Sunday, September 29, 2013


"Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death". Gen 24:67 NKJV
In Genesis 24: 59-60, the greatest prayer the family of Rebecca prayed for her at her marriage ceremony was that she will enter her prophetic motherhood. They said, “thou art our sister, be thou the MOTHER of thousands of millions, and let thine seed possess the gate of those that hate them.” That is a classic example of prophetic motherhood. Beyond giving birth to the children; they prayed those children into their prophetic assignment in the nations and prayed her into a grace to make things happen in the prophetic realm. Indeed, her children possessed the gates of their enemies.

When the servant of Isaac met Rebecca, he found her at the well in the evening time. She was not a lousy type, playing with men in the evening time. The Bible said, " evening time there will be light" Zech 14:7 NASU. Rebecca was walkng in the LIGHT OF SALVATION, and not in darkness. She kept herself pure as a virgin waiting for her husband to locate her. So she went to fetch water at the well in the evening time. The well speaks of the "well of Salvation" Isa. 12: 3. She was born again and drawing water from her Savior in the evening time. It was there, in the right place, at the right time that the servant met her.

Ladies, let me ask you, "Where do you use to go in the evening time? Where do you fetch your WATER? At your boyfriend's house or at the WELL OF JESUS?" So many daughters today have broken the covenant of motherhood by sleeping with men. The book of Proverb described such ladies: "In the twilight, in the evening, In the black and dark night. 10 And there a woman met him, With the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart. 11 She was loud and rebellious, Her feet would not stay at home. 12 At times she was outside, at times in the open square, Lurking at every corner. 13 So she caught him and kissed him; With an impudent face she said to him: 14 "I have peace offerings with me; Today I have paid my vows. Prov 7:9-14 NKJV. Mark what she said, "today I have paid my vows", that is to say "Today I size to become a virgin, I will break my covenant of motherhood by sleeping with you".

The woman described above is the lousy time. Her feet would not stay at home to learn how to be a mother like Rebecca. At the evening time, she is outside with an attire of a harlot, lurking in the dark for her next victim. She is not at the right place, and definitely, no honourable man will agree to marry such a lady. She is a dumbing ground for every Dick, Tom and Harry to pour out their rubbish. So, who will marry her?

Where did the servant find Rebecca? At the WELL in the EVENING TIME.
Where was Isaac when the servant (type of the Holy Spirit) brought him a wife? Isaac was not playing with girls here and there in the evening time, but he was at the WELL meditating. "Now Isaac came from the way of Beer Lahai Roi, for he dwelt in the South. 63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening; and he lifted his eyes and looked, and there, the camels were coming. 64 Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from her camel; 65 for she had said to the servant, "Who is this man walking in the field to meet us?" The servant said, "It is my master." So she took a veil and covered herself". Gen 24:62-65 NKJV. Wow, we have a prophetic word here "Beer Lahai Roi" from the Hebrew word meaning, "the Well of Him that lives and sees me". That is the picture of the well of the Living Jesus. Isaac was at the well of Jesus who sees him and not at a party hall. He was meditating at the well in the evening time. If not because of the servant (type of the Holy Spirit), Rebecca and Isaac wouldn't have recognised each other. Everything was done in the spiritual rather than physical. This is what we call "Prophetic Marriage".

In Genesis 24: 67, we were told that Isaac brought her into his MOTHER's TENT and there he had his first sex with her after marriage. She was brought into a place where a transfer of MOTHERHOOD ANOINTING AND GRACE took place. God is calling every woman to take an oath to preserve the gate way of creation (her vagina). You are the custodian of the gate way of life and you have a choice to make it a gate way of life or a door to hell. I can hear you saying, "Pastor Jabari, are you saying that my vagina can be a door to hell?". Yes, my dear lady, King David warn his son not to entangle with a woman who is promiscious. He said, "Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, Do not stray into her paths; 26 For she has cast down many wounded, And all who were slain by her were strong men. 27 Her house (vagina) is the way to hell, Descending to the chambers of death. Prov 7:25-27 NKJV

Every WOMAN must be raised up with the understanding of what she carries as a Royal Daughter under this covenant of motherhood. The urgency to pray the woman into her prophetic motherhood is more crucial now than ever before. By the time a woman who has entered her covenant of motherhood finishes her job, satan’s plan to steal her child, kill her husband with untimely death and scatter her nation will be left in shreds and pieces.

The symbiotic relationship between the woman and all the living is so powerful that the cycles of blood demonstrated in the woman is a type and shadow of the moon cycles and seasons on earth. The woman is like the moving earth, she is like the land that receives the seed for seed time and harvest, she is like the tree that bears her fruits in the season of life, whose fruits is for the healing of the nations, she is like the sun that lights up the life and house of her man, she is like the moon that brings favour and brings the tenderness after the heat of the day. She is everything and more, she carries the covenant and mantle of motherhood that enables life to continue on earth.

Satan reckons that if he can break the woman’s covenant of motherhood with God so that she can have sex before marriage and if he can control the woman, he can control the earth and the nations because the earth and the nations have no future without the woman’s covenant of motherhood. He also chooses that she will be his Chief Executive Officer. In the kingdom of darkness, the woman is higher in rank and authority than the man firstly because she was the first to bite the fruit and secondly because satan will not accept any order that God set on earth, he must pervert it and do it the other way round. So if God says, “let the man lead”, satan will say, “let the woman lead”. If God says, “let the man and woman be together”, satan will say, “let woman and woman be together and man and man live together”. All these are attempts of insubordination from the fallen one and many have fallen for it.

Today, Jezebel, the epitome of the manipulative woman, is the Chief Operating Officer for satan in the running of nations; she serves the wines that get the nations drunk. In the book of Revelations 17:3-6, it is a woman who rides the beast. This spirit is so rife, even in the house of God. There are many women within the house, who have usurped the place of divine order. If they can’t control you, they must exclude you or label you as stubborn or arrogant. Beware; she plays the accuser card well. Remember how she accused Naboth before the elders of Israel. 1st kings 21:9-14.
My sisters, no matter how eloquently you can speak and how resourceful you may be, don’t let the spirit of Jezebel come in. It is the streak of the independent woman at work, it is the seed of Lucifer at work and by their fruits you shall know them! Lucifer declared independence from God and now is leading many silly women to declare the state of independence from God and their God given man or covenant partner(s)!
Why was queen Vashti removed? She had gone the independent route; she was singing a song of a child with no destiny, ‘independent woman’. The king said, “no problem; I will raise someone else in your place.” Any time we play that part, whether as an ecclesia or individual, God will always raise another in our place and it usually very humbling when it all plays out. An orphan called Esther, one who did not stand a chance on a normal day, was the choice God orchestrated to humble the one who thought things could not happen without her. Vashti though that the king could not get any one better than her to show off or do the job. We must all be reminded of the humble pie she ate. It is available for any of us today who act like Vashti.
The nation of Israel is built on the foundations of a prophetic seed, facilitated by the prophetic covenant of motherhood and secured by prayers over the wombs of the women, the seeds and the land. These prayers were carefully orchestrated by the hand of God through willing vessels. Will you be His willing vessel today for your HUSBAND, city and nation and the women/mothers in it? Pray, Lord, let the covenant of motherhood you have for me and my daughter(s) be activated in Jesus name that our seeds may possess the gates of those who hate us.

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In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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