Sunday, September 29, 2013

THE MINISTRY OF A WOMAN: How prepared are you?

To understand why satan fights so fiercely to hold the woman back from her covenant of motherhood, let’s look at the prophetic role that was outlined for the woman by God. She is called the help meet of Adam, she is his facilitator. A woman truly raised and positioned in her role is a dangerous and wonderful instrument that shakes the heavens and earth.

A woman is called to be the intercessor or advocate for her man. Why? At creation, God placed a special gift within the woman, let me call it the spiritual ability to sense things faster than the man. This gift is a prophetic gift to make her sense where and what God is releasing for her man to accomplish. She is to agree with the Lord in the spirit, at the place of prayer, for this divine purpose to be a reality on earth. A woman activated in this prophetic dimension will be the first to know before things happen.
The woman’s intercessory role is where her helpmate ministry begins. A woman who is not given to much prayer is a risk for the job of prophetic mid-wifery and motherhood no matter how intellectually articulate and physically attractive she is. It does not matter what she banks; because in the call her husband carries, money is the last factor in the equation of what makes things work!

The reason why you find more women than men in prayer meetings all over the world is because of her intrinsic call to link up with her first Husband and Saviour, Christ Jesus; in order to download into the earth realm the thoughts of God. Every woman should endeavour to attend at least one corporate prayer meeting per week. This will strengthen her prayer skills and stature because it is her grand call’s first and most effective weapon, beyond her education and looks.

Esther is a model wife any day; in spite of the great looks that won her the first Miss World Beauty Pageant, she knew how to fast and pray to secure the spiritual realm and get her husband and king to buy into God’s plan for her prophetic nation. This she did before she approached him physically to discuss the matter. Women who don’t know how to effectively pray over a matter before they take it to their husband may not find maximum cooperation or buy in from them. Even if your husband is a pastor or an apostle, still pray to the Father and get the favour of your Spiritual husband, Christ Jesus, before you speak to your physical husband.

King Ahaseurus had been blinded by the divination of Haman, who no doubt was deep in the art of occultism and witchcraft. He controlled the king with his witchcraft until the wife who was well raised and positioned entered the scene and changed the atmosphere. She did not accomplish it with nagging but with prophetic prevailing prayer! Those who manipulate a man of resource are always afraid to see him marry an Esther kind of wife because she prays him away from their scattering and manipulation of his life.

Men are looking for the Esther in you, so prepare yourself.

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In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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