“A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife”
2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD run back and forth throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you have done foolishly: therefore from henceforth you shall have wars”.
History is full of intelligent people who have made incredibly stupid decisions and all sorts of mistakes in their lives, especially in the area of choosing a life partner.
Your ability to be intelligent is not enough to enable you get a compatible life partner or enjoy a blissful marriage. When you only use your intellect on spiritual matters, you are acting foolishly and the result is “you shall have wars in life and in marriage”.
Intelligent means “Having the natural capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; Possessing sound natural knowledge; Endowed with the capacity to woo”.
Intelligent, clever, and brilliant mean having a good amount of mental ability. Intelligent is used of a person who can handle new situations and solve problems. Intelligent persons are trained to run companies, organizations, politics and businesses, etc. But when it comes to marriage they fail. Why? Because marriage is a divine institution and require spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding to function in it.
Your intelligent mind gives you an advantage over others in life, but not in marriage. The advantage is that you are usually right about pretty much everything. You know so many things that other people just don’t understand, or can’t understand because they’re not as intelligent or as aware as you are. Yet, when it comes to women and marriage, you keep failing and you don’t know why.
A University Professor once admitted, “I was trained as a Psychologist before I got married, and I wrote a book titled: SEVEN PRINCIPLES ON HOW TO RAISE CHILDREN. After my marriage, I got SEVEN CHILDREN without SEVEN PRINCIPLES”.
Intelligence has to do with “natural knowledge”. You need what is more than natural knowledge, to understand spiritual things. Let me explain:
The Bible measures intelligence by prudence and wisdom. One can be intelligent but a fool, God
does not care about intelligent fools who think they know everything but are absolutely nothing in front of the “knowledge of God”.
The Bible says that the Fear (love) of the Lord is the ‘beginning’ of knowledge, so God loves men that have spiritual knowledge in addition to their natural knowledge, He doesn't care about our highest academic degree or our PhD’s.
The Bible speaks of wisdom more than intelligence. Intelligence is considered morally neutral. It can be used for good or evil. God warns us of the limits of human intelligence. He says that some people felt they were too smart to believe in God. “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1: 22) is what God says about them.
No matter how high is your IQ (Intelligence Quotient - aptitude, mental ability, degree, measurement), without the knowledge of spiritual things you will end up becoming a fool. Before I got born again, I was very intelligent and yet, I have done foolish and unwise things. Natural Intelligence has value, but spiritual knowledge and wisdom has far more value.
You cannot know God through the intellect. God’s foolishness is puts to shame the wisdom of man. “The world through wisdom knew not God.” The Bible doesn’t emphasize natural intelligence, but instead knowledge, wisdom, and understanding—gifts of God.
The Bible gives a definition for two types of intellect which exist in the world. The intellect of natural men and the intellect of spiritual men. The spiritual man is the smartest person, because his mind is made similar to the mind of Christ.
“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ”. (1 Corinthians 2:14-16)
Who can be smarter than Jesus in the biblical story? In other words, who can be smarter than a person who think like Jesus? Or who can be smarter than a person with the mind of Christ?
Isa. 33: 6 says, “And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure”.
When it comes to the divine institution of marriage, there are two things that can give you STABILITY: Wisdom and Knowledge.
When the Spirit of God come upon you:
2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD run back and forth throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you have done foolishly: therefore from henceforth you shall have wars”.
History is full of intelligent people who have made incredibly stupid decisions and all sorts of mistakes in their lives, especially in the area of choosing a life partner.
Your ability to be intelligent is not enough to enable you get a compatible life partner or enjoy a blissful marriage. When you only use your intellect on spiritual matters, you are acting foolishly and the result is “you shall have wars in life and in marriage”.
Intelligent means “Having the natural capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; Possessing sound natural knowledge; Endowed with the capacity to woo”.
Intelligent, clever, and brilliant mean having a good amount of mental ability. Intelligent is used of a person who can handle new situations and solve problems. Intelligent persons are trained to run companies, organizations, politics and businesses, etc. But when it comes to marriage they fail. Why? Because marriage is a divine institution and require spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding to function in it.
Your intelligent mind gives you an advantage over others in life, but not in marriage. The advantage is that you are usually right about pretty much everything. You know so many things that other people just don’t understand, or can’t understand because they’re not as intelligent or as aware as you are. Yet, when it comes to women and marriage, you keep failing and you don’t know why.
A University Professor once admitted, “I was trained as a Psychologist before I got married, and I wrote a book titled: SEVEN PRINCIPLES ON HOW TO RAISE CHILDREN. After my marriage, I got SEVEN CHILDREN without SEVEN PRINCIPLES”.
Intelligence has to do with “natural knowledge”. You need what is more than natural knowledge, to understand spiritual things. Let me explain:
The Bible measures intelligence by prudence and wisdom. One can be intelligent but a fool, God

The Bible says that the Fear (love) of the Lord is the ‘beginning’ of knowledge, so God loves men that have spiritual knowledge in addition to their natural knowledge, He doesn't care about our highest academic degree or our PhD’s.
The Bible speaks of wisdom more than intelligence. Intelligence is considered morally neutral. It can be used for good or evil. God warns us of the limits of human intelligence. He says that some people felt they were too smart to believe in God. “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1: 22) is what God says about them.
No matter how high is your IQ (Intelligence Quotient - aptitude, mental ability, degree, measurement), without the knowledge of spiritual things you will end up becoming a fool. Before I got born again, I was very intelligent and yet, I have done foolish and unwise things. Natural Intelligence has value, but spiritual knowledge and wisdom has far more value.
You cannot know God through the intellect. God’s foolishness is puts to shame the wisdom of man. “The world through wisdom knew not God.” The Bible doesn’t emphasize natural intelligence, but instead knowledge, wisdom, and understanding—gifts of God.
The Bible gives a definition for two types of intellect which exist in the world. The intellect of natural men and the intellect of spiritual men. The spiritual man is the smartest person, because his mind is made similar to the mind of Christ.
“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ”. (1 Corinthians 2:14-16)
Who can be smarter than Jesus in the biblical story? In other words, who can be smarter than a person who think like Jesus? Or who can be smarter than a person with the mind of Christ?
Isa. 33: 6 says, “And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure”.
When it comes to the divine institution of marriage, there are two things that can give you STABILITY: Wisdom and Knowledge.
When the Spirit of God come upon you:
· You receive KNOWLEDGE beyond the natural. Isa. 11: 2; Prov. 1: 7
· You receive WISDOM beyond the natural. Ex 31:1-5
The spirit of knowledge will give you UNDERSTANDING beyond the natural and the spirit of wisdom will guide you to know how to apply knowledge and make the right decision. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding”. (Read also Job 32:8)
Paul prays for the Church at Colosse, that they "might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding". Col 1:9. Let me defines the meaning of these three words:
Knowledge: Gk “epignosis”. To know fully
Wisdom: Gk “sophia”. To apply what is fully known.
Understanding: Gk "sunesis", which literally means "a flowing together of two rivers". The two rivers are knowledge and wisdom.
Marriage requires knowledge of God’s Word. A "little knowledge" leads us to a "full knowledge", which leads us to "understanding", and the final result is "wisdom". With wisdom, you can easily solve marital issues.
The Greeks had a basic word for natural "knowledge", and that is "gnosis". "Gnosis" could be described as simply a vertical list of facts. According to 1 Cor 8:1, "gnosis" by itself tends to "puff up, make proud”. “….we know that ‘we all have knowledge’. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up”. From this verse, you can see reasons why most intelligent men are puff up.
When God’s Word commands us to grow and be filled with "knowledge", the Greek word is "epignosis. The phrase “epi” refers to “something added”. Therefore, “epignosis” means “something added to the natural knowledge”. When you get born again as an intelligent man, God added supernatural knowledge to your natural knowledge. This spiritual knowledge from God produces "spiritual understanding” in you, which is the Greek word "sunesis", which literally means "a flowing together of two rivers". The two rivers are knowledge and wisdom.
"Sunesis" is the merging together of knowledge (epignosis) and wisdom (Sophia) and our understanding becoming deeper and wider. In 2 Tim 2:7, Paul says "consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding (sunesis)". Knowledge and understanding leads us to "wisdom" Gk "sophia", meaning “the application of knowledge and understanding”.
The reason why intelligent men make foolish choices in marriage and experiencing fail marriages is because they use “gnosis”, instead of “epignosis”. Your natural knowledge can’t help you in spiritual matters. You need to be born again and filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Since God is the One who actually gives wisdom to men and women, The writer of Psalm 111:10 got it right when he said that; “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.” Do you have the fear of the Lord?
James 1:5 tells us: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”
God is the source of all things, wisdom is in His hands. Being a wise person is a whole lot different from being an intelligent person.
Marriage actually serves as the prevention of loneliness. God said, it is not good for a man to be alone, he needs a help meet. When an intelligent man who has no spiritual knowledge of the principles of marriage and make a foolish choice of a life partner, his loneliness will be made worse than it is in a single life.
The word “Loneliness” simply means “malnutrition of soul that comes from living on substitute”.
Many intelligent men who made the wrong choice are LIVING ON SUBSTITUTES like - Wine, Sports, T.V, Reading Newspaper, coming late at night, spending time with friends or chasing after other women etc.
The wife’s role in the marriage is to be a “helper” corresponding to her husband. The word “Help” could be defined as someone who comes to partake of a burden so as to make it lighter. She is a helper that fits and adds to the man in order to fill up gaps of loneliness and inadequacy in his life. She is an asset not a liability. This is why God said it’s not good for the man to be lonely, he need a wife to compliment him in his mission on earth.
Loneliness among intelligent married couples has the following consequences:
Physical Consequence - Inability to create intimate relationship with each other.
Emotional Consequence - Inability to create sexual intimacy with each other.
Spiritual Consequence - Inability to commune with God.
Living on substitutes cannot erase emptiness created by loneliness. In fact, you can still be lonely in the mist of wealth, people, and music if you have no knowledge of marriage from God’s revealed Word. Eccl. 2: 4-11
You are married, but lonely because your soul is empty. There is no revelation of the fear of the Lord in you and neither do you have the knowledge of what marriage is according to God, the Marriage Maker.
The most devastating consequences of loneliness are insomnia, and loss of appetite, thwarted vision, and unfulfilled libido
Many intelligent men who made the wrong choice are LIVING ON SUBSTITUTES like - Wine, Sports, T.V, Reading Newspaper, coming late at night, spending time with friends or chasing after other women etc.
The wife’s role in the marriage is to be a “helper” corresponding to her husband. The word “Help” could be defined as someone who comes to partake of a burden so as to make it lighter. She is a helper that fits and adds to the man in order to fill up gaps of loneliness and inadequacy in his life. She is an asset not a liability. This is why God said it’s not good for the man to be lonely, he need a wife to compliment him in his mission on earth.
Loneliness among intelligent married couples has the following consequences:
Physical Consequence - Inability to create intimate relationship with each other.
Emotional Consequence - Inability to create sexual intimacy with each other.
Spiritual Consequence - Inability to commune with God.
Living on substitutes cannot erase emptiness created by loneliness. In fact, you can still be lonely in the mist of wealth, people, and music if you have no knowledge of marriage from God’s revealed Word. Eccl. 2: 4-11
You are married, but lonely because your soul is empty. There is no revelation of the fear of the Lord in you and neither do you have the knowledge of what marriage is according to God, the Marriage Maker.
The most devastating consequences of loneliness are insomnia, and loss of appetite, thwarted vision, and unfulfilled libido
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