“How long will thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? For the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man”, Jer. 31: 22 (KJV).
Reversionism or Backsliding is the negative status of the believer on earth, which is the opposite of spiritual growth. It is recession from any stage of spiritual growth, characterized by negative volition toward doctrine, a frantic search for happiness, emotional revolt and scar tissue of the soul. It is analogous to apostasy and a counterpart of evil. It is living on substitute instead of reality. It is a rejection of Bible Doctrine.
Reversionism is the picture of “until when” will you go from one man to another.The daughters have backslide, moving from one lover to another. “To go about ”Hebrew chamag means, “to wonder about, from one place to another, to turn here and there; to go from one person to another seeking for temporal happiness.
In this case, Judah was an unfaithful woman, going from one lover to another, seeking happiness through immorality and promiscuity. By doing this, she destroy her capacity to discover the Right Man.
Judah’s unfaithfulness is called ‘’backsliding’’ Hebrew "Shobah", which means, ‘’rebellion’’. That means, she knew the truth ,believe the truth, but out of her volition, chose not to obey the truth. Rather she lies on substitute. The same thing is happing with many of our daughters today. We know that it’s wrong to enter into intimate relationship with unbelievers, but that’s what we do.
The Doctrine of Right Man/Right Woman is to illustrate the relationship between Christ and Judah. Christ and the Church, and Man with his wife.
‘’The Lord has created a new thing on the earth". Jer. 31 v 22
The Hebrew word for create "bara" take us back to the origin of Man/Woman in Genesis 1: 26, 27; 5: 1-2; 2: 7, 18, 25.
In the original creation of humankind, Jesus Christ provided Right Man/Right Woman relationship and the first gift in all of human history is the woman. The ‘’new thing’’ means, a refresh thing, a recent in the order of creation.
How long will you go from one wrong man to another? For the Lord has created recent thing in the earth and here it is, ‘’A Woman shall compass a man’’. The Hebrew word ‘’woman’’ mentioned here in Jeremiah 31:22 is different from the Hebrew word Ishah mentioned in Genesis. Here, the Hebrew word used is Nagebah and it means “Female from the sexual form”. The word carries the technical idea of the anatomical structure of the woman. She is designed as a responder, to perforate without violence. It emphasis the female body which is designed in eternity pass to fit, response and complete only ONE MAN on earth.
What we have next is the phrase “Shall compass”. The verb “compass” Hb. Sabab actually describes the design of God in the embrace of the male and the female genitals.
The sexual relationship is between a Right Man/Right Woman and in this design, it is so fantastic that another person cannot duplicate it. Therefore, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, masturbation, bestiality are pervasions of divine design. Here we have Judah spiritually out of line.
A female shall compass means that the Right Woman will embrace the Right Man with technical meaning of intoxicating him. Naturally, when you intensely love a person, you develop a concentrated ado about that person. When the Right Woman discovers the Right Man and loves him in her soul, her whole attention rivets on him; he becomes her role model, the vital pattern for her life. He becomes her closest companion, influencing her thoughts and actions. No substitute can satisfy her again. She remains loyal to him.
The word “man” Hb. Gebah is different from the word Ish in Genesis. Gebah is defined as a hero, valiant, and warrior.When a woman has a Right Man, he is her hero, her model and security. Literally, until when will you go from one lover to another, oh daughter of revisionism, for the Lord has brought into existence a refreshing thing, a recent thing in the earth. For a female in her sexual from (anatomical structure) shall respond, embrace, intoxicate and totally satisfy “only” one hero in her lifetime. So, there is a perfect design without substitute anywhere under any circumstance.
Culled from my unpublish book tittle "Aggressive & Responding Love In Marriage".
“Don’t marry the person you think you can live with, marry the person you can’t live without”
Reversionism or Backsliding is the negative status of the believer on earth, which is the opposite of spiritual growth. It is recession from any stage of spiritual growth, characterized by negative volition toward doctrine, a frantic search for happiness, emotional revolt and scar tissue of the soul. It is analogous to apostasy and a counterpart of evil. It is living on substitute instead of reality. It is a rejection of Bible Doctrine.
Reversionism is the picture of “until when” will you go from one man to another.The daughters have backslide, moving from one lover to another. “To go about ”Hebrew chamag means, “to wonder about, from one place to another, to turn here and there; to go from one person to another seeking for temporal happiness.
In this case, Judah was an unfaithful woman, going from one lover to another, seeking happiness through immorality and promiscuity. By doing this, she destroy her capacity to discover the Right Man.
Judah’s unfaithfulness is called ‘’backsliding’’ Hebrew "Shobah", which means, ‘’rebellion’’. That means, she knew the truth ,believe the truth, but out of her volition, chose not to obey the truth. Rather she lies on substitute. The same thing is happing with many of our daughters today. We know that it’s wrong to enter into intimate relationship with unbelievers, but that’s what we do.
The Doctrine of Right Man/Right Woman is to illustrate the relationship between Christ and Judah. Christ and the Church, and Man with his wife.
‘’The Lord has created a new thing on the earth". Jer. 31 v 22
The Hebrew word for create "bara" take us back to the origin of Man/Woman in Genesis 1: 26, 27; 5: 1-2; 2: 7, 18, 25.
In the original creation of humankind, Jesus Christ provided Right Man/Right Woman relationship and the first gift in all of human history is the woman. The ‘’new thing’’ means, a refresh thing, a recent in the order of creation.
How long will you go from one wrong man to another? For the Lord has created recent thing in the earth and here it is, ‘’A Woman shall compass a man’’. The Hebrew word ‘’woman’’ mentioned here in Jeremiah 31:22 is different from the Hebrew word Ishah mentioned in Genesis. Here, the Hebrew word used is Nagebah and it means “Female from the sexual form”. The word carries the technical idea of the anatomical structure of the woman. She is designed as a responder, to perforate without violence. It emphasis the female body which is designed in eternity pass to fit, response and complete only ONE MAN on earth.
What we have next is the phrase “Shall compass”. The verb “compass” Hb. Sabab actually describes the design of God in the embrace of the male and the female genitals.
The sexual relationship is between a Right Man/Right Woman and in this design, it is so fantastic that another person cannot duplicate it. Therefore, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, masturbation, bestiality are pervasions of divine design. Here we have Judah spiritually out of line.
A female shall compass means that the Right Woman will embrace the Right Man with technical meaning of intoxicating him. Naturally, when you intensely love a person, you develop a concentrated ado about that person. When the Right Woman discovers the Right Man and loves him in her soul, her whole attention rivets on him; he becomes her role model, the vital pattern for her life. He becomes her closest companion, influencing her thoughts and actions. No substitute can satisfy her again. She remains loyal to him.
The word “man” Hb. Gebah is different from the word Ish in Genesis. Gebah is defined as a hero, valiant, and warrior.When a woman has a Right Man, he is her hero, her model and security. Literally, until when will you go from one lover to another, oh daughter of revisionism, for the Lord has brought into existence a refreshing thing, a recent thing in the earth. For a female in her sexual from (anatomical structure) shall respond, embrace, intoxicate and totally satisfy “only” one hero in her lifetime. So, there is a perfect design without substitute anywhere under any circumstance.
Culled from my unpublish book tittle "Aggressive & Responding Love In Marriage".
“Don’t marry the person you think you can live with, marry the person you can’t live without”
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