"For she lusted for her paramours (MALE PROSTITUTES), Whose flesh (PENIS) is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue (SPERM) is like the issue of horses”. Ezek 23:20 (emphasis mine)
The word “lusted” here is from the Hebrew “hawwa” meaning, “inflaming oneself with an uncontrollable desire, a craving, an abnormal appetite for something”. Greek "Epithumia" is used most frequently in the New Testament, and means a longing for the unlawful, hence, concupiscence, evil desire; to crave intensely the wrong possession. It is translated in James 4:1,3 as "pleasures": "Your pleasures that war in your members"; "Ye ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures".
The Bible said, “she lusted”. This means, she was the cause of her yielding to immorality. When lust is conceived or accumulated, it produces SIN and it’s easy to blame God or said “I was tempted”. You can’t be tempted without your participation. Hear what James 1:13-15 said, “Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death”.
The final destination of those who are lustful is death. In Num 11:34, a reference was made to a place called “Kibroth Hattaavah” the graves of lust, where "they buried the people that lusted”. When you are living in the realm of the deaths, everything about you starts decaying. Your flesh will begin to deteriorate and your life span will be truncated.
Oholibah, in the above verse was said “she lusted after her paramours”. The word “paramour” Hebrew pilleges, "a concubine," masculine or feminine: A term applied in Ezekiel to the MALE PROSTITUTE, but elsewhere translated "concubine”. In today's language, it means “to cohabit with a man or woman without any marriage covenant”.
Why was she lusting after male prostitutes? Because of their big dicks and ability to have multiple ejaculations.
"For she lusted for her paramours (MALE PROSTITUTES), Whose flesh (PENIS) is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue (SPERM) is like the issue of horses. 21 Thus you called to remembrance the lewdness of your youth, When the Egyptians pressed your bosom because of your youthful breasts”. Ezek 23:20-21
We saw previously that Oholibah was lusting after MALE PROSTITUTES who sleeps or cohabit with women without a marriage covenant.
Ezekiel said, Oholibah lusted for men whose flesh (penises) are big and long like that of donkeys and whose issues (sperm) is like that of horses. The word "Flesh" has many meanings in the Bible, but in the above verse, it is a euphemism for the sexual organs. Euphemism means an indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh. Therefore, the word FLESH refers to male PENIS, while the word ISSUE refers to SPERM.
The big male organ you see on movies are not actually their natural organs. Most of them use drugs to be extra strong so they can have multiple ejaculations like donkeys. They also use drugs to enlarge their penises and increase their testosterone. Therefore, any woman who have slept with such sexually perverted men might find it difficult to be satisfied with ONE HUSBAND, especially with men who have normal sex drives. I had counseled several women who complained that their husband’s penises are too small because they were used to having men with penises as big as donkey who penetrated them. Their vaginas have been extra enlarged beyond the normal capacity and now affected with the remembrances of all their past male prostitutes.
The Bible said, “she called to remembrance the lewdness of her youth”. Her sexual orientation was perverted. Each time she called to remembrance the lewdness of her youth and involvement with male prostitutes, a desire to go back into her old lifestyle will spring up.
When you sleep with a man that is not your husband; there will be a resurfacing of the spirits of all the men you slept with, thereby, suffocating your soul after marriage. The cord of your unholy sexual intercourse with your male prostitutes will linger on until you are strip off of your dignity and worth as a woman. You have slept with many men and a soul tied has been created. Go for counseling and set yourself free.