her and her maids in the best rooms in the harem”. Est 2:9-10

Though, they all have equal privilege to appear before the King, but who will be qualify to be the King’s Bride? When you find favor with the Holy Spirit, you will find favor with the King.

Among all the waiting virgins, only Esther found favor. Why was she exceptional? Because of her moral upbringing, humility and godly character. She was not lustful and materialistic like the rest of the virgins. Here is the deal to test-drive their characters: Est 2:13 “Thus prepared, each young woman went to the king, and she was given whatever she desired to take with her from the women's quarters to the king's palace”.

The other young women went into the Harem with a lustful and ill-mannered heart, placing great demand on Hegai to give them whatever they desire. They were without restrain and the fruit of self-control was lacking in them, but when it was Esther’s turn “she requested nothing”. Hegai watched them and only Esther found favor with him. He saw the Queen in Esther and gave her special treatment. With his influence, and through the eyes of the King as he behold the chastity of Esther, verse 17 said, “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she OBTAINED FAVOR and kindness in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti. 

How did she obtained the King’s favor to marry her? She has a meek and quiet spirit. Other ladies have wanton eyes, but Esther requested nothing. She has been an orphan and was trained by her uncle how to be submissive. These and other qualities in Esther captivated the heart of the King.

All spices, cloths and jewelries were available and at their disposal from the women’s quarter to the palace, but Esther requested nothing except to follow the advice of Hegai. They were free to demand for anything which they desire, even at the palace as far as it will make them appear more beautiful before the King. Unfortunately and unknown to the rest of the ladies that what count most is not the artificial beauty, but the inner beauty of the heart. May be, the reason why good suitors are running away from you is because you look too expensive and place great demand on men to solve all your needs. 

Imagining yourself at the palace of the King and you are opportune to take whatever your heart desire, how many of you ladies can cast restrain and request nothing like Esther, but follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? No wander, the King had to admire Esther. She was irresistible and finally, she became his Queen. He knows that when he marry any of those ladies, they might end up being like Vashti. Their hearts was focusing on what they will get and not on how they will satisfy the King. He has learn a lot from Vashti and its only a foolish King that will not take his time to make a good choice.

Every lady in the Harem has her turn to parade before the presence of the King for scrutiny. All of them had the same privilege to be in the Harem and received the same purification by the Holy Spirit in the person of Hegai, but only one of them will be favored. Not because of her beauty or background, but because of her character.

They were all under the custody of Hegai to be well train for marriage. The tenacity of the moment was high and every heart was beaten “who will be the next bride?” It was the greatest honour to marry the king at your prime age. Once you missed the opportunity of marrying the King, you have to wait until another King arose and nobody knows how long it will take before you get another honourable man.

Are you a virgin in Christ? Are you in the spiritual Harem (church) today? Are you under the custody of the Hegai (Holy Spirit) or outside? Do you obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit? Paul said, those that are single pleases the Lord…. They are under the custody of the Holy Spirit who is preparing them for marriage and who will continue to guide them in marriage as they yield themselves to Him. Are you pleasing the Lord as a single?

The word “custody” means, “A state of being confined (usually for a short time)”. You are not expected to stay long in the Harem without getting married to the King, but until you are favored you will still be in confinement.

The Bible said that Hegai was the custodian of the women. The interesting part is the meaning of his name Hegai, which is a Persian name for Eunuch meaning – meditation, word, groaning, and separation. As an Eunuch, Hegai gave all the virgins instructions on how to find favor in the eyes of the King, but who among them will past the test by following only his advise.

There was one among them who separated herself from ungodly influence and that is Esther. She is not a wayward girl listening to other ladies advises in the Harem. Definitely, the other virgins might be jealous of Esther and give her extra instructions which will make the King to distaste her instead and desire one of them. But Esther shunned them and follow only the Holy Spirit’s (Hegai) counseling. Hegai taught her on how to meditate on his word (God’s Word), how to separate herself from the alluring of immoral men outside the Harem and from bad friends in the Harem. She also learned how to groan and travail in prayer in order to find favor with the King.

I love the last part, it said “And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her”. Among all the virgins in the Harem of the King, only Esther found favor. Have you ever wander why others are flying their wedding cards and yet with all your beauty, education and wealth, you could not get a suitor?


Hosea 2:19-20 "I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me In righteousness and justice, In loving-kindness and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, And you shall know the LORD”.

What a powerful wedding toast from God! He declares by what means He would "betroth her to Himself for ever". God had indeed from the beginning covenanted with the Israelite in a perpetual love; there is nothing disguised or false in His covenant. He said, I betroth you to Me forever, in righteousness, justice, steadfast love, mercy and faithfulness. How many bridegrooms have these virtues in them? These are the ingredients that makes a bridegroom a complete male who will be a Christ-like husband.
Betrothing was the bridegroom's taking the bride into a marriage-covenant. It is not like the modern engagement where a man keep a woman waiting for years without marriage and at the end, might dump her to marry another woman. Betrothal was done publicly before witnesses and infidelity during espousal was reputed and punished as adultery. Whomsoever the bridegroom espoused to himself, he espoused for ever like God in righteousness, justice, steadfast love, mercy and faithfulness.
The word “betroth” from Hebrew “arash” means “a mutual promise or covenant for a future marriage”, which marks a new beginning, with all the freshness of first love that last forever. Betrothal in ancient Israel was much more binding than engagement is in our contemporary society. But the actual marriage took place only when the bridegroom took the bride to his home and the marriage was consummated in the sexual union.
The most important instance of betrothal in the Bible is the one between Joseph and Mary (Matt 1:18-19). A Jewish betrothal could be dissolved only by the man's giving the woman a certificate of divorce. 
At the time of the betrothal the man would pay a price to seal the agreement. Among the "wedding gifts" will be such blessings as righteousness, justice, love, compassion, and faithfulness. These qualities will characterize His relationship with His bride, which will never end. He said, “I betroth you to Me forever”. He takes her with the fixed purpose never to put her away while she desires to abide with Him: never indeed to part with her. It is everlasting without expiring, either at death, or at the world's ending.

YOU CAN TRUST AGAIN: Do you have the problem of trust?

I thought to myself, “I forgive her.” That was a good start. Then, I said to the Lord, “Lord, I love her. But I don’t trust her. I don’t trust her because she hurts me in the past and I have fear that she might do so again.” Through the years, I have heard numerous sermons and received many teachings saying this was theologically alright. If someone hurt you, God required you to forgive them and to love them, but until they had demonstrated a change, walked it out in their lives, and shown themselves trustworthy, you didn’t have to trust them. The Lord, however, seemed to be disagreeing with this theology. He told me to read 1 Corinthians 13. “I know that chapter, Lord,” I protested, “I’ve read it a thousand times.” God’s response was clear and concise, “READ IT!”

As I began to read this chapter in my Bible, I become oblivious to everything else going on around me. I was no longer just struggling with that lady who broke my heart and now coming to me for help; I was now wrestling with God. When I got to the seventh verse, “Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres,” something happened that has only happened to me a few times before in my life. The words “always trusts” seemed to ignite, enlarge, and explode off the page all at the same time. The Lord spoke to my heart that unless my love includes trust, it is not His love. He showed me that although favor is an area we grow in, we do not grow in trust — it is a gift we are to give! Godly love does not give forgiveness while withholding trust. If I insist on determining when another deserves my trust, I am making myself the lord of my heart — a dangerous and idolatrous thing to do. The Lord told me that because of His faithfulness I should be willing to trust those whom He is restoring. So, I responded to the Lord, “Yes Lord, I choose to trust her.” The word trust in 1 Corinthians 13:7 is the Greek word “pisteuo,” which means “to believe in, place confidence in, or rely upon in the sense of being committed to something or someone.” The love we are to have for each other as believers is a committed love. It is love that believes in others and is willing to rely upon them, even when they have let us down and disappointed us. Our love is to be confident that the next time they will fare better. The love that comes from God gives trust to those who have not earned it, and restores trust to those whom it forgives. Restore means “to bring back into existence, to bring back to the normal condition.”

This “trusting” part of love overcomes many difficulties. It binds together when the enemy would cause division. When Satan brings accusation and suspicion, trust brings forbearance and believing the best. Trust overcomes division and fear of rejection. It is not self-protecting. It says, “Though you have been untrustworthy, I refuse to discard my relationship with you just to protect myself.”

Satan knows that a united, loving relationship would easily overpower him. Therefore, he is constantly coming against the loving trust God would have us possess. 

Even though trust was no longer in existence, trust was the “normal condition” God wanted me to have. The Lord wanted me to lay down my rights, and to choose to trust him. I was called to have a greater love than I had before. “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). I believe this is a great picture of Job 13:15, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” When we have God’s great love, we will help fulfill the hopes and dreams of others despite of how trustworthy they have been toward us. This is laying down your life for a friend.


Joel 2:15-16 “Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; Gather the people, Sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and nursing babes; Let the Bridegroom go out from his CHAMBER, And the Bride from her DRESSING ROOM”. 

Before a couple marries, they feel invulnerable. Love sweeps them along on a cloud from which they can’t see the ground, much less the pit—even if they wished to look, which they don’t. Then they come back from the honeymoon. Making Their Own Rules for Marriage. 

It is not what happen during the wedding that count, but what next after the ceremony is over?

Prophet Joel cried out, "Bridegroom, you have stayed too long in the chamber. Bride, you have stayed too long in the dressing room". It is time for the gathering of the saints, a called to the solemn assembly. It’s time to sanctify the Church. All will be involve in this sanctification process, the children and nursing, the Bridegroom and his Bride.The word sanctification means to be set apart for the service or glory of God.

A revival is coming, but the Bride and her Bridegroom have no interest in the things of God again. They have no time for fasting, they no longer pray together or live a holy life. They are carried away with the ecstasy of the wedding and the glamour of sex. 

Bridegroom, you have stayed too long in the bed chamber having sex and making her factory for producing babies. All you can think of is sex sex sex. Sex has replace spiritual devotion to God. Each time you come home, the first thing you do is romance with your Bride and have no time for intensive prayer and reading of the word of God. 

Oh Bride, you spend hours in your dressing room, but have little or no time for prayers and worship. Because of your consistency in the dressing room, you go to church late, but have enough time to show up at different occasions or visit friends. If both of you should not take caution and come out of the chamber to fast and pray for the future success of your marriage and children, be sure that the storm will soon come. Its appropriate for every Bride to dress for her husband, but not at the detriment of your devotion to God. When your devotion for the things of God is abated during the glory of your wedding, be sure that the ecstasy will soon be gone and then, you will begin to face reality. That is why Paul said its not a sin to marry "Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you”. 1 Cor 7:28

As soon as the wedding is over, the devil is waiting with his temptation and manipulation to ruin the marriage. Anything that reveal the image and glory of God is the enemy of Satan. He would not like to see you walking in unity, having smooth communication and worshiping God together.

The same vibe you use to enjoy sex in the bed chamber and in the dressing room, let it be the same vibe in your devotion to the things of God.


When God created the woman for man, he made her for the purpose of being a “help meet” to her husband. In Hebrew, the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and “neged".

The Hebrew word neged means ‘part opposite, counterpart, in front of.’ In other words, she is opposite to man, but fits him perfectly like a glove.

Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word "ezer" translated into English as “help” is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. 

The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “saviour”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer (help) to man. Even more amazing is that this word is first used regarding a wife, before it is used regarding God!

For example the word "ebenezer" in 1 Samuel 7:12 is used to describe the power of God's deliverance. "Eben" means rock and "ezer" means "help" or "salvation". Ebenezer therefore means "rock of help" or "rock of salvation". The root "ezer" is the same word that God used to describe to Adam who Eve was. She was not intended to be just his helper or his companion, rather she was intended to be his saviour, his deliverer. Halleluiah! Ladies can you hear that?
Women reveal the image of God when you help your husbands. By the way, you don’t help your husband when you seek to do his career. That undermines his manhood. You help him by making life easier to do his work, by caring for him physically and nutritionally, and by making your home a peaceful sanctuary for him.


“Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, We would have become like Sodom, We would have been made like Gomorrah”. Isa 1:9

When there is a dehumanization of manhood and womanhood; when the world has become like Sodom and Gomorrah; when the marriage covenants are broken and abuse, there will always be a remnant of the Lord in every generation, who will not follow the worldly trend and system. 
When there is desolation of homes and marriages in the land; when men are no longer faithful to their spouses; when women are no longer submissive and the joy of marriage cease in the land, God will raise a Prophetic Remnant. 
Presently, God is bringing forth a new Kingdom Brides and Bridegrooms who will turn the current desolation of marital homes into a fruitful and Christlike habitation. They will bring back the VOICE of halleluiah in their homes. For "Thus says the Lord: 'Again there shall be heard in this place — of which you say, "It is desolate, without man and without beast" — in the cities of Judah, in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate, without man and without inhabitant and without beast, 11 the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the VOICE OF THE BRIDEGROOM and the VOICE OF THE BRIDE, the voice of those who will say: "Praise the Lord of hosts, For the Lord is good, For His mercy endures forever" and of those who will bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord…”. Jer 33:10-11. For out of Jerusalem, the scripture said, “shall go a REMNANT, and those who escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this”. Isa 37:32
And again, Prophet Ezekiel declare “Yet behold, there shall be left in it a REMNANT who will be brought out, both SONS and DAUGHTERS; surely they will come out to you, and you will see their ways and their doings. Then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that I have brought upon Jerusalem, all that I have brought upon it. 23 And they will comfort you, when you see their ways and their doings; and you shall know that I have done nothing without cause that I have done in it," says the Lord God”. Ezek 14:22-23


“Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was COMFORTED after his mother's death”. Gen 24:67

Instead of him to take her to a hotel and spoil her; instead of engaging her for three years without any hope of getting married or cohabiting with her without a marriage proposal, Isaac brought her into his mother “Sarah’s Tent”. The next line said, “he took Rebekah and she became HIS WIFE, and he loved her”. What is Sarah’s Tent? This tent stands for “motherhood transfer”. Let’s look at few scriptures that unveil this mystery.

In Isaiah chapter 51 verse 2, the prophet said, “Look to … Sarah who BORE you”. There are two Hebrew words for “Look”, nabat usually means to fix one's gaze on a person or thing and saa, literally to "look at with interest". Hence, to “look” means to “fix your eyes or one’s attention” on somebody or something until you receive the mantle to function like what you attended to. However, continual attention given to an object usually denotes that pleasure is found in it. How many ladies are tapping into this grace of motherhood? How many mother in-laws are transferring the motherhood anointing to their daughter in-laws so they will HELP their sons in becoming a hero and lord?

In Genesis 24: 59-60, the greatest prayer the family of Rebecca prayed for her at her marriage ceremony was that she will enter her prophetic motherhood. They said, “thou art our sister, be thou the MOTHER of thousands of millions, and let thine seed possess the gate of those that hate them.” That is a classic example and it takes a motherhood transfer from Isaac mother for Rebekah to fulfill her destiny. It's unfortunate that so many mother in-laws are the greatest hindrance to the success of their son's marriage. 

You need a motherhood transfer to function as a wife to your Isaac. Until you look, you might not get the unction to function as a mother and a wife. Isaiah said, “look to Sarah who bore you”. To “bore” from the Hebrew verb yalad rendered to “bear, travail or bring forth”. You are brought forth from the womb of Sarah and carried her deposit in you to make the LORD in your bridegroom to rule and take charge. This is why Peter said, “as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror”. 1 Peter 3:6

The concluding part of Gen 24:67 said, “So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death”. There must be a separation from your mother and mother in-law so that the transfer can be effected. The role of the bride as a wife is to be the “comforter” of her husband. 

When God made Eve, it was in order that she might be a helper suitable for man (Gen. 2:18). The glory of this ministry is seen, when we notice that the title of 'Helper' is what Jesus used to refer to the Holy Spirit as well (Jn. 14:16)! As the Holy Spirit invisibly and silently, yet powerfully helps the believer, even so the woman was created to help the man.


Hosea 2:19-20 "I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me In righteousness and justice, In lovingkindness and mercy; 20 I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, And you shall KNOW THE LORD”.

We saw in the last post that the word “betroth” from Hebrew “arash” means “a mutual promise or covenant for a future marriage”. So, when God said, “I betroth you to Me forever”, He means, I have made a covenant to bring you back into ME, into where you came from; to bring you into Me in righteousness, justice, lovingkiness, mercy and faithfulness. You were in Me in eternity past and in eternity to come you will be with Me forever.

In the above verses, two events where mention – Verse 19 speaks of The Betrothal (I will betroth you to Me) and Verse 20 speaks of The Marriage (And you shall KNOW the Lord). A betrothal usually lasted for one year. During that year the couple were known as husband and wife, although they did not have the right to be united sexually.

In response to the divine love showered on her, the bride will only KNOW the bridegroom after marriage.

As a bridegroom, you are mandated to follow the footsteps of Christ - the heavenly bridegroom to get your bride. Since God betrothed her in Righteousness, He expect every Bridegroom to do the same. If you are laying with the bride during the betrothal period, you are not betrothing her to YOU in righteousness, mercy, justice, lovingkiness and faithfulness.

The Hebrew word for "sex" is yada meaning, "known, recognized, understood, respected". This has to do with emotional, soulish and spiritual connection. Yada is not the only word the Bible uses for sex. In Genesis 19:33 we find that in desperation to carry on the family name, Lot’s "older daughter went in and LAY with [her dad]." The Hebrew word for "lay" in this instance is sakab. It means "to exchange bodily emissions." It’s a mere physical exchange.

Throughout the scripture, when a man had sex outside marriage it was said, “He lay with”, but if it was done inside marriage, the word “KNOW”was used. The word “to know” yada is used both in reference to a man and wife having sexual intercourse and in reference to a person being in deep fellowship with God. The book of Ephesians calls God’s comparison of His relationship with us to marriage a great mystery. When our betrothals are pure and free from “sakab” – exchanging bodily emissions, they have so much intense passion in them that they are the closest thing on this earth that God can find to help us understand His passion for us. That’s pretty heady stuff!

Where are the faithful bridegrooms? Let’s not stop short with sakab, but betroth our brides in righteousness, mercy, steadfast love, justice and faithfulness. Let’s give this world a picture of our God’s Wedding Toast —"to know, to be known, to be deeply respected” after our wedding.


In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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