Thursday, February 10, 2011



The Lord said to me on 30th April, 2005 "Son, sit down and I will teach you the mystery of marriage and the Church: you will recover my testimony in Africa". This word from the Lord led to the birth of my teaching ministry and seminars on marriage, divorce and remarriage.

What a world we live in today! Technology and transportation have catapulted us into a new and busier lifestyle that has caused us daily on homefront. We have reinvented ourselves, accepting the idea that busier we are the better off and happier we must be. But what price are we paying when it comes to peace, harmony and happiness in marriage?

The most convincing explanations for why the divorce rate has climbed so fast revolve around this fact that the concept of marriage was organized in terms of family connections, economic dependence and survival, and largely unbreakable religious and legal covenants. Every one seemed to know the rules and followed them. Then our society changed, the rules changed, life and relationships became much more complex. We want to be happy but we don’t know how. We are traveling to a vague destination without a map or compass, and are not aware of what is causing us to be off track.

God never created anything that requires more than two or more people without a system of authority. That authority is very essential in marriage. Anytime this authority breaks down, the spiritual progress and success of humanity breaks down. We are presently in jeopardy because of the breakdown of the marriage institute and mandate.

In the corporation of marriage, the husband was first created, 1Tim. 2: 13. Then the woman was made and called by his side and together, they become heirs of the Grace of Life in Christ Jesus, 1Pet. 3: 7 (cf. Isa. 51: 2). Their marriage was designed to serve as an evidence of the spiritual covenant between Christ and the Church manifesting in the physical realm.

For marriage to stand the test of time, it must be build on Christ, the Rock. This concept of Marriage on the Rock has been initiated by the emergency and correct functioning of husband and wife relationship that last for a life time. Distortion of God’s original plan for monogamy is one way the enemy opposes kingdom advance. Many may not be found worthy to enter the kingdom as a result of their unstable marriage. The scripture said, “…the children of this world marry, and are given in marriage. But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage”. Luke 20: 34-35. Therefore, clear definitions and repositioning that describe the stability of marriage must be provided, along with actual restructuring activity that attests to and validates a new order of Marriage on the Rock so that many will be counted worthy to enter the kingdom of God on the last day.

Marriage is only here on earth: the scripture emphatically describe this age as time when people are “getting married, and given in marriage” without focusing on eternal life. They are carried away with the bliss of wedding – eating and drinking, forgetting the judgment day. Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in these last days, Luke 17: 26-27.

The missing dimension today is Christ the Rock. Except our marriages are build on the Rock, it can’t stand the great shaking or storm of life which Satan is raging against the homefront. It requires wisdom to build. If you lack wisdom, ask God and He will give it to you to build your marriage on the Rock. This is the challenge of marriage.
May I say, dear friends, as we approach this concept of Marriage on the Rock, my concern is that we shall touch reality at this time. My strong concern is that we shall go beyond theory, beyond human reasoning and meet Christ at the point of deep reality, where He is making us ONE in Him as distinct married couples.

We are in times when the building of Marriage on the Rock is immersed. There is a margin, a gap, between what is known and what is lived. And we want to get into that gap and close it up in this book.

Moment have come when God has set Himself to call His prophets to recover amongst them revelation and truth about Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage which were part of the life and testimony of the early Church, but soon lost. My life and ministry, for the most part, is spent establishing “…the things that remain”, Rev. 3: 2.

As we await the soon return of our Lord Jesus, and the emergent of the Church; that there remain on this earth, until the very end, a marriage which is a living testimony of the mystery of the revelation between Christ and the Church in the midst of His people in reality.

Culled from my ebook "Marriage on the Rock".
To secure a copy, contact me for payment detail - Email:

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In some marriages today, most women try to control their husbands and husbands try to rule over them. This control and ruling game starte...

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