Saturday, February 1, 2014


Col 3:9-10 "Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds"

Most of us want an honest relationship with our spouse. But some people have a need for openness -- it gives them a sense of security and helps them become emotionally bonded to the one who meets that need. And those with a need for openness want accurate information about their spouses' thoughts, feelings, habits, likes, dislikes, personal history, daily activities and plans for the future.

Openness helps build compatibility in relationship and marriage. When you and your spouse openly reveal the facts of your past, your present activities, and your plans for the future, you are able to make intelligent decisions that take each other's feelings into account. And that's how you create compatibility -- by making decisions that work well for both of you simultaneously.

Openness is the habit of saying the truth without even being asked for it. In relationships, some people hide small details from their partners just because they didn’t ask about them or because they think that they might not be important to them. Those people think that they are honest and that they are doing nothing wrong but the problem that happens is that they usually ruin their relationships without noticing. Lack of openness might be the seed that grows to become a forest of problems that grows inside a relationship.

Here is why openness is very important in relationships: When partners hide information from each other intimacy is lost. When partners hide information from each other the bond between them becomes weaker. When partners hide information from each other people can use such information against them. When someone discovers that the other person is hiding something he usually feels hurt. If one of them faced a problem because of not being informed about some details his partner knew about earlier. then he will accuse his partner of hiding information. 

Openness strengthen the bond between you and your partner and thus prevent outsiders from influencing your relationship. Because of the truth my beloved shared with me about her past, it built trust in me and confidence that she is worth dying for. No outside influence can make me detour.

Maintaining openness is so simple, just tell your partner about all of your feeling and about all of the things that happen to you even if you think that it might not be important for him to know them. It might be hard at the beginning but as the time passes you will discover the beauty of openness and the tremendous benefits that your relationship will gain.  

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