This teaching is an excerpt from my unpublished book title “Adam’s Rib”.
The Lord said to me on 30th April, 2005 “Son,
sit down and I will teach you the mystery of the Church and Marriage;
You will Recover My Testimony in
Africa”. Since then God has
been using my wife and I to reach out to both the married and unmarried in
It is a fact that we are now witnessing the breakdown of marriages and relationships. The problem is not the marriage institution, because it was instituted and established by God and He said “It is good”. The problem is the people entering the institution without knowing the principles governing the institution that are causing the problem.
This means that without Biblical knowledge of the first Principle of
Marriage as established in Genesis, we will become the architect of our
you start a journey without a road map, you will end up going nowhere. Marriage
is a journey. Without a road map, we will never arrive to where we will enjoy
its fullness.
The Bible
said in Isaiah 46: 10 that God, “Declaring
the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet
done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure”. For us to fully understand the Divine Precedent of
Marriage, we must start from the beginning. The Divine Principle of Marriage
that was established by God from the BEGINNING, can’t be altered. He said, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure”.
Understanding and following His
counsel will lead us to partaking in His pleasure. That means, what gives God
pleasure, will also give us pleasure. The question now is, what is God’s
counsel on marriage?
How did God find a wife for the
first man – Adam?
Did Adam search for her?
Join me as we go back to the BEGINNING
and learn how God provided a wife for ADAM.
the Lord God caused a deep sleep to
fall upon Adam and he slept:” Genesis 2:21a
The Hebrew
word for “deep sleep” is tardemah yashen and it means, “To slack, to remain long, to keep on
sleeping”. This refers to absolute silence, trust and rest in God’s
providence. This “deep sleep” is a
position of deep trust and rest in God’s promises. “And Adam slept’, it is the man that God must first work upon. The
reason for the work is to prepare a room in his heart to accommodate a wife.
But unfortunately, many men are getting out of this “deep sleep” position and as a result, they experience heart breaks
in relationship.
Brothers, if
you desire to discover the right woman, GO
and SLEEP. Remember it was when Adam slept that the Lord took one of his
ribs and made a Right Woman for him. “…and
he took one of his ribs, and closed
up the flesh instead thereof.” Genesis 2: 21b
The word “took” from the Hebrew root Achaz means, “to seize violently” with the idea of holding in possession until
the appointed time and thereafter to restore it back to the rightful owner. The
woman was violently pull out of man, and will violently come back to him with
great interest. Her returning from the Lord reveals the principle of grace
which will be explain later.
Are you
sleeping spiritually and resting with full confidence that God is preparing a
wife for you or you are awake, falling in and out of relationships? Unless you
sleep and wait on God, it will be difficult for you to find a godly wife.
“And the rib, which the Lord God had taken
from man, made he a woman,” Genesis
2: 22a
Here we have
another beautiful word “Made” from the Hebrew word Banah meaning, “to manufacture something out of something”. In another context,
it has the more precise meaning “to
sculpture something according to pattern”. The soul of the man and that of
woman were created (brought into existent out of nothing) in
the same day, but it was later that the woman’s body was made out of an existing material, Adam’s Rib.
When the
Lord God took the RIB, He made a wife for the man. The wife you are looking for
is at the hand of the Master. He is making her to be a wife material. Until God
is satisfied that she is now fit to be a wife, He will not reveal her to you. Therefore,
it is required that you WAIT and keep on sleeping. Don’t open your eyes, less
Satan gives you a SUBSTITUTE.
According to Genesis 2: 22, the Lord “…brought her unto the man”. The word “brought” means, “to bear, or
carry, to lead or to bring up to”. This principle reveals the efficacy of
divine grace in marriage. The man did not need to labour or work to earn her;
she is a grace gift from God. The man is to sleep and wait until God wake him
to see the woman He brought to him.
The book of Proverbs 19: 14 said, “…but a prudent wife is from the Lord”. The word “prudent” from the Hebrew word “Sakal” means “cause to be wise, cause to succeed, to make sensible”. The word ‘from the Lord’ refers to the principles of
Marriage Grace. She is a grace gift ‘from
the Lord’ and the man who obtained her “obtained
favour (prosperity, wealth, wisdom) from
the Lord”, Prov. 18: 22. She is a woman imbued with the ability to make the
man sensible (wise) and to cause him to succeed in all his endeavours on earth.
But an adulterous woman will hunt for his soul and destroy his potential of
ever becoming a man that God design him to be. Proverb 7: 7-27 mentioned a
senseless young man who strayed at her path and ended up a victim of misfortune.
Until God brings her to you, any other
woman will be a heart break.
When Adam
woke up from his deep sleep position, behold a woman standing before him. He
saw her in glory after God open his eyes. Adam was not walking in the fleshing
and searching for a life partner. The Bible said that immediately he saw her,
he knew she is the wife God has provided for him. He did not waste her time
with a prolong courtship. He did not put a ring in her finger. He did not cohabit
with her in order to taste her before marriage. But Adam immediately announced,
“this is now bone of my bones, and flesh
of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man”, Genesis
2:23a. Adam identified her as his very essence. He did not search for her, but
God brought her to him. He suddenly discovered that this is the right woman specially
designed by God for him and they got married.
It will take
divine DISCOVERY for you to recognize your wife to be. And it is only possible in
the presence of God. Once you step out of God’s presence, you are on your own.
The word “discovers” from the Hebrew matsa means, “to gain knowledge about something”. In the middle voice, it means “to acquire or obtain, to perceive
distinctly, discern clearly, come in sight of, expose to view, have a sudden
realisation of”. This described what happened to Adam in the garden. He discovered
her in God’s presence. In the same vein, the writer of Proverb used the word “find” which carry the same meaning with
the word “discover” and different
from the modern usage of the word Search.
Prov. 18: 22.
NOTE: the
use of this term by - “Single and Still Searching” (SSS) is offensive. A woman is not a MISSING RIB, but a HIDDEN RIB. “Missing” is a word referring to
something that is lost and may be found only when physical labour is applied.
While the word “hidden” means “something
kept out of sight or view, something concealed from, reserved for or kept
secret from; to cause something to remain unknown, with the implication of
concealment and inaccessibility”. It also means, “to cover as with a veil”. A woman is not a missing rib, but a
hidden rib. She is a grace gift in the hands of Christ the Master, in the place
of formation and structuring. She is divinely concealed and reserved for the
right man and for an appointed time. She is physically and temporarily
concealed from the right man’s intuitive recognition.
This is
God’s perfect design for discovering a life partner. But a loose woman can get
out of this “concealment” and become
an open target to marry the wrong man. Ladies, never get out of this place of
covering. Stay in the presence of God. Let the man find you in God’s presence.
Adam SAID, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”. Genesis
2: 23b
The word “said” Hebrew dabar means, “to say, to
command, to promise, to order or to announce”. Adam first speaks out; this
is divine designed. It takes the man to discover the right woman. At this
point, the man has not yet touched her. Why? The identification was done in the
soul realm, not through DREAMS and VISION. Adam saw her in a different way. He
announced, “this is my very essence”.
Their anatomical (bones) and
physiological structure (flesh) were
compatible with each other.
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and
his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And
they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”. Genesis
2: 24-25
Notice: Sex
comes last. Sex before marriage destroys the capability of ever discovering a
compatible life partner. Sex before marriage is prohibited by God’s Word. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed
undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”. Hebrews 13: 4.
We can
learn much from this because it has never changed. The Lord Jesus Christ still
make the woman for the man and brings them together by grace in marriage at the
right time, if we only allow Him to have His way. She is built to
specifications to fit the man physically, soulishly and spiritually just as Eve (Adam's right woman) in the Garden.
A man
or a woman is incomplete without his/her right partner. The Lord never built
them to be single in the first place. Divine design has provided the perfect
solution if we can just allow it without getting in the way! More on this part
will be elaborated in subsequent lessons.
“It will take you one
minute to get into marriage, and a life time to get out. So, make the right
“Marry a Man
without a biblical mission and you will have no eternal vision; Marry a Man
without his eternal vision and you will violate your biblical mission! Marry a Woman who does not believe in the biblical mission and you will
lose your vision; Marry a Woman who does not have the biblical vision and you
will fail at your eternal mission!”