Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Marriage is like an is only as good as the eggs. Do an experiment, crack an egg put holes in the shell. It will begin to rot. When it does rot take that egg and another fresh egg and crack them in the same bowl. Mix them and make an omlet. I guarantee you will not be able to eat it. In this case the egg shell is character. This is the same as a marriage. Take a good man/woman and mix them with a rotten partner. No matter how good you are, as an individual you will rot if mixed with a rotten partner. That's why the bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." Believers often bring an unsaved partner to marry. They say, "Don't worry he will change when we are married." or "I'll bring him to the Lord." Well if no one else has said anything I'll tell you now IT DOES NOT WORK. If your partner is not willing to change for you before you are married they will not change because you are married.

As a matter of fact you have had to compromise your standards in order to accommodate them. What’s more likely to happen is for you to compromise further than for them to compromise to be what you want them to become. This is the reason you see a girl devoted to the Lord, serving coming for all prayer meetings and going hard for the Lord. She marries boy who doesn't go to church doesn't believe in God. She believes she will change him. After a while she is not allowed to attend church, prayer meeting or follow God. If you think about it, you know someone like that.

Eggs determine omlets, which means singleness determines marriage. Which means its more important to be single than to be married, its more important to check a person's single life before you get into their married life.. Whatever they are as a single, they bring to your marriage. And if they are rotten, they win. "IF THEY DON'T CHANGE TO GET YOU THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE TO KEEP YOU!!!!"


Jeremiah 29:5-6 “Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished”.

The first requirement for a man before marriage is to “work”. He is to prepare the ground before the coming of the wife. The Bible said that God first gave man a garden and asked him to cultivate it. Gen 2:15 “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to CULTIVATE it and to keep it”. God took him and put him in a place where he should be working.

To cultivate means to bring out the best in everything around you, to maximise the potential of everything around you, to make everything fruitful and multiply. In Jeremiah, we have an outline of what a man should do before thinking of getting married. The scripture said:

Build your house:
The first requirement is for the man to build his house; that is to prepare a place for the coming of the wife. This is in conjunction to what God told Adam, “So shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife”. It is wrong to marry a wife and still leaving under the roof of your parents. What defines your manhood is your ability to live on your own and make it in life even without the support of your parents.

Dwell in it: The second thing to do is to dwell in what you build as a man. The Bible said in Prov 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children”. He is not a liability, but an investor; a dweller and not a wanderer. Whatever he builds will last for generations. This is a man that is qualified to marry a wife.

Plant gardens:
This refer to doing business, ministry or working as an employee. He is not a lazy man but active and productive. In Prov 18:9, we are told that a man who is “slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster”. Women, do not marry a waster, he will waste you away. Marry a man that is diligent in his work and both of you will soon stand before Kings and great people.

Eat the fruits:
The mandate of the man is to plant gardens and start eating the fruits before bringing in a wife so that when she comes in, there will be no lack. Just as the Lord is our Shepherd, the husband is the Shepherd of the wife and he has to make sure that she does not lack anything. Ps 23:1 “Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need!” Hmmm may my wife say “because Jabari is the representative of Jesus my Shepherd, I have everything I need”.
It was after God gave man a garden to “cultivate it” that He finally said, it’s not good for the man to be alone. He gave him a wife and “blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth…”. Genesis 1:28

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Jer 31:13 - "Then shall the VIRGINS REJOICE IN THE DANCE, And the young men and the old, together; For I will turn their mourning to joy, Will comfort them, And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.

When God delivered the Israelites from captivity, they came back to their land and had a solemn assembly where the virgins dance, while the young men and old rejoice together. In the above text, the DANCING was done before the Lord in His sanctuary.

There are two types of dancing going on in the world at this precarious time. One is dancing unto the Lord, full of grace and joy, while the other is dancing unto Satan, full of seduction and sorrow. In the Lord’s House, there are men whom God has taking their sorrows and mourning away, then fill them with the joy of Salvation. These men are rejoicing with the virgins in the presence of the Lord because He has delivered them from sin and SORROW. And they see the virgins as potential wives. But those men in the house of Satan are full of sorrows and insatiate desire for sex. To satisfy their emptiness, they use women as sex object and then dumb them. If peradventure they got married, their marriage will be full of sorrows. So, where you dance will determine whom you will attract.

The question now is, “where are you dancing? In the House of the Lord Jesus or in the Discos House of Satan?” Only virgins are allowed to dance in the House of the Lord. He will turn their mourning to joy, comfort them and remove their sorrows away. But in the Prison House of Satan, there is only TEMPORAL HAPPINESS because Satan will never “open the house of his prisoners?' Isa 14:17.

In Africa, when a King wants to get a bride for his son, all the young maidens in the community will be summon at the market square or town hall to dance before the PRINCE. While the procession was going on, the Prince will make his selection and then, the chosen lady will be declared. Likewise in Ps 68:24-25, the Bible said “Your procession is seen, O God, the procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary - the singers in front, the musicians last, between them VIRGINS playing tambourines”: ESV This portion of scripture is referring to the wedding of the King of king with His Bride the Church. As it is spiritually, so it is in the physical realm because marriage is the replica of the spiritual union between Christ and the Church.

There are two precessions going on in the Church right now; one is the procession of God to get a Bride for His Son Jesus and the second is for the sons of the Kingdom to get virgins as their wives. They learn from Jesus how He pick His bride and do likewise.

Ladies, do you need a husband? Join the procession of Jesus the King. Men, do you need a decent wife, join also and you will see her in glory during the procession.


Growing up in a broken home, I've always had trust issues. Unfortunately for my husband, he had always gotten the brunt of them even when they were undeserving. It's been something I've carried around all of my life. If you can relate, you've probably perfected my once set-in-stone mantra -"No one is trustworthy, but God."That's what I had come to accept as truth – truth or not.

I've always been good at withholding trust as a form of protecting myself . . . or at least I thought it was protecting me. But there did come a time when I realized that perhaps withholding trust was hurting much more than simply giving it freely.

While the devil will always try to pour salt on our most vulnerable wounds, with God's help, we can find true peace with ourselves and our spouses by being willing to do the work and by taking a closer look at the truths in God's Word.

"Let them call upon the elders of the church and let them pray . . ."James 5:14

When I first began to ask people to pray for my situation, I felt ashamed. Afterwards, however, I realized that it was just another way that God would use our pain for His glory. As things began to change, I started to see how it had allowed others to witness God's hand in our lives while also unlocking a power that I could not unlock alone.

When you find yourself going back to childish thoughts with no merit, ask God for His wisdom and He will give it to you. Apostle Paul said, "But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead . . ." Philippians 3:13-14

If you can't let go of the memories that make trust difficult for you, remember what the Apostle Paul said, "Forgetting what is behind . . . I press toward . . . the prize for which God has called me." Forget past hurts. Speak with your pastor or get help from a Christian counselor. Remember that your past is not a reflection on your present. Our pasts can continue to harm us well, but only if we let it.

As you face the trials that come into your marriage, as it is in a factory, as iron grinds against iron, remember that something beautiful happens to both pieces in the process. The Father polishes their rough edges; breaking them down and shining them up into what He wants them to be, which will soon be revealed if we only trust.

As you face the trials that come into your marriage, as it is in a factory, as iron grinds against iron, remember that something beautiful happens to both pieces in the process. The Father polishes their rough edges; breaking them down and shining them up into what He wants them to be, which will soon be revealed if we only trust.


Adam was so busy naming animals, doing what God had called him to, working in the garden fulfilling God's purpose that he didn't have time to look for a wife. Adam knew his purpose. Adam knew his assignment. Adam knew the word of God. Adam knew what he was born to do. And if you look at Genesis 2 verse 15. God took the male man, put him in the garden, commanded him to work. Take care of the garden. You don't need a woman to be a fully fledged need to work, have some form of production system. Infact the first thing God gave man...the bible says God took the man and put in Eden. Eden is the presence of God. That means the first thing a male needs is not the presence of a female, it's the PRESENCE OF GOD.

Next thing the Lord told man is guard the garden. Which means protect. Then he told him to cultivate, which means to develop everything around you. Next God told the man to keep his commandments.

Any male that you qualify to marry should have 5 things.

1. To be in God's presence
2. To have a form of production (work, job or ministry etc)
3. He should know the word of God
4. He should be able to cultivate you
5. He should be able to protect you

If he can't do these it is good for him to be alone. Ladies keep asking the wrong question "Do you love me?" instead of asking the above and "Can you teach me the word of God?" This is in verse 15, 16 and 17 of Genesis 2.

In the beginning. Go back to the beginning and look at this man. God saw all these qualities, it was of this man that he said,"It is not good for this man to be alone." Which man, the man who is in God's presence, the man who is producing, the man who knows the word of God, the man who can cultivate you and protect you.

Adam did not know he needed a woman, God had to interrupt him to get him married.

Men, don't waste your time looking for someone to marry. Instead spend your time building yourself up so when you do get married you bring value and the presence of God to your marriage. This message is inspired by the teaching of Myles Munroe.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Ladies, are you dating a man or a boy? What will happen if you end up marrying a boy instead of a man? Guys, are you still a boy or a man?

- A boy is irresponsible- A man is responsible.
- A boy’s thoughts drift from one to another - A man is focused.
- A boy is late - A man is punctual.
- A boy is indecisive - A man makes decisions.
- A boy hesitates - A man takes action.
- A boy places blame - A man owns up to his mistakes.
- A boy does not think before he acts - A man thinks four steps ahead.
- A boy seeks validation from others - A man validates himself.
- A boy thinks of himself first - A man thinks of others first.
- A boy apologizes for who he is - A man owns his identity.
- A boy is apathetic - A man is committed.
- A boy reacts - A man acts.
- A boy is a tyrant and tries to rule others - A man rules himself.
- A boy is inept - A man is capable.
- A boy is a trickster - A man is authentic.
- A boy is a coward - A man courageous.
- A boy let’s himself be walked on - A man has strong boundaries.
- A boy acts impulsively - A man acts with purpose.
- A boy takes - A man gives.
- A boy uses - A man produces.
- A boy relies on others - A man has others who rely upon him.
- A boy is self-destructive - A man builds himself up.
- A boy is passive-aggresive - A man is assertive.
- A boy waits for his destiny to be revealed to him - A man creates his own destiny.
- A boy has a problem with authority - A man can handle authority.
- A boy rejects education - A man never stops learning.
- A boy is a student - A man teaches.
- A boy detracts from others - A man empowers others.
- A boy lies - A man is honest.
- A boy is a know-it-all - A man knows what he doesn’t know.
- A boy is envious - A man gives recognition.
- A boy is lazy - A man is active.
- A boy is dull - A man is creative.
- A boy steals - A man gives away freely.
- A boy looks outward - A man introspects.
- A boy protects himself - A man makes himself vulnerable.
- A boy watches - A man participates.
- A boy is negative - A man is positive.
- A boy is a son - A man is a father.

- Boys are students: Men are teachers
- Boys are consumers: Men are producers
- Boys play with toys: Men work with tools
- Boys break things: Men make things
- Boys ask questions: Men give answers
- Boys are disruptive: Men bring order
- Boys run in gangs: Men organize teams
- Boys play house: Men build homes
- Boys shack up: Men get married
- Boys make babies: Men raise children
- A boy won’t raise his own children: A man will raise his and somebody else’s
- Boys invent excuses for failure: Men produce strategies for success
- Boys look for somebody to take care of them: Men look for somebody to take care of
- Boys seek popularity: Men demand respect
- Boys are up on the latest: Men are down with the GREATEST
- Boys are present-centered; Men are time-balanced, having knowledge of the past and understanding of the present and a vision for the future.

A boy care less about what makes you happy as a woman. He knows nothing about putting a home together and he is not ready to know. Its the wife or the girlfriend who will be doing the thinking and taking decisions. It will be hard for him to part with the things he is used to as a teenager. He will be less concerned about his mode of dressing or his reputation.

A boy can make his woman's life miserable not because he’s wicked but because he’s a child. He will rather watch movie or hang out with his home boys rather helping his kids with their home works. When a grown woman marries or dates a boy she automatically becomes a girl. She will change from a peaceful matured woman to a nagging young girl and people will think she has gone insane it's because she is dating or got married to a teenager.

A man is a grown up matured man (regardless of his age) that is done playing games like boys and ready to commit to just one woman and be faithful and honest with her. A man is the best gift any woman could get in life. He will love you genuinely and prove his love to you. He will be sensitive to your needs. He will be allergic to your tears and treats you like queen.

He can never be complete without you. He will make promises and keep to them. You will be his best friend, his next of kin and he will confide in you. You will never fight for his attention. He will laugh with you and cry with you. Your pasts will never bothers him. Whatever brings you happiness and joy will be his priority in life.

A man will refuse to function when you are down and be on top of the world when you are happy. He will love whatever concerns you and connected to you. When there’s conflict he will never raise either his voice or his hands. He will peacefully make you understand his point or view. He will carry you along whatever he plans to do. If you disagree with him he will never take offense. He will trust without fear and give without expect.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Song 6:13 "....What would you see in the Shulamite — As it were, the dance of the two camps? NKJV

In the above verse, King Solomon was captivated by the beauty of the Shulamite woman and started imagining himself dancing with her. He saw in her a "dance of the two camp". 
Beloved, there is power in couple's dance. I want to encourage you to practice it with your husband/wife. What then are the benefit of dancing together?:

Dancing promotes healthy living and romance. It doesn't make any difference what type of dancing the two of you do. Any style of dancing is beneficial. Dancing together is an excellent way to exercise. Dancing together is good for your heart, both physically and romantically.

Dancing together creates another way for the two of you to connect with each other. As you dance together, your eyes meet, your bodies are close together, you can feel one another breathing. 
When you dance, you hold and touch one another for longer than a quick hug. 
Dancing together can put you both in a sensual mood. "Holding, touching and moving to the music is the most romantic skill any couple can add to their lives." 
Dancing can build your self-esteem which is good for your marriage relationship. 
Dancing is sexy and can help stir up your inner sexuality.

Going out to a garden park and dancing provides time alone for the two of you. 
Dancing together requires the two of you to work together as a team. Dancing is a fun activity that the two of you can enjoy together.

When dancing together you have to pay attention to one another and communicate both verbally and non-verbally with one another. 
Making time to dance together gives the two of you time away from chores, children, job, and the stress of your lives. 
Don't come up with an excuse to not dance. You can dance, no matter how old you are, how fit you are, how tall or short you are, or how large or small you are.


The Urban dictionary defines "Friends with Benefit" as two friends (male & female) who are too close to one another and have a sexual realtionship without being emotionally involved. Typically two good friends who have casual sex without a relationship or marriage commitment.

Don't have a false hope that having sex with a friend will make him or her fall in love with you. They will only use you and dump you. And once you get pregnant, the only option is to keep a fatherless baby and bear the burden alone or abort the baby and then live with guilt while the guy move on with his life, probablly with his girlfriend.

Having a friend of benefit will keep away potential suitors from you. Well, many years ago, I was one of them—a professing young believer battling lust and looking for love. As a result, I found myself caught up in this tangled “friend with benefits” web. I thought having a casual friend who could also meet emotional and sometimes physical needs for me would help me coast through life until the right one came along. So, I met a desperate and lonely Christian sister who has no boyfriend. I felt like I was in no condition for a real relationship anyway, but we became close friends. After a short period of time, we ended up having sex without any commitment. Finally she got pregnant. And guess what? We aborted the pregnancy.

I was in a mess and didn’t even know it! It affected my relationship with God until I cried for repentance and also asked the lady to forgive me. I suffered spiritually and truly damaged relationships. Now that I have learned the painful lessons from my own past mistakes, I can assure you; this is not the route you want to go. Avoid the friends with benefits scenario at all costs for both spiritual and practical reasons:

SPIRITUAL REASON: Sex outside of marriage is sin plain and simple. It is better to wait for marriage than to displease the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says “It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality.” Countless other scriptures urge you to abstain until marriage and avoid the sexual compromise that pulls you away from God and connects you to men God never intended you to be with intimately.

PRACTICAL REASON: You're setting your friendship up for an epic fall. For many reasons, after casual sex, the dynamics of that friendship change and it becomes forever warped. You have to stand your ground if you don’t want lust to dominate and destroy your friendship. If you care about your friend, it’s better to keep your relationship free from TOO MUCH CLOSENESS so you won’t complicate things by undermining the bond of trust and loyalty the two of you have built together.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WOMEN: How to Win your Husband without Preaching to him.

“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives.” 1st Peter 3:1

Wow! Ladies, do you realize what the Bible is saying? God is literally saying that you have more power over your husband than the Bible does. That's exactly what 1st Peter 3:1 states. If your husband won't listen to God's Word, then perhaps by your obedient submission (withour preaching to him) your husband will turn to God, because of the testimony of your faith.

How tragic it is when a man is not listening to God, and to make matters much worse, his wife is rebellious and filled with hatred and contempt. More men have been destroyed by a woman than by Satan. Satan couldn't get to Adam, so he used Eve. Satan couldn't get to Samson, so he used Delilah. Satan couldn't get to David, so he used Bathsheba. Satan couldn't get to Joseph, so he used Potiphar's wife. Satan couldn't get to John the Baptist, so he used Herod's wife. Oh the power of a woman to help or hinder, to make or break, to encourage or discourage, to build up or tear down!

I honestly believe that Noah's wife was greatly responsible for helping Noah and his sons build and finish the ark. God could have just gave them an ark. Why did God ask Noah to spend 120 painstaking years to build an ark 450 ft. long? It's because God wanted to build Noah and his sons. Amen!

The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, said in Ecclesiastes 7:26, “And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.” Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines; but he probably never had one true love, as evidenced by the book Song of Solomon, in which he fails to seduce the young virtuous woman to be his bride.

The Bible says that Jezebel “stirred up” Ahab's heart to do evil. 1st Kings 21:25, “But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.” Carefully notice in 1st Kings 21:25 the phrase concerning Ahab, “which did SELL HIMSELF.” Ahab sold himself to the Devil. We see many men selling their souls to Satan for the almighty dollar because of women.

Jezebel conspired to have Naboth killed, to steal his land for Ahab. Jezebel was the worst thing that ever happened to Ahab. Jezebel was a malicious, greedy, conspiring witch. The Bible says that Ahab obeyed the voice of the Lord, but his evil wife Jezebel turned Ahab's heart away from serving the Lord and doing right.

It was Eve's disobedience to God that caused her husband to follow in pursuit and also sin against God. Eve ruined their lives and the lives of their children.

Job's wife told him to curse God and die, and so Job cursed the day he was born and wished he were dead!

Isaac's wife betrayed him, instigating Jacob, stealing Esau's inheritance as the firstborn.

Delilah enticed Samson for 9-days straight, until he finally succumbed to her tears and womanly charm. And then the Philistines tortured Samson and burned his eyes out. It cost him his life. She betrayed his trust.

Sara convinced Abraham that God wasn't going to keep His promise, and so she contrived a plot for Abraham to father a child by her Egyptian handmaid, Hagar. Many husbands today commit the same sin by not waiting upon the Lord to fulfil His promise.

1st Peter 3:1-4, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”

A woman oftentimes has more power over a man than God does. That is what 1st Peter 3:1-2 teaches. Genesis 3:17 supports this teaching...

Genesis 3:17, “And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.” God told Adam that because he succumbed to his wife's very bad advice, Adam would also suffer severe consequences.
My last advice to women, let your words be season with grace and your lifestyle be that of a submissive house wife. By so doing, couple with prayers, you can transform your marriage and get back the love you deserve from your husband. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Joel 1:8 "Lament like a VIRGIN girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth".

NOTE: When the daughters of the land lament, Heaven keep silence, but when the VIRGINS in Christ lament, God aswered them speedily and blessed them with SONS OF THE KINGDOM as husbands".

I was in the spirit last night and all I can hear is a bitter lamentation of the daughters of Zion whose ages are between 26 -40. They are bemoaning their lack of ability to get a spouse who will marry them. I wept before the Lord and pleadëd on their behalve, and the Lord said to me, "son, there are many daughters who are called by my name but only few are my virgins. Tell them if they will serve me faithfully, I will remove their sackcloths of SHAME and DISAPPOINTMENT and cause my faithful servants to see their glory and marry them".

Among the Jews, there is what they called "The Lamentation of the Virgins" and Prophet Joel mentioned it. When young and unmarried men died, the virgins gird themselves with sackcloths and lament because no man will marry them. What is sackloth? Sackcloth is a material dark in colour and is made of goats' hair. The Jews would wear sackcloth and ashes when they were very sad. It shows that the person who wears it is very sorry or very sad. They wore it to show sadness and shame.

What I can see today are women wearing spiritual sackcloths. They look out for men and could not find a GOOD MAN. I quickly remember the scripture that said "Matt 19:17 - there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments". It will only take the SONS who are at the feet of Jesus to be transparent with the GOODNESS of God and become GOOD HUSBANDS.

Because the daughters could not find good men, they put on sackcloths of lamentation. I asked the Lord to allow me remove the sackcloth, He said, "no my son. These are daughters who have been sleeping with men and now bearing their reproaches. They look for good men instead of my SONS. They are looking for men of substance who will shower them with gifts and always reject my faithful servants who are serving me faithfully". They are like Dinah who went out in the evening time to see the daughters of the land and met a GOOD MAN, the Prince of the land. Gen 34:1-2 "And Dinah the daughter of Leah..., went out to see the DAUGHTERS OF THE LAND. And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and DEFILED HER". And what happened after she was defiled? It led to the death of all the males in the land and daughters could not have their wedding songs. Gen 34:25-26 "And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, took each man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew ALL THE MALES". In verse 26, we were told that before the wedding, Dinah was defiled and staying in the prince house. Isn't this the picture of our daughters today?

Beloved sister, are you walking among the daughters of the land or sitting at the feet of Jesus? When you walk among the daughters, the PRINCE OF THE LAND will find you and defile you, but when you seat at the FEET OF JESUS, the SONS OF GLORY will find you and MARRY YOU.

Yea, many men are spiritually death but there are many SONS IN GLORY, seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Not just ORDINARY MEN, but sons who have made Jesus the captain of their salvation. "Heb 2:10 - For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation...". These SONS are seated with Christ and it will only take the virgins that are dinning with Christ to get the attention of these sons. LET ME EXPLAIN.

The Lord revealed to me "there are many daughters but few virgins". Who are the virgins in Christ? These are the women who have being washed by the blood of the Lamb. They love Jesus and follow Him wherever He goes. They are like Mary, sitting under His feet, where the SONS OF GLORY are, to hear His Word and obey His commandment. Luke 10:38-42 says, "Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha WELCOME HIM into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His Word. But Martha was DISTRACTED with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are WORRIED and TROUBLED about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." NKJV

The daughters are like Martha, distracted with so much service. They are independent women, yet WORRIED and TROUBLED.  Sure, they invite Jesus into their affairs and sing about Him but only the Virgins reflected in Mary sit under Him and follow His instruction.

Are you a VIRING in Christ and lamenting because you are still single? By the anointing of God upon my life, I remove every sackcloth spirit upon your face and command the radiant beauty of your glory to shine forth that will attract the Sons of Glory to marry you in Jesus name.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


“A garden INCLOSED is my sister, my Spouse; a spring SHUT UP, a fountain SEALED”. Song of Solomon 4 v 12.

In the above beautiful songs, Solomon depicts a VIRGIN as a garden “Inclosed”, a spring “Shut Up” and a fountain “Sealed”. These three words describe her genitals and the ‘access codes’ into her PROPHETIC DESTINY AS A WOMAN. Any attempt to unlock the code without the proper "Password" will lead to the dehumanization of the woman and her total ruin.

A virgin is an INCLOSED GADEN, while a married woman is an OPENNED GARDEN. And the difference between the two is MARRIAGE & SEX. As an Inclose garden, the unmarried woman is described as belonging to one man and only through marriage is the door (VAGINA) to her GARDEN permitted to be open. It is only her HUSBAND whom God has given the mandate to unlock the mystery code and possess her.

The unmarried is a SPRING SHUT UP. This speaks of the woman’s capacity to respond sexually and reach the climax of sex. Access to her sexuality is anatomically “shut up” by God and reserve only for her HUSBAND. The word "Shut" means, to close, refuse to consider, make impossible. The obvious use of this verb is to express the shutting of the woman’s EMOTION from intruders so that they will not stimulate her before the right time. She will refuse to consider their pressure to have ROMANCE or make fun with her. She is not a loose type.

A spring is that which refreshes. Therefore, it is not right for a woman to respond sexually to the stimulation of any man outside her matrimonial home. Love in marriage must proceed sexual intercourse.

Lastly, Solomon said, the unmarried woman is a FOUNTAIN SEALED. As a source of fountain (sexual fluids), the woman is designed to bring forth refreshing, healing, and great delight to her husband. The word “sealed” is an emblem of ownership and security. It denotes a thing being secured from destruction and marked for reward. A fountain speaks of the secreted fluids of the woman’s genital. As a virgin, she is reserved for her Right Man and as a married wife, the husband is expected to swim in the fluid. The book of Proverbs put it this way: “Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well. Prov. 5 v 15.

To the unmarried, are you an INCLOSED GARDEN, treating the brothers as HOLY SISTERS? Is the SPRING OF YOUR EMOTION shut up or loose? Is your VAGINA SEALED or open and the SACRED FOUNTAIN suck out by men? Selah!


Song 4:12 "A garden INCLOSED is my sister, my spouse;..." KJV

Song 8:8-9 "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a WALL, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a DOOR, we will INCLOSE her with boards of cedar". KJV

The best woman qualify for marriage is she that has a "Sisterhood Grace". The sisterhood speaks of women who are God fearing and preserve their virginity intact before marriage. They are not promiscous and flirting with men. Solomon said, she is a GARDEN INCLOSED (a Virgin), she is a WALL (protecting her body from intruders) and not a DOOR (Sexually loosed woman). She is his spouse (woman he pledge to marry), and he sees her as his blood sister. Therefore, he will not abuse her nor disflower her. Blessed is the man that discover a spouse among the sisterhood.

Inclose is the Greek word "sunkleio" meaning, to shut together; shut in on all sides. The word carries the connotation of shutting together the Garden’s door (woman vagina). She that has deflowered herself before marriage and living in sexual sin is describes as an “OPEN DOOR”. In Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 8, the two brothers of the Shulamite woman said, “if she is an OPEN DOOR, then they will inclose her with boards of cedar”. And that means, reforming and restoring her back to shape. However, if she is a WALL (her sexual code still unbroken), they will build upon her a palace of silver.

Wall speaks of separation, strength, fidelity, concealment and protection. It Inclose what is within and separate it from what is outside. As a wall, the woman is concealed from public view. With this wall as a foundation, the next thing is to build upon her a palace of silver.

The Greek word practorion meaning, “palace” is an official resident of sovereign or bishop; a place specially secluded for refreshment. Moreover, silver speaks of redemption. It revealed the woman’s deliverance from worldly system and strange men. She is a wall, a garden inclosed and protected only for her husband.

Ladies, are you among the SISTERHOOD? Are you a wall and protecting yourself so that men will not break your sexual code without the password? Is your BREAST still strong like tower or fondled and misused by unhonourable men?
To balance my teaching, where you sexually molested, abused or raped in the past and still feeling guilty? Where you involved into prostitution and now born again? I have goodnews for you. When that harlot came to Christ and wiped His feet with her tears and hair, Jesus told her to go and sin no more. Paul said, 2 Cor 11:2-3 "For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ". No matter your past, once you turn to the Lord, you become a CHASE VIRGIN in Christ.
We can, though, fall guilty of making God's grace small because of our past sins. Sexual promiscuity is not the unforgiveable sin. Let's not forget those featured in Jesus' genealogy (Judah, the man who slept with his daughter-in-law, mistaking her for a prostitute; David, the king who murdered the husband of his mistress), nor those winning mention in the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith (Rahab, the prostitute who sheltered the Israelite spies, and Samson, the man with a weakness for beautiful women). The Bible, in weaving its long history of redemption, is not a storybook of heroes. Failure, even sexual mistakes, has not once tied God's hands. He accomplishes what he wills through the worst of us. Join the sisterhood and sin no more. Brothers, join the brotherhood and remain pure. 

Friday, October 4, 2013


A number of years ago, I had a vision of a demonic counsel in the second heaven. They were conferring with one another and planning a strategic attack on Christian marriages. They were deeply threatened by the potential of such unity – if one can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight. The encounter was very jarring and heavy, catapulting me into a season of intercession in which we saw many marriages rescued and restored.

The Bar Has Been Lowered
Last summer, the Lord revealed that a demonic floodgate had been opened and many marriages would be assaulted and destroyed if we did not rise and fight. He said that many would easily give up on relationships. I was made aware by the Lord that the bar had now been lowered on covenant relationships, specifically marriage relationships. There are many reasons for this that I will not touch on right now, except to say that every individual's choices affect the whole Body and ultimately influences the spiritual climate of the entire world. 

We are in a massive battle for marriage and family, and we must win. People are hurting. Children are hurting. The Body is hurting. Marriage failures are love failures and love failures hurt everyone involved. Love is to be our greatest aim. We must fight for love's sake. We must raise the bar again. 

I am not suggesting that there are not legitimate terms for separation and divorce. If someone is not safe in a marriage due to the level of abuse and maltreatment or painful marital unfaithfulness, then it is often important for them to find a place of safety in order for healing and alignment to take place. Sometimes such a separation is temporary but, unfortunately, sometimes it requires a permanent decision. 

With this in mind, I say, in great sobriety, that too many are jumping ship instead of fighting the love war. Too many are breaking covenant not only in marriage but in family, friendships, and in the Body of Christ. Large battles bring large victories when finally won, and we CAN win if we persist in love and faith. God always leads us in triumph; love never fails (see 2 Corinthians 2:14 and 1 Corinthians 13:8). Love is not selfish but always fights for the freedom and well-being of another. Love lays itself down for others.

Fight with Love as a Weapon
I have seen individuals in very difficult situations in their marriages. These scenarios affected their emotional and sometimes even their physical well-being. Instead of jumping ship, they decided to fight with love as their weapon. They humbled themselves and found a safe place to stand in Christ. In faith and humility, they went to war with LOVE. 

Their situation did not change right away, but they did. They were committed to their marriage vows: for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health. They have a depth of character now that I have seen in few others. It is refreshing and rare. They are believing for their spouse to come all the way through, but in the meantime they have their place to stand... to fight... to live.
Recently, I received a prophetic word in prayer when I was interceding for a particular individual who was struggling in their marriage. I believe it might be for many others who are struggling at this time. May it encourage you! 

Breakthrough is on its way! All things are possible to those who believe. Let us believe for miracles of restoration! I know that God never usurps a person's will, and sometimes you cannot do anything about the choices of another, but there is a place for you to stand that is safe and pure. 

For those of you who fought, stood, and kept love and faith in your battle, yet did not see your partner make right choices that provided restoration, I want to bless you and commend you for your walk. A reward of honor is yours. Wear it well. Even though you might not have seen a victorious outcome in the marriage itself, you are victorious in your journey in Christ. Move on and experience the goodness of the Lord as He leads you in new beginnings. 

Word From the Lord for Those in Marriage Battles
The word of the Lord is for you to pass all your love tests in this season. This is your time to sow love, and you WILL reap...beyond your wildest dreams. This is your personal opportunity to go deep into understanding "love" as Jesus loved. 

This is your time to find your place to stand in Christ and live in the heavenly realm that He pours out around you – the realm that you will be hidden in, the realm that you will be safe in, the realm in which you will find your protection, provision, and covering. This realm IS Christ and He is all you need. 

During this season, you will be perfected in love and in faith. Do not allow love or faith to weaken, but strengthen that which remains. Love perfectly now. Sow love bountifully now and you will reap bountifully, and you will be loved perfectly by MANY, not just a few, in the days to come. 

Right now you see through a glass dimly, but soon you will see clearly. A day will come when you will fully understand. In that day, you will rejoice in the goodness of your God and thank Him for the way He has led you. 

You can contact Patricia King for counseling & prayers.
Extreme Prophetic Ministries


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Satan plots to make you stay single or marry ungodly men.

“And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive”. Exo. 1:16-17

There has been a war in the heavens for a number of generations now. A war likened unto the wars that destroyed all the male children in Exodus 1:22 and Matthew 2:16. This war is greater in fatalities than the previous wars because the enemy is more desperate and fights as a rabid and wounded beast who is cornered without hope. The present war not only kill the men physically, but spiritually, which is the worse war. They are alive but spiritually death.

Despite Satan's attempt to strike against the Lord and His plan for humanity, the Lord protected Moses and even hid Moses in the enemy's house. “Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live."” (Exodus 1:22 NIV)

One of the worst fronts has now spread around the globe and touches every life. This war front like the previous two wars seeks to end the lives of male children both physically and spritually.

* The first war front is abortion which kills innocent male before they come into the world.
* The second war front is terrorism that is targeting men and living women as widows, unmarried and homeless.
* The third war front is fornication and wine which is destroying the strength of men so that they can't fight the battle of life and become Honourable Men.
* The fourth war front is the deadliest. It stops men from coming to the altar and get save.

Men like Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb and men like Isaiah, Nehemiah and Timothy are without question, all honorable men. They were great men of God who put their God-given vision, their wives, children, families and communities before their own needs and wants. Because of these men, the world became a better place. The testament of their integrity, fidelity, strong faith and courage has been recorded for us as a life long legacy that cannot be erased. BUT! Had it not been for the midwives, these men would have never graced the earth with their presence.
His plot was quite obvious… Kill the men but let the women live and his head wouldn’t get bruised! By preventing the men of God from being birthed at the birthstool (altar of prayers), satan would effectively continue his dictatorial reign of overwhelmingly enslaving, controlling and dominating the kingdom of God, (See Exodus 1:8-14). It was an ingenious plot, except for one crucial flaw. The devil did not count on the midwives standing in the gap for the men of God.

But Let The Women Live, Said the Devil (verses 16, 22). The females were allowed to live because part of the plot was to take the women and indoctrinate them into the Egyptian culture. This way when they married the ungodly Egyptians and gave birth, their children would be raised to serve the false gods of the Egyptians. Had this sinister plot worked, the children would have been taught the ways of the world and there would have been no possibility of a revolt from the men of God, (See Isaiah 3:1-8).
How does the devil carry out this part of the plot? By ungodly men slipping into the church and seducing, luring and coercing women of God into dating, courting and marriage, (See II Corinthians 6:14-18).

Honorable Men Are Waiting for You...
The Lord
is calling you to the office of a Spiritual midwife. Without your effectual fervent prayers and continued intercession as a spiritual midwife, these men WILL NOT experience the new birth. And many daughters will not sing their wedding songs and end up marrying the gentiles. The Bible said in verse 20 of Exodus 1 that because of the Midwives, the men "Multiplied And Waxed Very Mighty". Because the midwives did not obey the king of Egypt, the people multiplied and not only did they multiply, but they waxed very mighty.

He made them houses! These women weren’t struggling with fulltime jobs while at the same time being the sole caregivers of their children. When God MADE THEM HOUSES, He gave them husbands, children and homes. Read verses 20 and 21 again! He blessed them with the TOTAL PACKAGE!
The Word of The Lord Came Unto Me Saying…
The Lord spoke to me and said, “Son, I am sending you and your wife to raise up the next generation of midwives. The first generation of midwives did their work in the natural. This generation of midwives will
do their work in the realm of the spirit.” “Hence, they will be called spiritual midwives.” These are the women of God, the Lord has specifically chosen to intercede for the men children. These women have a heart after God. They understand the plot of satan to kill the men but let the women live and like their predecessors, they are committed to making the sacrifice. These spiritual midwives will stay at the altar of God and see to it that these men get birthed into the kingdom of God.
When You Do The Office of a Spiritual Midwife
The Lord told me to tell you, when you do the office of a spiritual midwife, the same blessings that He bestowed upon those midwives in Exodus 1:20-21, becomes yours!
God will make you houses! He will give you husbands and children. You won’t have to cry any more tears because there are no Honourable Men in the church. The Lord has made you to be a helpmeet and He will provide for you the desires of your heart: husband, children and a happy and secure home, (See Psalm 37:4 and Genesis 2:18). BUT! You must be willing to sacrifice your time at the altar of God.   


“Behold, here I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, 'Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink' — let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master." Gen 24:13-14

When Abraham tell his servant to find a wife for Isaac, the servant pray for “Kara”, which is in Hebrew meaning “being in the right place at the right time”. So, as a Christian we should pray to God for Kara - to be in the right place at the right time to discover our life partner. Many of us are very desperate and sometime we simply decide and end up with broken heart. So, what the servant did is to pray for “Kara”. And the Lord led him to the right place, obviously not at the camp of the Canaanite as per instructed by Abraham. As been led by the Holy Spirit, the servant stood by the WELL OF WATER. Why the well? The well speaks of the Well of Salvation – Jesus. He was hoping to discover her at the Well of Jesus and not among the daughters of the land.

You can’t find her in the market square, at the party hall, on the street but at the feet of the Master like Mary, drawing water from the well of Salvation. The Martha’s are distracted by the issues of life. She is an independent woman, always busy with her job and have no time or limited time for God.  But the Mary’s are busy with the Word of God.

But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." And Jesus* answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:40-42

While the servant of Isaac was standing at the right place, by the well of Jesus,And it happened, before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah, …came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her. And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up. And the servant RAN TO MEET HER and said, "Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher." So she said, "Drink, my lord." Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand, and gave him a drink. And when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, "I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking." Gen 24:15-20 The prayer of the servant in verse 14 was answered.

The servant had prayed for God to lead him to “Kara” the right place and before he finish praying, the Lord answered and behold Rebekah, the right woman came forth. Isaiah 65:24said, "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear”. Have you been praying for a life partner? Stand by the Well of Salvation. And I declare that before you finish praying, by the end of this year, you will discover your life partner.

When you discover the right woman, it will lead you to worship, bring you more closely to God, but the wrong one will drain your spiritual strength and take you far away from God. Watch Out! The Bible said in Genesis 24:26-28 that the servant “bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord”. And he said in verse 27,"…As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren." He recognises the Lordship of God and gives Him all the glory for helping him to discover the right woman.

And what about Rebekah? When she realised that God has brought the right man to her, the scripture said in verse 28, “So the young woman ran and told her mother's household these things”. The right woman will always tell her parents about you, but the wrong one will not. For relationship in the market always ends in the market; No parents are involve.

Beloved, are you looking for a life partner? Pray to be at the right place. When you see a Rebekah, ran to meet her. Go for the Mary’s who are feeding themselves at the Master’s feet. May the Lord be with you in your quest for a right partner.

Monday, September 30, 2013


"And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, Whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her, But the sinner shall be trapped by her. Eccl 7:26 NKJV
In the above verse, King Solomon said that he made several discoveries in his investigation. First he discovered that a woman who has not activated her covenant of motherhood to preserve life is worse (more bitter) than death. She is a snare and a trap, whose ways confine silly men like chains. Second he discovered that only Honourable Men who knows how to fight the battle of life, men who pleases God can escape her.
Solomon began with the sinful woman, the ungodly woman who traps men and leads them to death. We learned under the covenant of motherhood that the woman is a gate way to life or death. Solomon gave a good example of women who have broken the covenant of motherhood and has no regards for human lives:

Prov 2:16-19 “To deliver you from the immoral woman, From the seductress who flatters with her words, Who forsakes the companion of her youth, And forgets the COVENANT of her God. For her house leads down to death, And her paths to the dead; None who go to her return, Nor do they regain the paths of life —NKJV

The deadness refers here means that she drains spiritual strength out of anybody who comes in contact with her. She specialises in weakening strong men by making them become vile. Solomon himself had been snared by many foreign women who enticed him away from the Lord and into the worship of heathen gods (1 Kings 11:3-8). The way to escape this evil woman is to fear God and seek to please Him. The man who walks with God, and he alone, shall escape this sore evil: and even he that fears God, if he get with an artful woman, may be soon robbed of his strength, and become like other beastly men.

Get this fact engraved into your mind and heart.
The devil does not want to see any lady becoming a Midwife who will preserve life and give life. He will not be happy to see her getting married to an Honourable Man, so he manipulate and use her as his tool to ensnare men. Devil knows when he allow that glorious marriage between  a Midwife and an Honourable Man to happen, the born-again, Spirit-filled couple will rise up a godly heritage and he is fighting fiercely to prevent that God-given vision from coming to pass in your life. Instead of crying tears of sorrow for been over 30yrs without a husband, you should be righteously indignant. Why? Because the devil has no legal right to halt or hinder God’s vision for your life as a woman who fears the Lord. But if you are part of the End-Time Seductresses, I pity you. Don’t ever expect to get an Honourable Man.

Ladies, it is your role to birth your destiny from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. God has a destiny plan for your life and for your life partner. And when the appointed time for that destiny to come forth arrives it is good for you to stand as a Midwife to spare men from the death trap of satan. What are the qualifications for such a position? Understanding the times and the seasons is a prerequisite.  Exodus talks about the midwives named Shiphrah  and Puah in Exodus1:15. At that time Pharaoh was ordering all the Hebrew boy infants to be killed at birth. (Exodus 1:16)  These women against the orders of the most powerful man alive at the time, saved the Hebrew babies from destruction because they "feared God" (Exodus 1:17). So a spiritual midwife fears God and because of her understanding of the times and seasons, she knows that there are powers in place that would seek to destroy the plans of God for her marriage by using her as a sex tool. But being in the right position at the right time, she can protect the destiny of men by not sleeping with them but birthing them in prayers to enter the Kingdom of God.  Moses was one who was saved by the Hebrew midwives. His destiny was to lead the people to the Promised Land and to perform miracles by God's power and to receive the Torah for the people. Had it been the Midwives did not spare the male children; many women wouldn’t have gotten husbands to marry. Zipporah could have stayed single without Moses, her hero and the Israelites would have remain in the bondage of singlehood and perish in Egypt.

A spiritual midwife is one who will get in between men and the enemies plan to destroy God’s marriage covenant. She will stand there between men and everything unholy and say no to sex before marriage, no to condom, no to abortion because she fears the Lord. Because she understands timing and know that Honourable men are seeking for Midwives who fears the Lord according to Proverbs 31:30, which says “a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Let’s go to the Written Word of God and examine how satan carries out this evil plot to hinder men from entering the Kingdom of God and how the women can bring to birth the purposes of God for their marriage and nation.

Exodus 1:15-22 “And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: 16 And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.
18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive? 19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. 20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. 21 And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses. 22 And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.

As I was studying this passage of Scripture, the Holy Spirit quickened seven phrases in my spirit:

* Office of a Midwife
* The Stools
* Kill the men
* Let the women live
* The people wax mighty
* The Midwives feared God
* God made them houses

Office of a Midwife (verse 16): The office of the midwife is just as critical as the office of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. If you don’t believe that statement, go back and read Exodus 1 again. It was not an apostle or prophet who saved those men children alive. It was the midwives! You need to fully comprehend the great sacrifice those midwives made when they saved the male children alive. The king of Egypt could have easily ordered those ladies to be executed for their dereliction of duty.

Because of their courageous acts, those women changed the course of history. Beloved, there is a stirring in the realm of the Spirit. We are on the verge of seeing a mass harvest of men come into the Body of Christ, because of the impact of the midwives. These men will be like Joshua, Caleb, Peter and Moses. They will wax strong in the spirit. Many ladies are crying because Honourable men are scars in the Church. But there is going to be release of Honourable Men for the daughters who have activated their Covenant of Motherhood, women who stand like Midwives in this 21st Century.

In order for this next mighty move of God to take place, the midwives must be strategically positioned at the stools.

The Stools, (verse 16)
In those days the stools were a pair of bricks or stones on which the women would crouch to give birth. The stools were the actual birthing place. This next point is extremely vital, so follow me closely.

The stools represent the altar of God. The plot of the devil is to prevent the men from coming to the altar and getting born-again. The devil is hell bent on preventing the men from getting saved. He has pulled out all stops to keep the men bound in the kingdom of darkness. 

If the men make a move toward the altar, the orders from the throne of satan are to block, prevent, hinder or kill them. The demons will do whatever it takes to keep the men from coming to Christ, but if it is a female, they have instructions to let her get saved.

Here is another startling point the church has somehow missed. Never in biblical history can you find God’s people prevailing over the enemies of God when there were no mighty men of valor, (See Isaiah 3:1-26, Numbers 13:17-33, Judges 2:1-23, and Exodus 1:8-14).

As long as there are no strong valiant men in the church, satan will dominate the kingdom of God. But if the men get born-again and get to a church where the pastor trains them how to brandish the Sword of the Spirit, satan has no power or might to fight against that congregation, (See Psalm 105:24). The only way for satan to win at this war is to keep the men away from the altar of God. It’s important to see that it was to the Hebrew midwives that Pharaoh gave the command to kill all the male children. Women, now is the time for you to stand as Midwives and say no to ABORTION, no to CONDOM, no to Relationship with MARRIED MEN, no to FORNICATION; cried out to God until the male children are save. 

This message continues in Part Three. 


In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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