Thursday, April 30, 2015



“A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, that lies all night between my breasts”. Song of Solomon 1:13

In the ancient world, women would perfume their bodies for lovemaking by putting a sachet of myrrh between their breasts. Instead of putting myrrh, she desires him to be her bundle of myrrh, sleeping all night between her breasts. Several women are longing for the touch of their husbands, but they are emotionally detached from them on the marriage bed. Some men even live in separate rooms from their wives.

Myrrh is from the Hebrew word "mowr" from the root "maarar" meaning "to drop,". The stunted trunk has a light gray odorous bark. It grew in Arabia around Saba; the gum resin exudes in drops which harden on the bark, and the flow is increased by incision into the tree. It is a transparent, brown, brittle, odorous substance, with bitter taste. But when the juice is press, it brings forth a sweet smelling scent.

Night is a time of warfare between light and darkness. Her husband comes home with bitterness because of the burden of works. And he can only find emotional comfort from his wife as he lies in her warm embrace, then his bitterness turns to sweetness. What a marvellous place for a man to rest; lying between the beautiful breasts of his beloved. If every couple will practice the principle of God’s word, marriage will be the sweetest and easiest thing on earth.

Why should a husband be myrrh to his wife all night long? Myrrh is a resin that stimulate sexual passion when rub on the body. She said, “He is a bundle of myrrh”, which means, he is like a bag of scent that stimulate her sexually. As she smells his natural male cologne when he is feeling sexy, all her erotic zones become active and waiting for his touch. Myrrh is employed in Ps 45:8, as a perfume, "All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia;" also in several passages of the Song of Solomon, "I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense" (S/S 4:6); "My hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh" (S/S 5: 1).

I love this verse, “I will get me to the mountain of myrrh”. Going to the mountain speaks of sexual climax. The wife in this passage is saying, I will not allow him to come until both of us are ready, then we both come together. Therefore, her hands and fingers will be busy caressing him until his bitter sweat become sweet smelling myrrh as he water her body all night long. Wow!
Let this be the prayer of every husband, "Lord, please make me to be a bundle of myrrh to my darling wife every night as I sleep between her breasts".


“My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blooms In the vineyards of En Gedi”. Song of Solomon 1:14

Henna is a fragrant and aromatic bush that grows intertwined among other plants. It is used for hair dye, cosmetics and temporary tattoos. Solomon compared his beloved to a cluster of henna. The picture here is of their physical closeness. They are all arms and legs and body parts entwined together like a henna bush does to other plants. And they are imprinted on each other like a tattoo to skin. Their lovemaking is as playful as little goats at Engedi delightedly celebrating life. Engedi means “fountain of the little goat”.

Solomom says, “If two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?” Eccl 4:11. The reason of the coldness in your marriage is because of your negligence of this truth. Don’t allow the baby to come in-between you and your spouse. Until you value lying together like cluster of Henna every night, there is tendency sex will leave your marriage.

As they lie together and he feels the sexual heat, he brings forth the myrrh in him. When she inhale the sweetness of his myrrh, she become a cluster of Henna and together, they reach the mountain top of sexual climax. While playing together like little goat of Engedi, he said to her, “Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, you are fair! You have dove’s eyes”. S/S1:15. A dove is a symbol of innocence, gentleness and purity. Every night, he looks at her body and admires it. He says, “Your body is fair, you have dove’s eyes, you look sexy”. And she responded, “Behold, you are handsome, my beloved! Yes, pleasant! Also our bed is green. The beams of our houses are cedar, And our rafters of fir. Song of Solomon 1:16-17

As a cluster of Henna, she entwined her whole body around him until he is intoxicated with the wine of her love. And they will make love wherever they please, even outdoors on the luxuriant green grass under cedar and cypress trees, on the carpet, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. They were adventuresome and when aroused they did not confine themselves to their bedroom.

Every man enjoys when his spouse is open to new sexual experiences and experimentation shared between them.

Let this be your prayer as a wife, “Lord make me to be a cluster of Henna to my darling husband every night until he becomes intoxicated with my love”. Culled from my upcoming eBook "Biblical Eroticism".

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